Invitation to the conference "Digitalization Index - The Potential and Obstacles to Faster Growth"

We invite you to attend the conference
“Digitalization Index – The Potential and Obstacles to Faster Growth” organized by The Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, The Faculty of Organization and Informatics of the University of Zagreb and The Faculty of Economics of the University of Rijeka.
The conference will take place on
July 2, 2018 at 12:00 in the Congress Hall of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb,
Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6.
The host of the conference is The Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb, and for the first time the conference will present the key findings on the degree of digitalization of Croatia, reached within the wider international study “The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Western Balkans: Tackling the Challenges towards Political Stability and Economic Prosperity”. This is the first study that has computed digitalization indices of six Western Balkan countries and put them in mutual relationship. The study confirmed a strong impact of digitalization on economic and social development. It is estimated that an increase in the general level of digitalization of 10 percent permanently increases the GDP growth rate by 0.63 percent, and that an increase in digitalization of 1 percent in production companies permanently increases employment by 1.2 percent. Specific recommendations will be presented for removing the obstacles that are slowing down the digital development of Croatia.
The study, launched within the WB6 Regional Initiative on Digitalization of the Western Balkans, will be presented by research leaders:
- Maruška Vizek, PhD, Director of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb
- Florian Bieber, PhD, Director of the Centre for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz, Austria
After the presentation, a panel discussion will be held on the results of the study, in which the key stakeholders in Croatia’s digitalization process will share their views on how to accelerate the digitalization process and exploit its full potential.
Please confirm your attendance here no later than Sunday, July 1.