The analysis of vulnerability of local goverment units in the Republic of Croatia to tourism activity

Commissioned by: Media Val d.o.o.
Project duration: February 15 – November 17, 2022
Project manager: Maruška Vizek
Collaborator: Nebojša Stojčić

The aim of the project is to calculate and analyze the vulnerability of local governments in the Republic of Croatia to the intensity of tourism activity for the period from 2012 to 2021. The seasonality of tourist activity, the intensity of tourist demand and changes in the structure of accommodation capacities are analyzed separately, and the index of tourist vulnerability is calculated on the basis of these data. Based on the calculated indicators, the project aims to detect those local governments that have shown the most positive and negative trends in total exposure to tourism and analyze how exposure to tourism has changed in time and space. Based on the observed trends, the project will define guidelines for defining public policies.

RESEARCH AREA: The economics of tourism
