EIZ Seminar "What goes around, comes around: The impact of childhood relationship with parents on future caregiving decisions" held
Another interesting EIZ Seminar event was held at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, when Tibor Kovač (The Institute of Economics, Zagreb) presented the paper:
What goes around, comes around: The impact of childhood relationship with parents on future caregiving decisions
EIZ Seminar is a platform intended for in-house researchers, external associates, and international guest lecturers wishing to present their latest research findings and to discuss current scientific topics.
For more information about the presenter and presentation, please see the attached document.

This presentation was made as part of the project "Labour Markets and Well-being in the Context of an Ageing Population" at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb and funded within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026 - NextGenerationEU.