WoS radovi (CC)



  1. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Nataša Kurnoga i Blaženka Knežević, 2024, "Segmenting Croatian university students and investigating their tendency to adopt innovative food products based on their food-related lifestyles”, British Food Journal, 127 (2025), 3; str. 1114-1130. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-06-2024-0595
  2. Jacobs, Karen, Kirsten Beshay, Sophia Courtney, Maruška Vizek, Sarah Holguin i Kayleen Panlilio, 2025, „Working from home and well-being“Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 13. ožujka 2025. DOI: 10.1177/10519815251320





  1. Frey, Barbara, Bruno Škrinjarić i Jelena Budak, 2024, "Private sector perspective on corruption and informality: a comparative analysis of Serbia and Croatia". Post-Communist Economies, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 1. veljače 2024. DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2024.2306424
  2. Stojčić, Nebojša i Maruška Vizek, 2024, "Did COVID-19 grants support tourism firms in securing survival and employment? Evidence from Croatia"
    Tourism Management, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 23. ožujka 2024. DOI:10.1016/j.tourman.2024.104934
  3. Ledić, Marko, Ivica Rubil i Ivica Urban, 2024, "Using tax records to correct for under-representation of top income sources in surveys"Fiscal Studies, 45(4), str. 521-541. DOI: 10.1111/1475-5890.12363
  4. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Ivana Kursan Milaković i Mitsunori Hirogaki, 2024, "The impact of legitimacy types on customer loyalty and moderating role of the perceived COVID-19 threat: cross-country comparison between Japan and Croatia”Journal of marketing management, 40(9-10). DOI:10.1080/0267257X.2024.2338207
  5. Stojčić, Nebojša, Maruška Vizek i Josip Glaurdić, 2024, "Short-term rental expansion and residential displacement in tourism communities: evidence from Croatia", Regional Studies, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 21. svibnja 2024. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2024.2346664
  6. Anić, Ivan-Damir; Mirela Mihić i Ivana Kursan Milaković, 2024, "Investigating the determinants and effects of prestige sensitivity in fashion retailing". E & M Ekonomie a Management, 27 (2024), 2; str.183-200. DOI:10.15240/tul/001/2024-2-011
  7. Rubil, Ivica, Marina Tkalec i Ivan Žilić, 2024, “Nejednakosti inflacije u Hrvatskoj“, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 31(1); str. 1-28. DOI:10.3935/rsp
  8. Slijepčević, Sunčana, Tanja Broz i Ivana Rašić, 2024, "The Capacities and Sustainability of Croatian Cities in Performing Municipal Services“. Sustainability, 16 (17),  str. 1-17. DOI: 10.3390/su16177277
  9. Stubbs, Paul, 2024, "Croatia’s Uneasy First Decade in the European Union“. Current history, 123 (851), str.101-106. DOI: 10.1525/curh.2024.123.851.101
  10. Frey, Barbara, Bruno Škrinjarić and Jelena Budak, 2024, „Perceived Corruption and Informality among Croatian Businesspeople“Journal of East European management studies, 29 (1), str. 124-156. DOI: 10.5771/0949-6181-2024-1-124
  11. Swianiewicz, Pawel, Julita Łukomska, Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović i Desislava Kalcheva, 2024, "The size of the size effect. The impact of splits of municipalities on the performance of local governments in Bulgaria, Croatia and Poland", Local Government Studies, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 16. studenog 2024. DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2024.2427237




  1. Vizek, Maruška, Tajana Barbić i Anita Čeh Časni, 2023, „The impact of the tourism accommodation composition on housing prices: The case of Croatia“,
    Tourism Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 02. lipnja 2023. DOI: 10.1177/13548166231180417 
  2. Stubbs, Paul i Mislav Žitko, 2023, "Beyond crony capitalism: financialization, flexible actors and private power in transition economies—the case of Agrokor". Socio-Economic Review, (2023), DOI: 10.1093/ser/mwad035
  3. Mikulić, Davor, Željko Lovrinčević i Damira Keček, 2023,  „Economic effects of food supply chain re-localization on the Croatian economy“, Agricultural and food economics, 11 (2023.), DOI: 10.1186/s40100-023-00281-8
  4. Barišić, Patrik, Tibor Kovač i Vladimir Arčabić, 2023, „More than just supply and demand: Macroeconomic shock decomposition in Croatia during and after the transition period“,  Structural change and economic dynamics, 67 (2023), str. 420-438. DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2023.09.006
  5. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Ivana Kursan Milaković i Hirogaki Mitsunori, 2023, “Consumer responses to store-related stimuli in a crisis: Evidence from Japan and Croatia”International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management., 52 (2023), 2; str. 201-219. DOI: 10.1108/IJRDM-12-2022-0520
  6. Mateljak, Željko i  Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, 2023, "Međuzavisnost rodne zastupljenosti i postignutih rezultata u tijelima državne uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj". Revija za socijalnu politiku, 30(2), str. 223-241.





  1. Stubbs, Paul, 2022,  "Colonialism, Racism, and Eastern Europe: Revisiting Whiteness and the Black Radical Tradition" .Sociological forum, 37(1), str. 311-319. 
  2. Payne, James E., Saban Nazlioglu i Andrea Mervar, 2022, “Economic Policy Uncertainty and International Tourist Arrivals: A Disaggregated Analysis of the Croatian Adriatic Coast”, Tourism Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 1. ožujka 2022., DOI: 10.1177/13548166221078807
  3. Stojčić, Nebojša, Korneliusz Pylak i Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, 2022, "The spatial impact of entrepreneurial zones: firm, city and inter-city evidence". Regional Studies, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 4. travnja 2022. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2022.2046264
  4. Drilo, Boris, Nebojša Stojčić i Maruška Vizek, 2022, "Broadband speed and firm entry in digitally intensive sectors: The case of Croatia"Društvena istraživanja : Journal for General Social Issues, 31(1), str. 19-38.
