ISSN 1847-7844 (Online)
Editor: Ljiljana Božić
Editorial Board: Ivan-Damir Anić, Tajana Barbić, Goran Buturac, Željka Kordej-De Villa, Ivica Rubil, Sunčana Slijepčević, Paul Stubbs, and Maruška Vizek
EIZ-WP-2302 (October 2023)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Mirela Holy
Public perception of creative and cultural industries in Croatia
EIZ-WP-2301 (July 2023)
Valerija Botrić, Sonja Radas, Bruno Škrinjarić
Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance
EIZ-WP-2203 (April 2022)
Sonja Radas, Bruno Škrinjarić
Girl Power: Creating More with Less
EIZ-WP-2202 (April 2022)
Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh
Change of consumers’ attitudes in response to an online privacy violation incident
EIZ-WP-2201 (March 2022)
Marko Ledić, Ivica Rubil, Ivica Urban
Missing top incomes and tax-benefit microsimulation: evidence from correcting household survey data using tax records data
EIZ-WP-2104 (October 2021)
Nga Thi Viet Nguyen, Ivica Rubil
Fiscal Policies, Inequality, and Poverty in Croatia
EIZ-WP-2103 (July 2021)
Marko Ledić, Ivica Rubil, Ivica Urban
Tax Progressivity and Social Welfare with a Continuum of Inequality Views
EIZ-WP-2102 (April 2021)
Zoran Aralica, Bruno Škrinjarić
Adoption of digital and ICT technologies and firms’ productivity
EIZ-WP-2101 (February 2021)
Irena Đokić, Ivana Rašić and Sunčana Slijepčević
Innovation in the public services at the local and regional level
EIZ-WP-2003 (October 2020)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Sunčana Slijepčević and Bruno Škrinjarić
Theoretical concepts of consumer resilience to online privacy violation
EIZ-WP-2002 (February 2020)
Marin Kukoč, Bruno Škrinjarić and Josip Juračak
The Impact Assessment of the EU Pre-Accession Funds on Agriculture and Food Companies: The Croatian Case
EIZ-WP-2001 (January 2020)
Ivan Zilic and Stjepan Srhoj
“Fine...I’ll do it myself”: Lessons from self-employment grants in a long recession period
EIZ-WP-1904 (July 2019)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Goran Buturac and Anamarija Brković
Public opinion on tobacco gray market in the Western Balkans: A cluster analysis approach
EIZ-WP-1903 (June 2019)
Vassilis Monastiriotis and Ivan Zilic
The Economic Effects of Political Disintegration: Lessons from Serbia and Montenegro
EIZ-WP-1902 (May 2019)
Stjepan Srhoj, Bruno Škrinjarić, Sonja Radas and Janette Walde
Closing the Finance Gap by Nudging: Impact Assessment of Public Grants for Women Entrepreneurs
EIZ-WP-1901 (February 2019)
Vedran Recher
Tobacco smuggling in the Western Balkan region: Exploring habits, attitudes, and predictors of illegal tobacco demand
EIZ-WP-1805 (September 2018)
Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, Željka Kordej-De Villa and Mislav Šagovac
Smart City Indicators: Can They Improve Governance in Croatian Large Cities?
EIZ-WP-1804 (August 2018)
Iva Tomić and Ivan Žilić
Working for 200 euro? The effects of traineeship reform on labor market outcomes in Croatia
EIZ-WP-1803 (June 2018)
Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
The Perceived Impact of Government Regulation in Reducing Online Privacy Concern
EIZ-WP-1802 (May 2018)
Stjepan Srhoj, Bruno Škrinjarić and Sonja Radas
Bidding against the odds? The impact evaluation of grants for young micro and small firms during the recession
EIZ-WP-1801 (April 2018)
Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
Tax autonomy of Croatian cities in the 2002-2016 period
EIZ-WP-1706 (November 2017)
Katarina Bačić, Ivana Rašić Bakarić and Sunčana Slijepčević
Sources of productivity differentials in manufacturing in post-transition urban South-East Europe
EIZ-WP-1705 (October 2017)
Martin Larsson
EU Emissions Trading: Policy-Induced Innovation, or Business as Usual? Findings from Company Case Studies in the Republic of Croatia
EIZ-WP-1704 (September 2017)
Marina Tkalec and Ivan Žilić
Does Proximity to Conflict Affect Tourism: Evidence from NATO Bombing
EIZ-WP-1703 (July 2017)
Nebojša Stojčić and Zoran Aralica
