Environmental economics is a special area of economy focusing on interactions between the economy and the environment. Although its progress as a scientific discipline did not start until the 60s, at a time when global environmental pollutions and the first shortages of some of the non-renewable energy sources emerged, the basic idea concerning the scarcity of natural sources and the limitations which it presents for the economic activity can already be found towards the end of the 18th century.
Today, environmental economics deals with three basic issues. The first is concerned with the relationship between the environment and economic growth, which can be reduced to the current debate concerning sustainability; the second issue revolves around the evaluation of particular goods and services (functions) coming from the environment; and lastly, the third issue is an issue concerning the formation of the politics of environmental protection, which can be reduced to a selection of specific instruments of environmental protection politics.
Researchers within this area are primarily concerned with the economic aspects of the environmental protection politics, which also includes institutional aspects and guidelines for the operationalization of strategic documents concerning the management of specific natural resources (water, for example). Topics relating to global environmental changes such as climate change mitigation etc. are also represented.

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  1. Public Attitudes toward Renewable Energy in Croatia", Slijepčević, Sunčana and Željka Kordej-De Villa, 2021, Energies, 14(23), paper published online December 3, 2021. DOI:
  2. The economic impact of energy saving retrofits of residential and public buildings in Croatia Mikulić, Davor, Ivana Rašić Bakarić and Sunčana Slijepčević, 2016, Energy Policy, 96, pp. 630–644.
  3. Managing development in the coastal area of Croatia Kordej-De Villa, Željka, Ivana Rašić Bakarić and Nenad Starc, 2014, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 23 (3), pp. 449–468.
  4. Nature, man and tongue in cheek Starc, Nenad, 2003, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 12 (3–4) pp. 335–339.
  5. Managing sustainable development on the Croatian islands – documents, problems and perspectives Starc, Nenad, 2000, Periodicum Biologorum, 102 (1), pp. 199–209.

Other papers

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  1. The economy and the environment Kordej-De Villa, Željka, 2016. In M. Zelić (Ed.), Croatian national resources, pp. 297-305. Zagreb : Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  2. Energy efficiency projects and local budget: from lacking revenues towards successful story for sustainable future Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Željka Kordej-De Villa and Sunčana Slijepčević, 2012, in Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Markovska, Nataša; Schneider, Daniel Rolph and Varbanov, Petar (eds.), Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, pp. 1–26.
  3. Water efficiency indicators in Croatian manufacturing: some lessons and policy implications Kordej-De Villa, Željka and Ivana Rašić Bakarić, 2012, in Sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems / Ban, Marko; Duić, Neven; Guzović, Zvonimir; Klemeš, Jiri Jaromir; Markovska, Nataša; Schneider, Daniel Rolph and Barbanov, Petar (eds.), Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, pp. 1–25.
  4. The local dimension of sustainable development Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka and Željka Kordej-De Villa, 2009, in Participatory governance for sustainable development / Kordej-De Villa, Željka; Stubbs, Paul; Sumpor, Marijana (eds.), Zagreb: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, pp. 47–62.
  5. Environmental financing in Croatia in the period 2000–2006 Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Željka Kordej-De Villa and Monika Šućur, 2009, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 60 (5–6), pp. 225–249.
  6. Concerning sustainable development Kordej-De Villa, Željka, 2009, in Participatory governance for sustainable development / Kordej-De Villa, Željka; Stubbs, Paul; Sumpor, Marijana (eds.), Zagreb: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, pp. 17–46.
  7. Environmental financing trends in Croatia in the period 2000 – 2006 Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Željka Kordej-De Villa and Monika Šućur, 2008, in Transitional challenges of EU integration and globalization / Čičić, Muris (ed.), Sarajevo: School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, pp. 289–295.
  8. Analysis of economic instruments for environmental protection in Croatia Šućur, Monika, Željka Kordej-De Villa and Sunčana Slijepčević, 2007, in Environmental management; trends and results / Koprivanac, Natalija; Kušić, Hrvoje (eds.), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, pp. 1–9.
  9. Enviroment and EU accession Kordej-De Villa, Željka, 2005, Croatian economic survey, 7, pp. 135-166.
  10. The environment and the accession to the EU Kordej-De Villa, Željka, 2004, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 14 (98), pp. 62–95.
  11. Economic instruments in the environment protection politics – theoretical insights and experiences Kordej-De Villa, Željka and Mirjana Papafava, 2003, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 13 (94), pp. 27–67.
  12. Economic growth and sustainable development Kordej-De Villa, Željka, 2000, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 4 (73), pp. 321–342.
  13. The politics of environment protection in transition countries Kordej-De Villa, Željka, 2000, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 4 (82), pp. 41–71.
  14. Financing environment protection Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka and Željka Kordej De Villa, 1995, Financijska praksa, 18 (5), pp. 507–523.


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  1. COST Action CA16114: REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy (RESTORE), 2017–2021 Commissioned by: European Union through COST Programme (COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa (EIZ member)
  2. Review of energy efficiency financing schemes in Member States and recommendations to maximise their impacts and effective deployment – EEFin, 2016 Commissioned by: DG Environment
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  3. Economic and social assessment for the Croatian Marine and Coastal Strategy (ESA), 2013 Commissioned by: Priority Action Programme / Regional Activity Centre, Split
    Project manager: Nenad Starc 
  4. Implementation plan for water utility directives – financial aspects, 2010–2011 Commissioned by: Croatian Waters
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  5. Integrated coastal zone management, 2010 Commissioned by: Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
    Project manager: Nenad Starc 
  6. The meteorological and hydrological service modernization project in the Republic of Croatia, feasibility study project, 2008–2009 Commissioned by: University of Oklahoma, College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor
  7. Support in preparing the analytical background for strategic documents related to the Croatian economic and development policy during the EU accession process, 2008–2009 Commissioned by: Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU FUNDS (CODEF)
    Project manager: Sandra Švaljek
  8. Analysis and recommendations for making local administration budgets favourable for energy efficiency projects, 2008 Commissioned by: UNDP Croatia
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  9. The analysis of economic instruments of environmental protection, 2006 Commissioned by: Croatian Environment Agency
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  10. The economic analysis of the Danube river basin management planning, 2006 Commissioned by: Croatian Waters
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  11. The economic analysis of the Danube river basin management planning: I. phase, 2003–2004 Commissioned by: Croatian Waters
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  12. The establishment of The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund in Croatia, 2001–2003 Commissioned by: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa