Closing Conference of the PRICON project held at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb

On May 14, 2018, researchers from the Institute of Economics, Zagreb―project leader
Jelena Budak and project associates from the Institute
Ivan-Damir Anić,
Edo Rajh,
Bruno Škrinjarić and
Vedran Recher, who were also joined by
Vatroslav Škare, an associate from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb―presented the main research reslults of the project
Extended Model of Online PRIvacy CONcern (PRICON).
PRICON was a four-year project supported by the Croatian Science Foundation whose goal was to design and empirically test an extended model of online privacy concern. It was a research project aimed at developing a comprehensive integrated model of privacy concern in the online environment and empirically testing it in order to provide deeper understanding of various interactions between antecedents, concerns and consequences of online privacy. The research objectives were initially achieved by identifying and developing (i) a comprehensive list of antecedents such as demographic factors (e.g. gender, education), experience factors (e.g. internet use experience, web expertise) and social-psychological factors (values, attitudes), and (ii) a comprehensive list of consequences of online privacy concern on the individual-user level. These inputs were used to develop an extended integrated model of online privacy concern in order to examine conceptual interrelations.
The conference was intended for scholars, policy-makers and expert audiences, as well as members of the general public who want to find out more or are concerned about online privacy.
Research results have been synthetized in the book
Extended Model of Online Privacy Concern which is available in open access format for free download via the Institute’s website. You can also download it directly by opening the document in the attachment.