Editorial Policies
Aims and Scope:
Croatian Economic Survey is an English-language, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the Institute of Economics, Zagreb in Croatia. The journal aims to serve as a forum for academics and practitioners by publishing high-quality research papers on topics in all areas of economics. Special focus is given to post-socialist Europe. Comparative studies are especially encouraged, since these countries share a similar socio-economic background and comparative studies offer a valuable source of insight for policy formulation as well as a basis for competitive benchmarking. The journal welcomes empirical and policy-oriented papers relevant to a broader international audience. Contributions need not be limited solely to economics; submissions from other related disciplines are encouraged.
Papers published in the
Croatian Economic Survey are listed in:
- AEA (American Economic Association) indexes included in JEL on CD, e-JEL and EconLit
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- RePEc
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI WoS)
- Hrčak – Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia.
Croatian Economic Survey utilizes
Hrčak as an open access and archiving system.
Publication frequency:
June and December.
Open Access Model:
Diamond open access.
Funding source:
The journal is financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
Language of the publication:
Review process:
Double-blind peer review.
Article processing charge (APC):
Submission fee: