HRZZ IPS-2020-01-7036 Quality of living in the housing estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: A comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia

Grant holder: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
Duration:  October 15, 2020 - October 14, 2023
EIZ memberŽeljka Kordej-De Villa
As social circumstances change, so do the needs of individuals. This project focused on the life quality in housing estates that were built in the period of the socialist socio-political and economic system and in the period after the transition to a market economy (post-socialism). We started from the hypothesis that different social circumstances that characterized the post-socialist period brought new demands and needs in the domain of occupants' life quality. Residential areas from the socialist period became less attractive for living as occupants had new values ​​and needs in terms of life quality and had expectations for better housing standards and for the quality of the housing environment. The research was designed as comparative because it tested the hypothesis made for two countries - Slovenia and Croatia, which had the same basis for the emergence of large housing estates built during the socialist period. Despite the changes and differences, large housing estates from socialism in both countries still represented a significant share of the total housing stock, which was assumed to be inadequate and in need of a complete renovation, due to its obsolescence and changed values. However, none of these countries had adopted a national strategy for the reconstruction of large housing estates or guidelines for ensuring a higher quality of housing and living environment. The ultimate goal of the research project was, therefore, to define - from the quality of life perspective - guidelines and recommendations for the appropriate reconstruction of housing estates from the socialist period and the planning of new housing estates in Slovenia and Croatia. The basis for formulating proposals for the preparation of both national strategies were similarities and differences in the perception of life quality of of the residents of housing estates and their needs about the changed values ​​related to the way of life. The research was original, and the developed guidelines were relevant to other post-socialist countries as well.

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