Join our team!

If there are currently no open calls or those that are open do not match your interests and/or qualifications, we would be happy to take into consideration your open job application. We are constantly looking for talented researchers, both those who are already in the academia and those who are yet to become a part of it.

Contact us if:
  • you have earned your master’s degree with honors, you are skilled in quantitative methods and are interested in continuing your education at the doctoral level in the fields of economics, mathematics, sociology or psychology
  • you are already attending a doctoral program in economics, mathematics, statistics, sociology or psychology
  • you have earned your doctoral degree or have already been appointed to a scientific rank in the fields of economics, mathematics, sociology or psychology.

Send us an open job application including your CV, a list of publications, an overview of academic and other achievements and a short motivation letter.

By sending an open job application you agree to be informed about job advertisements for which you possess required qualifications. Your personal data are confidential and will not be handed over, released or disclosed to third parties and will be processed according to the valid regulations. The applicant can withdraw this consent at any time without explanation and request the Institute to stop processing their personal data. Withdrawal of consent can be requested via e-mail. The data are being processed solely for the purpose of considering your job application.

You can send your open job application to