Choosing Right from Wrong: Industrial Policy and (De)industrialization in Central and Eastern Europe
EIZ-WP-1702 (April 2017)
Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak and Mateo Žokalj
The Effect of Personality Traits on Online Privacy Concern
EIZ-WP-1701 (April 2017)
Alexander Ahammer and Ivan Žilić
Do Financial Incentives Alter Physician Prescription Behavior? Evidence from Random Patient-GP Allocations
EIZ-WP-1609 (November 2016)
Edo Rajh, Jelena Budak, Jovo Ateljević, Ljupčo Davčev, Tamara Jovanov and Kosovka Ognjenović
Entrepreneurial Intentions in Selected Southeast European Countries
EIZ-WP-1608 (October 2016)
Ivan Žilić
General versus Vocational Education: Lessons from a Quasi-Experiment in Croatia
EIZ-WP-1607 (October 2016)
Valerija Botrić
Public vs. private sector wage skill premia in recession: Croatian experience
EIZ-WP-1606 (September 2016)
Edo Rajh, Jelena Budak and Mateo Žokalj
Personal Values of Internet Users: A Cluster Analytic Approach
EIZ-WP-1605 (September 2016)
Simon Stickelmann
The Influence of the European Union Consumer Protection Policy on Croatian Consumers
EIZ-WP-1604 (July 2016)
Bojan Basrak, Petra Posedel, Marina Tkalec and Maruška Vizek
Searching high and low: Extremal dependence of international sovereign bond markets
EIZ-WP-1603 (June 2016)
Valerija Botrić and Iva Tomić
Self-employment of the young and the old: exploring effects of the crisis in Croatia
EIZ-WP-1602 (April 2016)
Vedran Recher
Tougher Than the Rest? Relationship between Unemployment and Crime in Croatia
EIZ-WP-1601 (January 2016)
Iva Tomić
What drives youth unemployment in Europe?
EIZ-WP-1505 (December 2015)
Petra Palić, Petra Posedel Šimović and Maruška Vizek
The Determinants of Country's Risk Premium Volatility: Evidence from Panel VAR Model
EIZ-WP-1504 (October 2015)
Sunčana Slijepčević, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Challenging Competition at Public Procurement Markets: Are SMEs Too Big to Fail? The Case of BiH and Croatia
EIZ-WP-1503 (September 2015)
Ivan Žilić
Effect of forced displacement on health
EIZ-WP-1502 (July 2015)
Vedran Recher, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Eye in the Sky: Contextualizing Development with Online Privacy Concern in Western Balkan Countries
EIZ-WP-1501 (April 2015)
Petra Posedel Šimović, Marina Tkalec and Maruška Vizek
Time‐varying integration in European post‐transition sovereign bond market
EIZ-WP-1403 (July 2014)
Jelena Nikolic, Ivica Rubil and Iva Tomić
Changes in Public and Private Sector Pay Structures in Two Emerging Market Economies during the Crisis
EIZ-WP-1402 (March 2014)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh and Ivan-Damir Anić
Privacy Concern in Western Balkan Countries: Developing a Typology of Citizens
EIZ-WP-1401 (March 2014)
Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
The Public Procurement System: A Business Sector Perspective
EIZ-WP-1302 (October 2013)
Valerija Botrić
Identifying Key Sectors in Croatian Economy Based on Input-Output Tables
EIZ-WP-1301 (January 2013)
Ivica Rubil
Accounting for Regional Poverty Differences in Croatia: Exploring the Role of Disparities in Average Income and Inequality
EIZ-WP-1205 (December 2012)
Hrvoje Mirošević
The Analysis of Development Documents in the Republic of Croatia
EIZ-WP-1204 (November 2012)
Iva Tomić
The Efficiency of the Matching Process: Exploring the Impact of Regional Employment Offices in Croatia
EIZ-WP-1203 (October 2012)
Jelena Budak, Ivan-Damir Anić and Edo Rajh
Public Attitudes towards Surveillance and Privacy in Western Balkans: The Case of Serbia
EIZ-WP-1202 (July 2012)
Valerija Botrić
Intra-industry Trade between the European Union and Western Balkans: A Close-up
EIZ-WP-1201 (April 2012)
Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Corruption Survey in Croatia: Survey Confidentiality and Trust in Institutions
Published in: Jelena Budak i Edo Rajh, 2012, "Corruption Survey in Croatia: Survey Confidentiality and Trust in Institutions", Društvena istraživanja, 21(2), pp. 291-313.
