Job advertisement annulment and Job advertisement for the associate job position of research assistant​

September 30, 2020

The Institute of Economics, Zagreb is issuing the following

J O B   A D V E R T I S E M E N T   A N N U L M E N T

The Institute of Economics, Zagreb has annulled the job advertisement for the associate job position of research assistant, in the scientific area of social sciences – field of economics:
  • for work on the project “Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship” (IDEA), 1 employee,
  • for work on the project “Why is Croatian macroeconomic convergence towards the EU missing?” (IMK), 1 employee,
which was published on August 19, 2020 in the Official Gazette No. 93/20, Croatian Employment Service bulletin, daily press, EURAXESS portal, MojPosao portal, and the website of the Institute.


Based on Article 40, Paragraph 1, and Article 43 of the Scientific Activity and Higher Education Act (Official Gazette 123/03, 198/03, 105/04, 174/04, 02/07, 46/07, 45/09, 63/11, 94/13, 139/13, 101/14, 60/15, 131/17) – hereinafter: the Act and Articles 37 and 64 of the Statute of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, and in accordance with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Education of June 18, 2020, the Institute of Economics, Zagreb is issuing the following

J O B   A D V E R T I S E M E N T

I. This job advertisement is issued for the associate job position of research assistant, in the scientific area of social sciences – field of economics, for work on the projects:
  • “Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship” (IDEA), 1 employee,
  • “Why is Croatian macroeconomic convergence towards the EU missing?” (IMK), 1 employee.
The contract will be signed for fixed-term employment lasting 5 years, with the purpose of obtaining a PhD.
  • Applicants must meet the requirements for appointment into the rank of associate and job position of research assistant as prescribed by the Act and the Institute’s general act on employment into associate job positions,
  • Completed university undergraduate and graduate studies or integrated undergraduate and graduate studies in social sciences, field of economics or natural sciences, field of mathematics. 

II. Appointment into the associate job positions is conducted in accordance with Articles 40 and 43 of the Act and Article 64 of the Institute’s Statute.
Enclosed with their signed application, applicants must send:
  • their cover letter and curriculum vitae with the following mandatory information: grades average during their studies, recommendations from their professors,
  • evidence of requested educational degree,
  • applicants who have earned their higher educational qualifications outside Croatia must enclose with their application the Ruling on the Recognition of Foreign Higher Educational Qualifications issued by the Agency for Science and Higher Education or a receipt for the submission of an application for the said Ruling,
  • document proving EU citizenship,
  • transcript of grades during their studies,
  • evidence that they fulfil conditions to receive advantage.
Applicants can also enclose other documents which they consider relevant for their application (recognitions or awards for excellence in their studies and research work, participation in scientific research, presentations they have personally held at scientific conferences, letters of recommendation by their professors, published scientific papers, etc.).

Applicants wishing to use their advantage in accordance with Article 102 of the Act on Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Their Family Members, who meet the conditions to use this right at the time of submitting their application, must enclose with their application all evidence that they fulfil the terms of this job advertisement and evidence that they are entitled to an advantage when applying for employment. The list of evidence required to receive advantage when applying for employment can be found at the website of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans:
The selected candidate must present the original or certified copies of the evidence required before the employment contract is signed. The selected candidate who has earned higher educational qualifications outside Croatia must also present the original Ruling on the Recognition of Foreign Higher Educational Qualifications issued by the Agency for Science and Higher Education before the employment contract is signed.

III. Female and male candidates are equally encouraged to apply for the job advertisement.
The deadline for application is 30 days from the publication of this job advertisement. Applications should be sent to the address: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Trg J. F. Kennedyja 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia and marked as “Application for Assistant – IDEA” or “Application for Assistant – IMK”. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Testing will be organized for applicants who fulfil the terms of this job advertisement, and information about the job description, salary, and candidate testing will be published on the Institute’s website

After the test, shortlisted candidates will be invited for a structured interview by the Committee. The selection results will be announced within 8 days after the successful applicant is selected on the Institute’s website

IV. By sending the job application, the applicant is giving the Institute of Economics, Zagreb consent to collect and process personal data listed in the application and in the enclosed documents, for the purpose of candidate selection, as well as consent to announce the selection results on the Institute’s website. Collected personal data will be processed according to the valid regulations. The applicant can withdraw this consent at any time without explanation and request the Institute to stop processing their personal data. Withdrawal of consent can be requested via e-mail.
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
