This research area is focused on the contemporary labor market in Croatia and, particularly, on the nature of the transition from school to work; on the characteristics of unemployment in Croatia; on gender pay gaps; on pay gaps between the public and private sectors; and on transition from employment to retirement.

The mismatch between the supply and demand for particular skills is also addressed. Within research, Croatia is compared to countries within the EU and its non-EU neighbors. There is an emphasis on applying the results of research in terms of labor market reforms, including the impacts of minimum wage policies and patterns of collective bargaining, both in the labor market as a whole and in particular employment sectors. A particular concern is the relationship between labor market and migration.

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  1. Beyond Wage Gap, Towards Job Quality Gap: The Role of Inter-Group Differences in Wages, Non-Wage Job Dimensions, and Preferences Ledić, Marko and Ivica Rubil, 2021, Social Indicators Research, paper published online January 24, 2021
  2. Examining the role of key competences in firm performance Škrinjarić, Bruno and Polona Domadenik, 2019, International Journal of Manpower, 41(4), pp. 391-416. DOI:
  3. Minimum wage workers and poverty in Croatia Nestić, Danijel and Sanja Blažević Burić, 2018, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 25(3), pp. 235-263.
  4. Minimum wage in Croatia: sectoral and regional perspectives Nestić, Danijel, Zdenko Babić and Sanja Blažević Burić, 2018, Economic Research – Ekonomska istraživanja, paper published online June 24, 2018, DOI:
  5. Jobless population and employment flows in recession Nestić, Danijel i Iva Tomić, 2018, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 20(3), pp. 273-292.
  6. EU-Mediterranean youths in the crisis: substitution vs. income effect Botrić, Valerija i Iva Tomić, 2017, Journal of Youth Studies, 21(5), pp. 653-668
  7. General versus vocational education: lessons from a quasi-experiment in Croatia Žilić, Ivan, 2018, Economics of education review, 62 (1), pp. 1–11.
  8. Pre-crisis reforms, austerity measures and public-private wage gap in two emerging economies Nikolić, Jelena, Ivica Rubil and Iva Tomić, 2017, Economic Systems, 41 (2), pp. 248–265.
  9. What drives youth unemployment in Europe?: Economic vs. non-economic determinants Tomić, Iva, 2018, International Labour Review, 157(3), pp. 379-408.
  10. Regional matching (in)efficiency on the Croatian labour market Tomić, Iva, 2014, Acta oeconomica, Periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 64 (3), pp. 287–312.
  11. Structural unemployment in Croatia – how important is the occupational mismatch? Tomić, Iva, 2014, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 27 (1), pp. 346–365.
  12. Regional differences in self-employment: evidence from Croatia Botrić, Valerija, 2012, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 25 (1), pp. 243–266.
  13. Matching, adverse selection and labour market flows in a (post)transition setting: the case of Croatia Tomić, Iva and Polona Domadenik, 2012, Post-Communist Economies, 24 (1), pp. 39–72.
  14. Efficiency vs. accessibility? Relationship between costs and outcomes of studying in Croatia Matković, Teo, Iva Tomić and Maja Vehovec, 2010, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 17 (2), pp. 215–237.
  15. Unemployed and long-term unemployed in Croatia: evidence from Labour Force Survey Botrić, Valerija, 2009, Revija za socijalnu politiku, 16 (1), pp. 25–44.

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  1. Competence proximity to employers’ requirements and labour market success of economics and business graduates Škrinjarić, Bruno, 2023.  South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 18(2)
  2. “Fine...I’ll do it myself”: Lessons from self-employment grants in a long recession period Srhoj Stjepan i Ivan Žilić, 2021. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, paper published online June 19, 2021
  3. Working for 200 Euro? The Unintended Effects of Traineeship Reform on Youth Labor Market Outcomes Tomić Iva and Ivan Žilić, 2020, Labour, 34(3), pp. 347-371., DOI:
  4. Employment protection reforms and labour market outcomes in the aftermath of the recession: Evidence from Croatia Iva Tomić, Public Sector Economics, 44(1), pp. 3-39.
  5. PISA politike i prakse: upravljanje obrazovanjem u eri obrazovnih ljestvica Stubbs, Paul, 2020, Revija za sociologiju, 50 (1), pp. 107-113. 
  6. The entrepreneurship-unemployment nexus in Croatia Payne, James E. and Andrea Mervar, 2017, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 6 (3), pp. 375–384.