EIZ-WP-1104 (December 2011)
Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Corruption as an Obstacle for Doing Business in the Western Balkans: A Business Sector Perspective
EIZ-WP-1103 (December 2011)
Alfio Cerami and Paul Stubbs
Post-communist Welfare Capitalisms: Bringing Institutions and Political Agency Back In
Published in: Cerami, Alfio and Paul Stubbs, 2013, "Post-communist Welfare Capitalisms: Bringing Institutions and Political Agency Back In" u Michael Hill, ed., Comparative Public Policy, pp. 347-370, Los Angeles: SAGE.
EIZ-WP-1102 (November 2011)
Marina Tkalec
The Dynamics of Deposit Euroization in European Post-transition Countries: Evidence from Threshold VAR
Published in: Tkalec, Marina, 2012, "The Dynamics of Deposit Euroization in European Post-transition Countries: Evidence from Threshold VAR", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance 62(3), pp. 278-296.
EIZ-WP-1101 (September 2011)
Jelena Budak, Ivan-Damir Anić and Edo Rajh
Public Attitudes Towards Surveillance and Privacy in Croatia
EIZ-WP-1003 (December 2010)
Marin Božić
Pricing Options on Commodity Futures: The Role of Weather and Storage
EIZ-WP-1002 (September 2010)
Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović and Sunčana Slijepčević
Performance Measurement at the Sub-national Government Level in Croatia
Published in: Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2012, "Identifying key obstacles for performance measurement at the sub-national level in Croatia", Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava 12(4), pp. 1117-1156.
EIZ-WP-1001 (March 2010)
Petra Posedel and Maruška Vizek
The Nonlinear House Price Adjustment Process in Developed and Transition Countries
Published in: Posedel, Petra and Maruška Vizek, 2011, "Are house prices characterised by threshold effects? Evidence from developed and post-transition countries", Czech journal of economics and finance, 61(6), pp. 584-600.
EIZ-WP-0902 (November 2009)
Marin Božić and Brian W. Gould
Has Price Responsiveness of U.S. Milk Supply Decreased?
EIZ-WP-0901 (June 2009)
Sandra Švaljek, Maruška Vizek and Andrea Mervar
Cyclically Adjusted Budget Balance: The Case of Croatia
Published in: Švaljek, Sandra, Maruška Vizek and Andrea Mervar, 2009, “Ciklički prilagođeni saldo: primjer Hrvatske (Cyclically Adjusted Budget Balance: The Case of Croatia)”, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 19(120), pp. 49-82.
EIZ-WP-0802 (December 2008)
Janez Prašnikar, Tanja Rajkovič and Maja Vehovec
Competencies Driving Innovative Performance of Slovenian and Croatian Manufacturing Firms
EIZ-WP-0801 (October 2008)
Tanja Broz
The Introduction of the Euro in Central and Eastern European Countries - Is it Economically Justifiable?
Published in: Broz, Tanja, 2010, "Introduction of the euro in CEE countries - is it economically justifiable? The Croatian case", Post-Communist Economies, 22(4), pp. 427-447.
EIZ-WP-0705 (December 2007)
Arjan Lejour, Andrea Mervar and Gerard Verweij
The Economic Effects of Croatia's Accession to the EU
Published in: Lejour, Arjan, Andrea Mervar, and Gerard Verweij, 2009, “The Economic Effects of Croatia’s Accession to the European Union”, Eastern European Economics, 47(6), pp. 60-83.
EIZ-WP-0704 (October 2007)
Danijel Nestić
Differing Characteristics or Differing Rewards: What is Behind the Gender Wage Gap in Croatia?
Published in: Nestić, Danijel, 2010, "The Gender Wage Gap in Croatia - Estimating the Impact of Differing Rewards by Means of Counterfactual Distributions", Croatian Economic Survey, 12(1), pp. 83-119.
EIZ-WP-0703 (June 2007)
Maruška Vizek and Tanja Broz
Modelling Inflation in Croatia
Published in: Vizek, Maruška and Broz, Tanja, 2009, “Modelling Inflation in Croatia”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 45(6), pp. 87-98.
EIZ-WP-0702 (April 2007)
Sonja Radas and Mario Teisl
An Open Mind Wants More: Opinion Strength and the Desire for Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy
Published in: Radas, Sonja, Mario Teisl and Brian Roe, 2008, “An Open Mind Wants More: Opinion Strength and the Desire for Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 42(3), pp. 335-361.
EIZ-WP-0701 (February 2007)
Andrea Mervar and James E. Payne
An Analysis of Foreign Tourism Demand for Croatian Destinations: Long-Run Elasticity Estimates
Published in: Mervar, Andrea and James E. Payne, 2007, “Analysis of Foreign Tourism Demand for Croatian Destinations: Long-Run Elasticity Estimates”, Tourism Economics, 13(3), pp. 407-420.