  5. Anić, Ivan-Damir i Nicoletta Corrocher, 2022, "Patterns of value creation in policy-driven cluster initiatives: Evidence from the Croatian Competitiveness Clusters"Journal of Evolutionary Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 19. travnja 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s00191-022-00766-7
  6. Vizek, Maruška, Nebojša Stojčić i Josip Mikulić, 2022, „Spatial Spillovers of Tourism Activity on Housing Prices: The Case of Croatia“Tourism Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 11. lipnja 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/13548166221106442
  7. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Ivana Rašić i Zoran Aralica, 2022, „What do Members Expect from Cluster Membership? The Case of the Croatian Wood Cluster“E & M Ekonomie a Management, 25(2)
  8. Ledić, Marko, Rubil, Ivica i Urban, Ivica, 2022, "Tax progressivity and social welfare with a continuum of inequality views". International Tax and Public Finance, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 3. kolovoza 2022. DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s10797-022-09752-y
  9. Mikulić, Davor, Damira Keček i Nikolina Žajdela Hrustek, 2022, "Effects of COVID-19 on adriatic and continental Croatia tourism: a regional input-output perspective". Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 12. studenog 2022. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2142811
  10. Rubil, Ivica, 2022, "Distributivni učinci ukidanja „socijalno motiviranih“ sniženih stopa PDV radi povećanja izdašnosti i obuhvata ciljanih transfera: mikrosimulacijska analiza za Hrvatsku"Revija za socijalnu politiku, 29(2), str. 129-161.
  11. Kordej-De Villa Željka i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2022, "Impact of COVID-19 on Croatian island tourism: a study of residents’ perceptions", Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 12. studenog 2022. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2142631
  12. Payne, James E., Luis A Gil-Alana, Andrea Mervar i Maria Goenechea, 2022, „Tourist arrivals and overnight stays along the Croatian Adriatic Coast: Changes in persistence and seasonality from the COVID-19 disruption“Tourism Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 24. lipnja 2022. DOI: 10.1177/13548166221110
  13. Mervar, Andrea i Maja Jokić, 2022, „Core-Periphery Nexus in the EU Social Sciences: Bibliometric Perspective“, Scientometrics, 127(10), str. 5793-5817, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 22. kolovoza 2022., DOI: 10.1007/s11192-022-04493-5.
  14. Payne, James E., Saban Nazlioglu i Andrea Mervar, 2022, „Regional Tourism Convergence: A Disaggregated Analysis of Croatia“, Applied Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 14. studenoga 2022., DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2022.2141460.
  15. Mikulić, Davor i Damira Keček, 2022, „Investments in Croatian RES Plants and Energy Efficient Building Retrofits: Substitutes or Complements“, Energies, 15(1), DOI: 10.3390/en15010002
  16. Škrinjarić, Bruno, 2022,  "Competence-based approaches in organizational and individual context", Humanities and social sciences communications, 9(28), str.1-12. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-022-01047-1





  1. Botrić, Valerija i Ljiljana Božić, 2021, "The digital divide and E-government in European economies", Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 4. siječnja 2021., DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2020.1863828
  2. Budak, Jelena, Edo Rajh, Sunčana Slijepčević i Bruno Škrinjarić, 2021, "Conceptual Research Framework of Consumer Resilience to Privacy Violation Online"Sustainability, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 25. siječnja 2021., DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031238
  3. Kukoč, Marin,  Bruno Škrinjarić i Juračak Josip, 2021, "The impact assessment of the EU pre-accession funds on agriculture  and food companies: The Croatian case", Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 19(3), DOI: https://doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2021193-16764
  4.  Ledić, Marko i Ivica Rubil, 2021, "Beyond Wage Gap, Towards Job Quality Gap: The Role of Inter-Group Differences in Wages, Non-Wage Job Dimensions, and Preferences", Social Indicators Research, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 24. siječnja 2021.
  5. Mikulić, Josip, Maruška Vizek, Nebojša Stojčić, James E. Payne, Anita Čeh Časni i Tajana Barbić, 2021, "The Effect of Tourism Activity on Housing Affordability", Annals of Tourism Research, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 30. lipnja 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2021.103264
  6. Payne, James E., Luis A. Gil-Alana i Andrea Mervar, 2021, "Persistence in Croatian tourism: The impact of COVID-19"Tourism Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 12. ožujka 2021, DOI: 10.1177/1354816621999969
  7. Lukić, Aleksandar, Petra Radeljak Kaufmann, Luka Valožić, Ivan Županc, Marin Cvitanović i Ivan Žilić, 2021, "Croatian rural futures in 2030: four alternative scenarios for postsocialist countryside in the newest EU member state"Geographical Review, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 21. siječnja 2021. DOI: 10.1080/00167428.2020.1871298
  8. Radas Sonja i Dražen Prelec, 2021, „Predicted preference conjoint analysis“, PLoS One, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 26. kolovoza 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0256010
  9. Srhoj, Stjepan, Bruno Škrinjarić, Sonja Radas i  Janette Walde, 2021, „Small matching grants for women entrepreneurs: lessons from the past recession“, Small Business Economics59, str. 117-142. DOI: 10.1007/s11187-021-00524-2
  10. Recher, Vedran, 2021. „History Matters: Life Satisfaction in Tansition Countries“Journal of happiness studies, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 21.6.2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-021-00393-2
  11. Mikulić, Davor, Damira Keček i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2021, "Economic and regional spillovers of energy efficiency investments in buildings", Energy and Buildings, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 27. rujna 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111518
  12. Andrijić, Marijana i Tajana Barbić, 2021, "When the Going Gets Tough … the Effect of Economic Reform Programmes on National Well-Being", Sustainability, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 19. listopada 2021. DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011557
  13. Kunovac Davor i Ivan Žilić, 2021, "The effect of housing loan subsidies on affordability: Evidence from Croatia"Journal of Housing Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 2. listopada 2021., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhe.2021.101808
  14. Stojčić, Nebojša, Josip Mikulić i Maruška Vizek, 2021, "High season, low growth: The impact of tourism seasonality and vulnerability to tourism on the emergence of high growth firms", Tourism Management, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 19. studenoga 2021., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104455
  15. Tkalec, Marina i Ivan Žilić, 2021, „Does proximity to conflict affect tourism: Evidence from NATO bombing“, PLoS One, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 20. listopada 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258195
  16. Slijepčević, Sunčana i Željka Kordej-De Villa, 2021, "Public Attitudes toward Renewable Energy in Croatia", Energies, 14(23), rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 3. prosinca 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en14238111





  1. Budak, Jelena, Edo Rajh, Goran Buturac i Anamarija Brković, 2020, „Tobacco Grey Market in the Western Balkans“, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 23(1), str. 62-77.
  2. Cvitanić, Jakša, Dražen Prelec, Sonja Radas i Hrvoje Šikić, 2020, "Incentive compatible surveys via posterior probabilities", Theory of Probability and its Applications , 65(2), str. 368-408.
  3. Mikulić, Davor, 2020, „Volume of the unofficial economy in the Western Balkan region“, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 12. studenog 2020., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2020.1844584
  4. Mikulić, Davor i Goran Buturac, 2020, "In What Measure Is Public Finance Sustainability Threatened by Illicit Tobacco Trade: The Case of Western Balkan Countries", Sustainability, 12(1), str. 1-19.
  5. Mikulić, Davor, Željko Lovrinčević i Damira Keček, 2020, " Valorization of economic effects from the programme of energy renovation of public buildings in Croatia", Building Research and Information, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 17. listopada 2020., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2020.1832433
  6. Mikulić, Davor, Sunčana Slijepčević i Goran Buturac, 2020, "Energy renovation of multi apartment buildings: Contributions to economy and climate changes", Energy and Buildings, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 25. lipnja 2020., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110247 
  7. Milaković, Kursan, Ivana, Ivan-Damir Anić i Mirela Mihić, 2020, "Drivers and Consequences of Word of Mouth Communication from the Senders’ and Receivers’ Perspectives: The Evidence from the Croatian Adult Population", Economic Research -Ekonomska istraživanja, 33(1), str. 1667-1684. 
  8. Monastiriotis, Vassilis i Ivan Žilić, 2020, „The economic effects of political disintegration: Lessons from Serbia and Montenegro“, European Journal of Political Economy, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 21. kolovoza 2020., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2020.101938
  9. Radas, Sonja, Andrea Mervar i Bruno Škrinjarić, 2020, "Regional Perspective on R&D Policies for SMEs: Does Success Breed Success?", Sustainability, 12(9), str. 1-25.
  10. Recher, Vedran, 2020, "Illegal tobacco demand: The case of Western Balkan", Economic Analysis and Policy, 66, str. 182-193.
  11. Slijepčević, Sunčana, Edo Rajh i Jelena Budak, 2020, „Determinants of corruption pressures on local government in the E.U.“, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), str. 3492-3508.
  12. Stojčić, Nebojša, Ivan-Damir Anić i Tonći Svilokos, 2020, "The Entrepreneurial Gains from Market Integration in the New EU Member States"Small Business Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 16. lipnja 2020., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-020-00363-7
  13. Vukina, Tomislav i Danijel Nestić, 2020, „Paying for animal welfare? A hedonic analysis of egg prices“Agribusiness, 36(4), str. 613-630.





  1. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Nicoletta Corrocher, Andrea Morrison i Zoran Aralica, 2019, "The development of competitiveness clusters in Croatia: a survey-based analysis", European planning studies, 27(11), str.2227-2247.
  2. Anić, Ivan-Damir,  Vatroslav Škare i Ivana Kursan Milaković, 2019, "The determinants and effects of online privacy concerns in the context of e-commerce", Electronic commerce research and applications, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 8. lipnja 2019., DOI: 10.1016/j.elerap.2019.100868
  3. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Vedran Recher, Vatroslav Škare i Bruno Škrinjarić, 2019, "Extended model of online privacy concern: what drives consumers' decisions?", Online Information Review, 43(5), str. 799-817.
  4. Buturac, Goran, Davor Mikulić i Petra Palić, 2019, "Sources of export growth and development of manufacturing industry: empirical evidence from Croatia", Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), str. 101-124.
  5. Cvitanić, Jakša, Dražen Prelec, Sonja Radas i Hrvoje Šikić, 2019, "Game of Duels: Information-Theoretic Axiomatization of Scoring Rules", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 65(1), str. 530 - 537.
  6. Galić, Zvonimir, Maja Parmač Kovačić i Maja Vehovec, 2019, "Quality of working life among 50+ employees across the EU : a double jeopardy for Croatian older workers", Društvena istraživanja, 28(1), str. 63-87.
  7. Glaurdić, Josip, Cristophe Lesschaeve i Maruška Vizek, 2019, "Consolidated democracy advantage : political instability and sovereign spreads in the EU", Comparative European Politics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicana 4. srpnja 2019., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41295-019-00193-2
  8. Hodžić, Sabina i Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, 2019, "The efficiency of regional government expenditure in smart tourist destination: the case of Croatia", ToSEE - Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe, 5, str. 307-318.
  9. Holzner, Mario, Marina Tkalec i Goran Vukšić, 2019, "Composition of Trade Flows and the Effectiveness of Fiscal Devaluation", The World Economy,  42(2), str. 453-477.
  10. Jokić, Maja, Andrea Mervar i Stjepan Mateljan, 2019, "Comparative analysis of book citations in social science journals by Central and Eastern European authors", Scientometrics, 120(3), str. 1005-1029.
  11. Jokić, Maja, Andrea Mervar i Stjepan Mateljan, 2019, "The development of political science in Cental and Eastern Europe: Bibliometric perspective, 1996-2013", European Political Science, 18(3), str. 491-509.
  12. Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Ivana Rašić Bakarić i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2019, "Impact assessment of entrepreneurial zones on local economic outcome", Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), str. 3112-3127.
