The EIZmetrics project successfully completed
At the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, another project is successfully completed – Establishment of a Multifunctional Classroom at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb – EIZmetrics. The main activity and the goal of this project was to establish a multipurpose computer classroom at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb.
The implementation of the project lasted for 2 years, with its total value of 1.469.940,00 Croatian kuna, funded by a grant within the Call "Development and strengthening of synergies with horizontal activities of HORIZON 2020: Twinning and ERA Chairs" (European Regional Development Fund).
This project aimed to establish a multifunctional classroom that can strengthen the innovation capacity of EIZ by improving RDI infrastructure and procurement of the equipment necessary for knowledge transfer, dissemination of results, and implementation of research and development projects, strengthening scientific research capacity and international visibility of EIZ, strengthening international cooperation as well as institutional cooperation with stakeholders from different sectors, better involvement of EIZ researchers and their activities in the European Research Area and building international research networks.
In addition to fulfilling the stated goal, the multifunctional classroom also provides new content to the existing specialized library of the Institute, the largest and oldest library in Croatia in the field of economics, which collects, processes and preserves valuable materials in the field of economics.

The successful implementation of the project ensured a continuous improvement of the quality of research at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb and provided the preconditions for changing the culture of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb by interacting with current and future stakeholders and creating a desirable environment for research. Unlike previous projects in which our scientists produced non-material goods, this project was different as the main output was a material one, which has increased the value of EIZ assets.
We want to congratulate project manager
Zoran Aralica, PhD, and associates
Marina Tkalec, PhD,
Tajana Barbić, PhD, and
Maruška Vizek, PhD, as well as all others who contributed to the realization of this project.
You can find more photos in the gallery below.