  7. Potražnja za radom u Hrvatskoj: Indeks online slobodnih radnih mjesta (Labor Demand in Croatia: Online Vacancy Index) Tkalec Marina, Iva Tomić i Ivan Žilić, 2020, paper accepted for publishing in the journal Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb
  8. Competitiveness, trade with the EU and labour markets: challenges for the Western Balkans Botrić, Valerija i Tanja Broz, 2016, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 11 (1), pp. 20–32. 
  9. Industry wage premium and trade patterns with European Union: Croatian experience Botrić, Valerija, 2016, European Perspectives – Journal on European Perspectives of the Western Balkans, 8 (1), pp. 41–64.
  10. Unemployment and long-term unemployment of immigrants in Croatia Botrić, Valerija, 2016, Migracijske i etničke teme, 32 (1), pp. 63–89.
  11. Immigrants’ characteristics and the Croatian labour market: an explorative study Botrić, Valerija, 2015, Migracijske i etničke teme, 31 (1), pp. 39–63.
  12. Relative labour market outcomes of immigrants in Croatia Botrić, Valerija, 2015, Economics & Sociology, 8 (3), pp. 197–214.
  13. Analysis of the difference in wages between the public sector, state-owned enterprises and the private sector in Croatia in the period 2000–2012 Nestić, Danijel, Ivica Rubil and Iva Tomić, 2015, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 24 (1), pp. 7–51.
  14. Employment and unemployment in Croatia – state, trends and context Tomić, Iva, 2015, Zaposlimo Hrvatsku! Strateške smjernice za rast zaposlenosti / Vidović, Davorko (ed.), Zagreb: Croatian Chamber of Economy, pp. 21–41.
  15. Wage compression among sales assistants? Pay bargaining and ripple effects in the retail sector Banyuls, Josep, Damian Grimshaw, Danijel Nestić and Laszlo Neumann, 2013, Minimum wages, pay equity and comparative industrial relations / Grimshaw, Damian (ed.), New York: Routledge, pp. 194–224.
  16. Minimum wages and collective bargaining in the construction industry Bosch, Gerhard, Danijel Nestić and Laszlo Neumann, 2013, Minimum wages, pay equity and comparative industrial relations / Grimshaw, Damian (ed.), New York: Routledge, pp. 168–193.
  17. Croatian manufacturing industry adjustment mechanisms : analysis in terms of labour marke Botrić, Valerija, 2012, Ekonomski vjesnik, 25(1), pp. 121-133.
  18. Croatia: time to re-evaluate employment policy Vehovec, Maja and Iva Tomić, 2012, Employment Policies in South-East Europe: Common Challenges and Different Scenarios / Tomev, Lyuben and Marc Meinardus (eds.), Sofia: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, pp. 95–119.
  19. Structural unemployment and its determinants in Southeast Europe Botrić, Valerija, 2011, Ekonomska misao i praksa, 20 (1), pp. 81–100.
  20. Labour markets and taxes in Europe: how much do governments bite the hands that feed them? Tomić, Iva and Ana Grdović Gnip, 2011, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
  21. Croatia: moving towards a more active minimum wage policy Nestić, Danijel, 2010, The Minimum Wage Revisited in the Enlarged EU / Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel (ed.), Cheltenham and Geneva: Edward Elgar and ILO, pp. 85–112.
  22. The gender wage gap in Croatia – estimating the impact of differing rewards by means of counterfactual distributions Nestić, Danijel, 2010, Croatian Economic Survey, 12 (1), pp. 83–119.
  23. What happened to the middle class in the new market economies? The case of Croatia and Poland Tomić, Iva and Joanna Tyrowicz, 2010, Croatian Economic Survey, 12 (1), pp. 9–44.
  24. Regional dimension of unemployment in Croatia Botrić, Valerija, 2009, Labour in Croatia: facing challenges of future / Franičević, Vojmir and Vlado Puljiz (eds.), Zagreb: Centre for Democracy and Law Miko Tripalo and Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, pp. 81–105.
  25. Wages in Croatia: trends, pending issues and expectations Nestić, Danijel, 2009, Labour in Croatia: Facing challenges of future / Franičević, Vojmir and Vlado Puljiz (eds.), Zagreb: Centre for Democracy and Law Miko Tripalo and Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, pp. 165–195.
  26. A missed opportunity? Social and labour market policies in the Western Balkans Stubbs, Paul, 2009, Dialogues: Ownership for Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans / Weichert, Michael (ed.), [s.l.]: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, pp. 131–150.
  27. The determinants of reservation wages in Croatia Botrić, Valerija, 2008, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 18 (117), pp. 27–57.