  13. Kaasch, Alexandra, Paul Stubbs i Fiona Williams, 2019, "Combining Social Policy and Development Studies: The Legacy of Bob Deacon", Development and Change, 50(2), str. 592-602.
  14. Keček, Damira, Davor Mikulić i Željko Lovrinčević, 2019, "Deployment of renewable energy : economic effects on the Croatian economy", Energy Policies, 126, str. 402-410.
  15. Knežević, Blaženka, Nataša Kurnoga i Ivan-Damir Anić, 2019, "Typology of univesity students regarding attitudes towards food waste", British food journal, 121(11), str. 2578-2591.
  16. Mikulić, Davor i Željko Lovrinčević, 2019, "The import content of Croatian economic sectors and final demand", Economic Research- Ekonomska istraživanja, 31(1), str. 2003-2023.
  17. Radas, Sonja i Dražen Prelec, 2019, "Whose data can we trust: How meta-predictions can be used to uncover credible respondents in survey data", PLoSOne, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 2. prosinca 2019., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225432
  18. Rašić Bakarić, Ivana, Katarina Bačić i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2019, "City specialisation and diversification in South East Europe countries (SEE)", E & M - Ekonomie a Management, 22(2), str.  4-21.
  19. Recher, Vedran i Ivica Rubil, 2019, "More tourism, more crime: evidence from Croatia", Social Indicators Research, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 16. srpnja 2019., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-019-02160-6
  20. Slijepčević, Sunčana, 2019, "Measuring efficiency at the regional level : a data envelopment analysis approach",  Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, 17(39), str. 679-696.
  21. Slijepčević, Sunčana, Davor Mikulić i Kristijan Horvat, 2019, "Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the installation of heat-cost allocators in multifamily buildings in Croatia", Energies, 12(3), str. 507.
  22. Srhoj, Stjepan, Bruno Škrinjarić i Sonja Radas, 2019, "Bidding against the odds? The impact evaluation of grants for young micro and small firms during the recession",  Small Business Economics, 56(1), str. 83-103.
  23. Stojčić, Nebojša, Ivan-Damir Anić i Zoran Aralica, 2019,  "Do firms in clusters perform better? Lessons from wood-processing industries in new EU member states" , Forest Policy and Economics, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 31. listopada 2019., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102043
  24. Stojčić, Nebojša, Ivan-Damir Anić i Zoran Aralica, 2019, "Spatio - temporal determinants of structural and productive transformation of regions in Central and East European Countries",  Economic systems, 43(3-4), str. 1-12.
  25. Stubbs, Paul i Noémi Lendvai‐Bainton, 2019,  "Authoritarian Neoliberalism, Radical Conservatism and Social Policy within the European Union: Croatia, Hungary and Poland", Development and Change, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 12. prosinca 2019., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/dech.12565
  26. Škrinjarić, Bruno, Jelena Budak i Edo Rajh, 2019,  "Perceived quality of privacy protection regulations and online privacy concern", Economic Research- Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), str. 982-1000.
  27. Škrinjarić, Bruno i Polona Domadenik, 2019, “Examining the role of key competences in firm performance”, International Journal of Manpower, 41(4) , str. 391-416.
  28. Tkalec, Marina, Maruška Vizek i Goran Vukšić, 2019, "Fiscal Devaluation and Real Exchange Rates in the Euro Area: Some Econometric Insights", Review of International Economics, 27(2), str. 694-710.


  1. Andrijić, Marijana i Tajana Barbić, 2018, "Trick or Treat? The effect of IMF Programmes on Mobilising FDI in CESEE Countries", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a úvĕr), 68(3), str. 245-265.
  2. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Mirela Mihić i Ivana-Kursan Milaković, 2018, "Antecedents and outcomes of fashion innovativeness in retailing", The Service Industries Journal, 38(9-10), str. 543-560.
  3. Bačić, Katarina, Ivana Rašić Bakarić i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2018, "Sources of productivity differentials in manufacturing in post-transition urban South-East Europe Post-Communist Economies",  Post-Communist Economies, 30(4), str. 526-548.
  4. Botrić, Valerija i Iva Tomić, 2018, "EU-Mediterranean Youths in the Crisis: Substitution vs. Income Effect", Journal of Youth Studies, 21(5), str. 653-668.
  5. Broz, Tanja, 2018, "Should the EMU Stop Enlarging?", Panoeconomicus, 65(4),  str.  459-477.
  6. Broz, Tanja, Tajana Barbić i Petra Palić, 2018, "Developing a financial conditions index for a post-transition country: the case of Croatia", Post-Communist Economies, 30(4), str. 549-564.
  7. Buturac, Goran, Željko Lovrinčević i Davor Mikulić, 2018, "Export Competitiveness of the Croatian Food Industry", Argumenta Oeconomica,  41(2), str. 135-155.
  8. Hodžić, Sabina, Damira Keček i Davor Mikulić, 2018, "Sectoral Linkages of Taxes: An Input-Output Analysis of the Croatian Economy", Ekonomický Časopis, 66(6), str. 598-620. 
  9. Holzner, Mario, Marina Tkalec, Maruška Vizek i Goran Vukšić, 2018, "Fiscal Devaluations: Evidence Using Bilateral Trade Balance Data", Review of World Economics, 154(2), str. 247-275.
  10. Jokić, Maja, Andrea Mervar i Stjepan Mateljan, 2018, "Scientific potential of European fully open access journals", Scientometrics, 114(3), str.  1373-1394.
  11. Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Sabina Hodžić i Emira Bečić, 2018, "Limited Fiscal Autonomy of Croatian Large Cities", Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, 16(1), str. 107-128.
  12. Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2018, "Attitudes towards Citizen Participation in the Local Decision-Making Process: A Comparative Analysis", Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 27(1), str. 155-175.
  13. Maglajlić, Reima Ana i Paul Stubbs, 2018, “Occupying Liminal Spaces in Post-Conflict Social Welfare Reform?  Local Professionals and International Organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, British Journal of Social Work, 48(1), str. 37-53.
