Support in preparing the analytical background for strategic documents related to the Croatian economic and development policy during the EU accession process
Commissioned by: Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU funds (CODEF)
Project duration: November 1, 2008 – February 15, 2009
Project manager: Sandra Švaljek, PhD
Project outline:
1) Preparation of the integrated analitical background for the National Strategic Reference Framework, Chapter: Socio-economic analysis of Croatia
- general information about Croatia
- macroeconomic situation in Croatia
- socio-economic analysis
- SWOT analysis on the national level
- macroeconomic and socio-economic analysis of Croatian regions
- SWOT analysis on the regional level
2) Providing support in defining the strategic objectives of NSRF as well as the relevant strategic priorities
3) Transfer of knowledge and skills to the CODEF staff, in relation to the preparation of documents under 1) and 2).