  28. Croatian demographic reality and labour market challenges Nestić, Danijel and Sandra Švaljek, 2008, New perspectives on a longer working life in Croatia and Slovenia / Vehovec, Maja (ed.), Zagreb: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, pp. 53–64.
  29. Structural changes in tertiary education and impacts on the labour market Babić, Zdenko, Teo Matković and Vedran Šošić, 2007, Croatian economic survey, 9, pp. 125-165.
  30. Career choice of young people and social responsibility of the employer Vehovec, Maja and Ivona Škreblin Kirbiš, 2007, Socijalno odgovorno gospodarenje: ekonomski i etički aspekti / Bodiroga Vukobrat, Nada and Sanja Barić (eds.), Zagreb: TIM press Zagreb and Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, pp. 27–38.


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  1. Labour Markets and Well-being in the Context of an Ageing Population, 2024–2027 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  2. OVI for the Istria County, 2024–2027 Commissioned by: Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  3. A report on developing a labor market reform agenda with the aim of empowering women, 2024 Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  4. Labor market, education, health and social protection – Croatia and EU, 2019–2023 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić (Iva Tomić until April 1, 2020)
  5. Creation of a Short Study on Professional Practice in Higher Education in the Republic of Croatia, 2023 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education
    Project manager: Goran Buturac
  6. Youth activation network, 2020–2023 Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy – European Social Fund
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  7. An analysis of unemployment benefit adequacy and recommendations for statutory changes in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, 2022 Commissioned by: Croatian Employment Service
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  8. Diagnosing and addressing aging and care related bottlenecks for an efficient labor market in Croatia, 2022–2023 Commissioned by: World Bank
    Project manager: Vedran Recher
  9. Public-private sector wage differentials in Croatia, 2020 Commissioned by: World Bank
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  10. An analysis of the “Employment and social situation in Croatia” for the European Parliament, 2019 Commissioned by: The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  11. Analysis of the labor market dynamics and economic inclusion constraints, 2018–2019 Commissioned by: The World Bank Group Brussels Office
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  12. Evaluation of the Council recommendation on the integration of long-term unemployed into the labor market – study report: Croatia (LTU), 2018 Commissioned by: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  13. The effects of the large-scale traineeship reform on labour market outcomes of youth population in Croatia – SOR, (Tvoj Grant@EIZ), 2018 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Tvoj Grant@EIZ)
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  14. Analysis of the status and recommendations for the development of further activities for people in NEET status – NEETstat, 2017–2018 Commissioned by: Ministry of Labor and Pension System
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  15. Briefing note on "Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) in Croatia", 2017 Commissioned by: European Parliament
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  16. Thematic country review on apprenticeships in Croatia, 2017–2018 Commissioned by: Fondazione G. Brodolini – within a contract with Cedefop
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  17. Real-time labour market information on skill requirements: setting up the EU system for online vacancy analysis - OnlineVac, 2017 Commissioned by: Consortium led by the CRISP center (University of Milano Bicocca)
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  18. Internet index of job vacancies, 2017 Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec and Iva Tomić
  19. A brief study on apprenticeship in higher education, 2016 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  20. Peer Review on “Youth Guarantee: experiencing a new approach to help young vulnerable people to gain autonomy”, 2016 Commissioned by: ICF Consulting Services Ltd (ICF) (contracted by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission to undertake “Support services for Mutual Learning within the European Employment Strategy”)
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  21. General versus vocational education: lessons from a quasi-experiment in Croatia, 2016 Commissioned by: Global Development Network (GDN) and The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute (CERGE-EI)
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  22. KOMPEKO – The analysis of key competencies in economics and business field, 2015–2016 Commissioned by: ESF
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  23. Projections of the future needs of the labour market, 2015–2016 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  24. ZAMAH – The impact of the recession on the structure and flow of youth unemployment in Croatia, 2015–2016 Commissioned by: ESF
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  25. Minimum wage effects on employment, productivity and living standards in Croatia, 2015 Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  26. Creating a profile of the sectors for the Croatian Qualifications Framework - PROSEK, 2015 Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  27. Peer review on “Targeting NEETs – key ingredients for successful partnerships in improving labour market participation”, 2015 Commissioned by: European Commission
    Project coordinator: Iva Tomić
  28. Strategic study on labour mobility – Croatia, 2014 Commissioned by: Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  29. Analysis of the difference in wages between the private sector, state-owned enterprises and the public sector, 2014 Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  30. The impact of the Great Recession on public and private sector pay and employment structures in two former Yugoslav countries, 2013–2014 Commissioned by: Open Society Foundations (OSF)
    Project manager: Iva Tomić