  14. Mikulić, Davor, Željko Lovrinčević i Damira Keček, 2018, "Economic Effects of Wind Power Plant Deployment on the Croatian Economy", Energies, rad objavljen na mrežnim stranicama 19. srpnja 2018., DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en11071881
  15. Nestić, Danijel i Sanja Blažević Burić, 2018, "Radnici na minimalnoj plaći i siromaštvo u Hrvatskoj", Revija za socijalnu politiku, 25(3), str. 235-263.
  16. Nestić, Danijel i Iva Tomić, 2018, "The Jobless Population and Employment Flows in Recession", Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 20(3), str. 273-292, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19448953.2018.1385271
  17. Nestić, Danijel, Zdenko Babić i Sanja Blažević Burić, 2018, "Minimum wage in Croatia: sectoral and regional perspectives", Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 31, str. 1981-2002.
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  21. Stubbs, Paul, 2018, "Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow: power, expertise and the hegemonic temporalities of austerity", Innovation, 31(1), str. 25-39.
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  1. Apergis, Nicholas, Andrea Mervar i James E. Payne, 2017, “Forecasting Disaggregated Tourist Arrivals in Croatia: Evidence from Seasonal Univariate Time Series Models”, Tourism Economics, 23(1), str. 78-98, DOI: 10.5367/te.2015.0499
  2. Bačić, Katarina i Zoran Aralica, 2017, “Regional competitiveness in the context of “New industrial policy” - the case of Croatia”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 35(2), str. 551-582, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18045/zbefri.2017.2.551
  3. Botrić, Valerija i Ljiljana Božić, 2017, “Access to Finance: Innovative Firms’ Perceptions in Post-transition EU Members”, E&M Economics and Management, 20(1), str. 129-143, DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2017-1-009
  4. Božić, Ljiljana i Valerija Botrić, 2017, "Eco-innovations in Croatia: exploring entrepreneurs’ motivation", Journal of East European Management Studies, 22(4), str. 484-510, DOI: 10.5771/0949-6181-2017-4-484
  5. Broz, Tanja i Tomislav Ridzak, 2017, "Lending activity and credit supply in Croatia during the crisis", Journal of Policy Modeling, 39(6), str. 1102-1116, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2017.08.004
  6. Buturac, Goran, Željko Lovrinčević i Davor Mikulić, 2017, "International Competitiveness and Restructuring of the Croatian Food Industry", Acta Oeconomica, 67(3), str. 435-462, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/032.2017.67.3.7
  7. Nikolić, Jelena, Ivica  Rubil i Iva Tomić, 2017, “Pre-crisis Reforms, Austerity Measures and Public-Private Wage Gap in Two Emerging Economies”, Economic Systems, 41(2), str. 248-265, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecosys.2016.06.001
  8. Payne, James, Maruška Vizek i Junsoo Lee, 2017, “Is There Convergence in Per Capita Renewable Energy Consumption across U.S. States?  Evidence from LM and RALS-LM Unit Root Tests with Breaks”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, str. 715-728, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.252
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  11. Sinčić Ćorić, Dubravka, Ivan-Damir Anić, Sunčana Piri Rajh, Edo Rajh i Nataša Kurnoga, 2017, “Organizational Buying Decision Approaches in the Manufacturing Industry: Developing Measures and Typology”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(2), str. 227-237, DOI: 10.1108/JBIM-10-2014-0214
  12. Stubbs, Paul i Davorka Vidović, 2017, “Social Enterprise in Transition: A Case Study of ACT Group”, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 26(2), str. 143-163, DOI: 10.5559/di.26.2.01
  13. Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona, Maja Vehovec i Zvonimir Galić, 2017, “Relationship between Financial Satisfaction and Financial Literacy: Exploring Gender Differences”, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 26(2), str. 165-185, DOI: 10.5559/di.26.2.02 
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  1. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Jelena Budak i Edo Rajh, 2016, “New Information Economy in Post-transition Countries: An Economic Approach to Privacy Concern”, Transformations in Business & Economics, 15(2), str. 165-178. 
  2. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Anita Ciunova-Shuleska, Sunčana Piri Rajh, Edo Rajh i Arnela Bevanda, 2016, “Differences in Consumer Decision-Making Styles among Selected South-East European Countries”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 29(1), str. 665-681, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2016.1193949.
  3. Anić, Ivan-Damir i Sonja Radas, 2016, “Boundaries for the Retail Geographical Market and Factors Influencing Shoppers’ Mobility”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 50(2), str. 315-341, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12073
  4. Bačić, Katarina i Zoran Aralica, 2016, “Innovation Systems in Croatian Regions”, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 25(2), str. 157-178, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5559/di.25.2.01
  5. Botrić, Valerija i Ljiljana Božić, 2016, “Business-Government Relationship in European Post-transition Countries: Do Innovators Get the Worse End of a Stick”, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 49, str. 5-21. 
  6. Botrić, Valerija i Tanja Broz, 2016, “Exploring CESEE-EMU Synchronisation Patterns”, Amfiteatru Economic, 18(42), str. 255-268.
