Croatia’s Accession to the EU: Expected Economic Effects

This study aims to identify and estimate the expected economic costs and benefits of the Croatian accession to the EU in both short- and long-run. It covers the following 15 research areas: macroeconomic effects, financial effects, capital flows and real estate market, labor market, migrations, state aid, SMEs, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, environmental protection, science and research, high education, consumer protection and the EU external border control. These areas have been chosen due to their importance to the Croatian economy and the living standards of Croatian citizens. The study concludes that accession to the EU will result in predominantly short-term costs and long-term benefits. It also points out that integration will speed up the necessary reforms and provide access to EU funds. In sum, economic benefits are expected to be higher than costs, resulting in improved well-being of Croatian citizens and more prosperous economy. 

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ISBN 978-953-6030-33-0

Editor: Sandra Švaljek 
Editorial board: Valerija BotrićDubravka Jurlina AlibegovićAndrea Mervar and Maja Vehovec 
Publisher: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb 
Publication Year: 2007 
