Job advertisement for the scientific job position of senior research fellow in permanent position and research associate

July 15, 2020

The Institute of Economics, Zagreb based on Article 40, Paragraphs 1 and 2, and Article 41 of the Scientific Activity and Higher Education Act (Official Gazette 123/03, 198/03, 105/04, 174/04, 02/07, 46/07, 45/09, 63/11, 94/13, 139/13, 101/14, 60/15, 131/17), and Articles 37 and 63 of the Statute of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, and in accordance with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Education of June 10, 2020, is issuing the following

J O B   A D V E R T I S E M E N T

I. Job advertisement for the scientific job position of senior research fellow in permanent position, in the scientific area of social sciences – field of economics, permanent employment contract, 1 employee.
Requirements: Applicants must meet the requirements for appointment into the scientific job position of senior research fellow in permanent position as prescribed by the Scientific Activity and Higher Education Act (the Act) and the Institute’s Ordinance on Additional Criteria for Appointment to Research Positions (the Ordinance).
Advantages: Advantage will be given to applicants who have published papers and participated in scientific and development research in the fields of: Trade, JEL classification F1; Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance, JEL classification F4.

II. Job advertisement for the scientific job position of  research associate, in the scientific area of social sciences – field of economics, permanent employment contract, 1 employee.
Requirements: Applicants must meet the requirements for appointment into the scientific job position of research associate as prescribed by the Scientific Activity and Higher Education Act (the Act) and the Institute’s Ordinance on Additional Criteria for Appointment to Research Positions (the Ordinance).
Advantages: Advantage will be given to applicants who have published papers and participated in scientific and development research in the fields of: Household Behavior and Family Economics, JEL classification D1; Production and Organizations, JEL classification: D2; Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue, JEL classification: H2.

III. Appointment into the scientific job positions is conducted in accordance with Article 40 through Article 42 of the Act.
Enclosed with their signed application, applicants must send: their curriculum vitae, evidence of academic degree, evidence of scientific rank (if the applicant has been appointed to a scientific rank), completed Form on Compliance with the Criteria from the Ordinance on Additional Criteria for Appointment to Research Positions, list of published scientific papers, list of research projects the applicant has participated in. The Ordinance and Form on Compliance with the Criteria from the Ordinance are available at the Institute’s website at
IV. Female and male candidates are equally encouraged to apply for the job advertisement. The deadline for application is 30 days from the publication of this job advertisement. Applications should be sent to: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Trg J. F. Kennedyja 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia and marked as “Application for the Scientific Job Advertisement”. Late applications will not be considered. Candidates that meet all the formal requirements will be invited to an interview. The selection results will be announced within 8 days after the successful candidate is selected on the Institute’s website at
V. By sending the job application, the applicant is giving the Institute of Economics, Zagreb consent to collect and process personal data listed in the application and in the enclosed documents, for the purpose of candidate selection, as well as consent to announce the selection results on the Institute’s website. Personal data that are collected will be processed according to the valid regulations. The applicant can withdraw this consent at any time without explanation and request the Institute to stop processing their personal data. Withdrawal of consent can be requested via e-mail.
 The Institute of Economics, Zagreb


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