  7. Božić, Ljiljana i Edo Rajh, 2016, “The Factors Constraining Innovation Performance of SMEs in Croatia”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 29(1), str. 314-324, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2016.1168040
  8. Đokić, Irena, Zlatan Fröhlich i Ivana Rašić Bakarić, 2016, “The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Regional Disparities in Croatia”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 9(1), str. 179-197, https://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsv030
  9. Gil-Alana, Luis A., Andrea Mervar i James E. Payne, 2016, “Modeling the Degree of Persistence in Croatian Tourism”, Tourism Economics, 22(3), str. 655-664, DOI: 10.5367/te.2014.0457
  10. Mikulić, Davor, Ivana  Rašić Bakarić i Sunčana  Slijepčević, 2016, “The Economic Impact of Energy Saving Retrofits of Residential and Public Buildings in Croatia”, Energy Policy, 96, str. 630-644, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2016.06.040
  11. Mikulić, Davor, Ivana Rašić Bakarić i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2016, “The Socioeconomic Impact of Energy Saving Renovation Measures in Urban Buildings”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 29(1), str. 1109-1125, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2016.1211952
  12. Njavro, Mato, Petra Posedel i Maruška Vizek, 2016, “Regime Switching Behaviour of Real Estate and Equity Prices  in Emerging Countries”, Prague Economic Papers, 25(4), str. 396-410, DOI: 10.18267/j.pep.560
  13. Posedel, Petra, Marina Tkalec, Maruška Vizek i Junsoo Lee, 2016, “Time-Varying Integration of the Sovereign Bond Markets In European Post-transition Economies”, Journal of Empirical Finance, 36(2016), str. 30-40, DOI: 10.1016/j.jempfin.2015.12.005.
  14. Rajh, Edo, Jelena Budak i Ivan-Damir Anić, 2016, “Hofstede's Culture Value Survey in Croatia: Examining Regional Differences”, Društvena istraživanja, 25(3), str. 309-327, DOI: 10.5559/di.25.3.02
  15. Rašić Bakarić, Ivana, Marina Tkalec i Maruška Vizek, 2016, “Constructing a Composite Coincident Indicator for a Post-transition Country”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 29(1), str. 434-445, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2016.1174388
  16. Tkalec, Marina i Maruška Vizek, 2016, “The Price Tag of Tourism: Does Tourism Activity Increase Prices of Goods and Services?”, Tourism Economics, 22(1), str. 93-109, DOI: 10.5367/te.2014.0415


  1. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Edo Rajh i Sunčana Piri Rajh, 2015, “Exploring Food-Related Consumers’ Decision-Making Style Groups and their Shopping Behavior”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 28(1), str. 63-74, DOI: 10.1080/1331/677X.2015.1022309
  2. Božić, Ljiljana i Đurdana Ozretić-Došen, 2015, “Enabling Innovation and Creativity in Market-Oriented Firms”, Baltic Journal of Management, 10(2), str. 144-165, DOI: 10.1108/BJM-11-2013.0170
  3. Broz, Tanja, Goran Buturac i Marina Tkalec, 2015, “To What Extent Does Croatia Really Cooperate with SEE Countries in the Fields of Foreign Trade, Direct Investment and Tourism?”, Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 28(1), str. 879-906, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2015.1092703
  4. Budak, Jelena, Edo Rajh i Ivan-Damir Anić, 2015, “Privacy Concern in Western Balkan Countries: Developing a Typology of Citizens”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 17(1), str. 29-48, DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2014.990278
  5. Budak, Jelena i Maruška Vizek, 2015, “The Corruption Mark-Up: Is Corruption Cost Incorporated in the Prices of Goods and Services in Emerging and Developed Countries?”, Post-Communist Economies, 27(2), str. 247-255, DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2015.1026702
  6. Gil-Alana, Luis A., Andrea Mervar i James E. Payne, 2015, “Measuring Persistence in Croatian Tourism: Evidence from the Adriatic Region”, Applied Economics, 47(46), str. 4901-4917, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2015.1037440
  7. Goel, Rajeev K., Jelena Budak i Edo Rajh, 2015, “Private Sector Bribery and Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Policies”, Applied Economics Letters, 22(10),str. 759-766, DOI:10.1080/13504851.2014.975326
  8. Grubišić Šeba, Mihaela, 2015, “Mandatory Shares Listing Effect in the Croatian Capital Market from 2002-2010”, Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 28(1), str. 1079-1095, DOI: 10.1080/15021149.2015.1092704
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  10. Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2015, “Assessment of Drug-Related Public Expenditures in Croatia”, Društvena istraživanja, 24(1), str. 1-20, DOI: 10.5559/di.24.1.01
  11. Lendvai, Noémi i Paul Stubbs, 2015, “Europeanization, Welfare and Variegated Austerity Capitalisms - Hungary and Croatia”, Social Policy & Administration, 49(4), str. 445-465, DOI: 10.1111/spol.12142
  12. Lovrinčević, Željko, Davor Mikulić i Ante Orlović, 2015, “Ekonomski aspekti industrije poroka u Hrvatskoj”, Društvena istraživanja: Journal for General Social Issues, 24(2), str. 175-196, DOI:10.5559/di.24.2.01
  13. Lovrinčević, Željko, Goran Buturac i Davor Mikulić, 2015, “Export Performance of the Croatian Wood Industry and Its Contribution to the Overall Croatian Economy”, Forest Products Journal, 65(3-4), str. 159-165, DOI: 10.13073/FPJ-D-14-00063
  14. Mikulić, Davor i Andrea Galić Nagyszombaty, 2015, “Does International Trade Cause Regional Growth Differentials in Croatia?”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 33(1), str. 81-102.
  15. Pejnović, Dane i Željka Kordej-De Villa, 2015, “Demografski resursi kako indikator i čimbenik dispariteta u regionalnom razvoju Hrvatske”, Društvena istraživanja, 24(3), str. 321-343, DOI: 10.5559/di.24.3.01
  16. Radas, Sonja, Ivan-Damir Anić, Azra Tafro i Vanja Wagner, 2015, “The Effects of Public Support Schemes on Small and Medium Enterprises”, Technovation, 38, str. 15-30, DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2014.08.002
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  1. Ahec-Šonje, Amina, Anita Čeh Časni i Maruška Vizek, 2014, “The Effect of Housing and Stock Market Wealth on Consumption in Emerging and Developed Countries”, Economic Systems, 38(3), str. 433-450.
  2. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Sunčana Piri Rajh i Edo Rajh, 2014, “Antecedents of Food-Related Consumer Decision-Making Styles”, British Food Journal, 116(3), str. 431-450.
  3. Bačić, Katarina i Jelena Šišinački, 2014, “Potencijal Hrvatske za policentrični razvitak“, Društvena istraživanja, 23(2), str. 327-347.
