The second Economic briefing held at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
On Thursday, January 26, 2017, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb had the pleasure of hosting the second
Economic briefing, an event organized with the aim of discussing current economic trends and future prospects in Croatia with the representatives of diplomatic missions and missions' staff members dealing with economic and commercial affairs.

Žarko Bašić/PIXSELL

Žarko Bašić/PIXSELL
Current economic trends and future prospects were discussed by
Maruška Vizek, PhD, Director of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb;
Marina Tkalec, PhD, editor of the
Croatian Economic Outlook Quarterly (publication on economic trends and prospects published by the Institute);
Tajana Barbić, PhD, author of the IFIS index and the research assistant,
Bruno Škrinjarić.
The discussion was preceded by a commentary on the forecasts for 2017 and 2018, a short presentation of the publication
Croatian Economic Outlook Quarterly, and the IFIS and CEIZ indices published by the Institute. Additionally, an analysis of the productivity of Croatian enterprises and enterprise dynamism was presented by the research assistant
Bruno Škrinjarić .

Žarko Bašić/PIXSELL