  4. Budak, Jelena i Edo Rajh, 2014, “Corruption as an Obstacle for Doing Business in the Western Balkans: A Business Sector Perspective”, International Small Business Journal, 32(2), str. 140-157.
  5. Buturac, Goran, Željko Lovrinčević i Davor Mikulić, 2014, "Export Competitiveness of Croatian Textile Industry - CMS Analysis and Importance for Economy", Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 24(2), str. 158-168.
  6. Čeh Časni, Anita i Maruška Vizek, 2014, “Interactions between Real Estate and Equity Markets: An Investigation of Linkages in Developed and Emerging Countries”, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a úvĕr), 64(2), str. 100-119.
  7. Čaklović, Lavoslav i Sonja Radas, 2014, “Application of Potential Method to Survey Analysis”, Mathematical Communications, 19(2), str. 397-415.
  8. Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Željka Kordej-De Villa i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2014, “Regional Development and Decentralization - Two Options to Overcome Lack of Funding”, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2014(43), str. 146-167.
  9. Kordej-De Villa, Željka, Ivana Rašić Bakarić i Nenad Starc, 2014, “Upravljanje razvojem u obalnom području Hrvatske”, Društvena istraživanja, 23(3), str. 449-468.
  10. Lovrinčević, Željko i Davor Mikulić, 2014, “Utjecaj šumarstva i drvne industrije na gospodarstvo Hrvatske”, Šumarski list, 138(11-12), str. 551-562. 
  11. Nestić, Danijel i Ivana Herceg, 2014, “A New Cluster-Based Financial Vulnerability Indicator and Its Application to Household Stress Testing in Croatia”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 50(5), str. 60-77, DOI:10.2753/REE1540-496X500504
  12. Rašić Bakarić, Ivana, Hrvoje Šimović i Maruška Vizek, 2014, “The Inquiry into the Economic Life of Croatian Municipalities“, Zbornik radova ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 32(2), str. 285-312.
  13. Švaljek, Sandra i Jelena Budak, 2014, “The Structure of Public Spending on Drug Policy in Croatia: What Are the Priorities?”, Društvena istraživanja, 23(3), str. 407-425.
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  15. Tkalec, Marina, Miroslav Verbič i Maruška Vizek, 2014, “Balance Sheet Effects and Original Sinners’ Risk Premiums”, Economic Systems, 38(4), str. 597-613.
  16. Tkalec, Marina i Maruška Vizek, 2014, “Real Estate Boom and Export Performance Bust in Croatia”, Zbornik radova ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 32(1), str. 11-34.
  17. Tomić, Iva, 2014, “Structural Unemployment in Croatia - How Important is the Occupational Mismatch?”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 27(1), str. 346-365.
  18. Tomić, Iva, 2014, “Regional Matching (In)Efficiency on the Croatian Labour Market”, Acta Oeconomica, 64(3), str. 287-312.


  1. Aralica, Zoran i Valerija Botrić, 2013, “Evaluation of research and development tax incentives scheme in Croatia”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 26(3), str. 63-80.
  2. Aralica, Zoran i Tomislav Budimir, 2013, “Assessment of Creditworthiness of Crafts in Croatia”, Ekonomska istraživanja, posebno izdanje 30. svibnja - 1. lipnja 2013., str. 133-150.
  3. Budak, Jelena, Ivan-Damir Anić i Edo Rajh, 2013, “Public attitudes towards privacy and surveillance in Croatia”, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, posebno izdanje Technology and Privacy, 26(1-2), str. 100-118.
  4. Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Sunčana Slijepčević i Željka Kordej-De Villa, 2013, “Can Local Governments in Croatia Cope with more Responsibilities”, Lex Localis: Journal of Local Self-Government, 11(3), str. 471-497.
  5. Mikulić, Davor, Andrea Nagyszombaty, 2013, "Causes of the Unofficial Economy in New EU Member States", Ekonomska istraživanja, 1(2013), str. 29-44.
  6. Tkalec, Marina, 2013, “Monetary Determinants of Deposit Euroization in European Post-Transition Countries”, Panoeconomicus, 1(0), str. 89-101.
  7. Tkalec, Marina i Miroslav Verbič, 2013, “A new look into the prevalence of balance sheet or competitiveness effect of exchange rate depreciation in a highly euroised economy”, Post-Communist Economies, 25(2), str. 225-240.


  1. Ahec Šonje, Amina, Anita Čeh Časni i Maruška Vizek, 2012, “Does housing wealth affect private consumption in European post transition countries? Evidence from linear and threshold models”, Post-Communist Economies, 24(1), str. 73-85.
  2. Botrić, Valerija, 2012, “NAIRU estimates for Croatia”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci - The Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, 30(1), str. 163-180.
  3. Botrić, Valerija, 2012, “Regional differences in self-employment: evidence from Croatia”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 25(0), str. 243-266.
  4. Budak, Jelena i Edo Rajh, 2012, “Corruption survey in Croatia: survey confidentiality and trust in institutions”, Društvena istraživanja, 21(2), str. 291-313.
  5. Buturac, Goran i Ivan Teodorović, 2012, “The Impacts of the Global Recession on Southeast European Countries”, Eastern European Economics, 50(1), str. 78-97.
  6. Liu, Xiangping, Danijel Nestić i Tomislav Vukina, 2012, “Estimating adverse selection and moral hazard effects with hospital invoices data in a government-controlled healthcare system”, Health Economics, 21(8), str. 883-901.
  7. Radas, Sonja i Ljiljana Božić, 2012, “Overcoming Failure: Abandonments and Delays of Innovation Projects in SMEs”, Industry and Innovation, 19(8), str. 649-669.
  8. Rašić Bakarić, Ivana, 2012, “A proposal for a new administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Croatia”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 25(2), str. 397-411.
  9. Stubbs, Paul i Reima Ana Maglajlić, 2012, “Negotiating the Transnational Politics of Social Work in Post-Conflict and Transition Contexts: Reflections from South-East Europe”, British Journal of Social Work, 42(6), str. 1174-1191.
  10. Tkalec, Marina, 2012, “The Dynamics of Deposit Euroization in European Post-transition Countries: Evidence from Threshold VAR”, Finance a uver - Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 62(3), str. 278-296.
  11. Tomić, Iva i Polona Domadenik, 2012, “Matching, adverse selection and labour market flows in a (post)transition setting: the case of Croatia”, Post-Communist Economies, 24(1), str. 39-72.


  1. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Sonja Radas i Joseph C. Miller, 2011, “Antecedents of Consumers’ Time Perceptions in a Hypermarket Retailer”, Service Industries Journal, 31(5-6), str. 809-828.
  2. Cvijanović, Vladimir i Denis Redžepagić, 2011, “From political capitalism to clientelist capitalism? The case of Croatia”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 29(2), str. 355-372.
  3. Cvitanić, Jakša, Sonja Radas i Hrvoje Šikić, 2011, “Co-development ventures: Optimal time of entry and profit-sharing”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35(10), str. 1710-1730.
  4. Heilman, Carrie, Kyryl Lakishyk i Sonja Radas, 2011, “An Empirical Investigation of In-Store Sampling Promotions”, British Food Journal, 113(10), str. 1252-1266.
  5. Ivanov, Marijana, Marina Tkalec i Maruška Vizek, 2011, “The Determinants of financial euroization in a post-transition country: Do threshold effects matter?”, Finance a uver - Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(3), str. 230-251.
  6. Posedel, Petra i Maruška Vizek, 2011, “Are house prices characterised by threshold effects? Evidence from developed and post-transition countries”, Finance a uver - Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(6), str. 584-600.
  7. Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona, Iva Tomić i Maja Vehovec, 2011, “Mirovinska pismenost i štednja za treću životnu dob”, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 18(2), str. 127-148.
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  1. Anić, Ivan-Damir, 2010, “Attitudes and purchasing behavior of consumers in domestic and foreign food retailers in Croatia”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 28(1), str. 113-133.
  2. Anić, Ivan-Damir, Anita Ciunova-Suleska i Edo Rajh, 2010, “Decision-making styles of young-adult consumers in the Republic of Macedonia”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 23(4), str. 102-113.
  3. Ateljević, Jovo i Jelena Budak, 2010, “Corruption and public procurement: example from Croatia”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 12(4), str. 375-397.
  4. Barbić, Tajana i Iva Čondić-Jurkić, 2010, “Equity investment strategies: The case of Croatia”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 23(4), str. 63-77.
  5. Broz, Tanja, 2010, “Introduction of the euro in CEE countries - is it economically justifiable? The Croatian case”, Post-Communist Economies, 22(4), str. 427-447.
  6. Goel, Rajeev i Jelena Budak, 2010, “Tourism Policies and Cross-Country Growth: A Disaggregated Analysis”, Tourism Economics, 16(3), str. 535-548.
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  2. Botrić, Valerija, 2009, “Unemployed and long-term unemployed in Croatia: evidence from Labour Force Survey”, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 16(1), str. 25-44.
  3. Lendvai, Noemi i Paul Stubbs, 2009, “Assemblages, Translation, and Intermediaries in South East Europe: rethinking transnationalism and social policy”, European Societies, 15(5), str. 673-695.
  4. Posedel, Petra i Maruška Vizek, 2009, “House Price Determinants in Transition and EU-15 Countries”, Post-Communist Economies, 21(3), str. 329-355.
  5. Radas, Sonja i Ljiljana Božić, 2009, “The antecedents of SME innovativeness in an emerging transition economy”, Technovation, 29(0), str. 438-450.
  6. Rajh, Edo i Đurđana Ozretić Došen, 2009, “The effects of marketing mix elements on service brand equity”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 22(4), str. 69-82.
  7. Solioz, Christophe i Paul Stubbs, 2009, “Emergent regional co-operation in South East Europe: towards ‘open regionalism’?”, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 9(1-2), str. 1-16.
  8. Stubbs, Paul i Siniša Zrinščak, 2009, “Croatian Social Policy: The Legacies of War, State-building and Late Europeanization”, Social Policy & Administration, 43(2), str. 121-135.
  9. Škuflić, Lorena i Valerija Botrić, 2009, “Foreign Direct Investments in Croatia: regional perspective”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 22(3), str. 9-28.
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  11. Vizek, Maruška i Tanja Broz, 2009, “Modeling Inflation in Croatia”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 45(6), str. 87-98. 


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  2. Aralica, Zoran, Domagoj Račić i Denis Redžepagić, 2008, “Research and development activity as a growth factor of foreign owned SMEs in selected Central and Eastern European countries”, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci - časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 26(2), str. 279-300.
  3. Babić, Zdenko, 2008, “Redistribucijski učinci socijalnih transfera u Republici Hrvatskoj”, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 15(2), str. 151-170.
  4. Botrić, Valerija i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2008, “Economic Growth in the Southeastern Europe: The Role of the Banking Sector”, Post-Communist Economies, 20(2), str. 253-262.
  5. Buturac, Goran, 2008, “Komparativne prednosti i izvozna konkurentnost hrvatske prerađivačke industrije”, Ekonomska istraživanja, 21(2), str. 47-59.
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  7. Radas, Sonja, Mario Teisl i Brian Roe, 2008, “An Open Mind Wants More: Opinion Strength and the Desire for Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 42(3), str. 335-361.
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  9. Stubbs, Paul, 2008, “Reflections on international actors and the making of social policy in Croatia”, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 15(3), str. 365-378.
  10. Škuflić, Lorena i Valerija Botrić, 2008, “Analysis of the Cohesive Trade Elements Between the European Union and the SEEC-7”, Eastern European Economics, 46(1), str. 6-23.
  11. Teisl, Mario, Sonja Radas i Brian Roe, 2008, “Struggles in optimal labelling: how different consumers react to various labels for genetically modified foods”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32(0), str. 447-456. 
