Past projects

  1. Cost effectiveness of individual heat cost allocators in Croatian buildings

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy
    Project manager: Davor Mikulić
  2. Economic, statistical and political aspects of sovereign bond markets – SOBOM (CSF)

    Commissioned by: Croatian Science Foundation
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  3. The establishment of The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  4. Consulting services of financial experts – quality evaluation of project proposals

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  5. Financial conditions index

    Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić, Tanja Broz
  6. Links between zombie lending, productivity and employment

    Commissioned by: GDN - CERGE EI Foundation
    Project manager: Tanja Broz
  7. Assessment of financial literacy in Croatia: testing regional differences – pilot survey

    Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Maja Vehovec
  8. The distributional impact of fiscal policy in Croatia

    Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  9. Big Data: Google searches predict unemployment in EU-28 – ETLAnow

    Commissioned by: ETLA, the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  10. Design of supply and use tables in accordance with CPA 2008 and NCA 2007 for 2010

    Commissioned by: Croatian Bureau of Statistics
    Project manager: Davor Mikulić
  11. Household credit risk in Croatia: An analysis based on the Household Budget Survey in 2010

    Commissioned by: Croatian National Bank
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  12. An analysis of the business cycles in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  13. Determinants of house prices in transition economies

    Commissioned by: Global Development Network (GDN)
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  14. Introduction and application of the system of national accounts in the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Central Bureau of Statistics
    Project manager: Davor Mikulić
  15. The socioeconomic cost-benefit analysis in the fiscal incentives model for sustainable business and the development of export labor-intensive services in the processing industry of the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Agency for Investment and Competitiveness – Textile, Leather Goods and Footwear Industry
    Project manager: Željko Lovrinčević
  16. The macroeconomic analysis of export competitiveness of the food industry of the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Goran Buturac
  17. The impact of demand and supply shocks from EMU on business cycles of Central and Eastern European countries

    Commissioned by: Global Development Network
    Project manager: Tanja Broz
  18. Review of energy efficiency financing schemes in Member States and recommendations to maximise their impacts and effective deployment

    Commissioned by: REKK Energiapiaci Tanacsado within a contract with DG Environment
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  19. Analysis of financial viability of energy efficient renovation in residential and public buildings in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Davor Mikulić
  20. Revitalisation and energy efficient renovation of Donji grad

    Commissioned by: North-west Croatia Regional Energy Agency
    Project manager: Davor Mikulić
  21. Winter is coming! Or not? Policy evaluation in Croatian tourist cities

    Commissioned by: CERGE-EI Foundation - GDN RRC 2016 Regional Research Competition
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  22. An analysis of tourism sector determinants in the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Croatia
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  23. Basic premise for elaboration of Development strategy of Zagreb urban agglomeration – economic aspects (SUAZ)

    Commissioned by: City of Zagreb – Office for strategic planning and development of the City of Zagreb (Office)
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  24. Economic atlas of HT Group

    Commissioned by: HT d.d.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  25. Projections of the future needs of the labour market (PROLAB)

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  26. The impact of the recession on the structure and flow of youth unemployment in Croatia – ZAMAH

    Commissioned by: European Social Fund
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  27. Cross sectoral analysis of the Transport and Logistics Sector and Economics and Trade Sector – XSEK

    Commissioned by: Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  28. Creating a profile of the sectors for the Croatian Qualifications Framework – PROSEK

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  29. Minimum wage effects on employment, productivity and living standards in Croatia (MinPlaca)

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  30. Peer Review on "Targeting NEETs – key ingredients for successful partnerships in improving labour market participation"

    Commissioned by: ICF Consulting Services Ltd (ICF)
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  31. Strategic study on labour mobility – Croatia report

    Commissioned by: Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  32. Analysis of wage gaps between the private sector, state-owned enterprises and the public sector

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  33. Productivity analysis in Croatia: An assessment using firm level data – PACR

    Commissioned by: World Bank
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  34. Economic and Social Assessment for the Croatian Marine and Coastal Strategy (ESA)

    Commissioned by: Priority Action Programme / Regionial Activity Centre, Split
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  35. Survey on corruption and crime affecting the business sector in Croatia

    Commissioned by: UNODC
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  36. The survey of public expenditures and the establishment of performance indicators in the area of drug abuse combating in the Republic of Croatia – The feasibility study of scientific - research project

    Commissioned by: The Government of the Republic of Croatia - Office for Combating Narcotic Drug Abuse of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  37. The impact of the financial crisis on household financial vulnerability in Croatia

    Commissioned by: The wiiw GDN-SEE-CIS Research Competition 2011
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  38. Development Programme for the City of Benkovac 2012–2016

    Commissioned by: The City of Benkovac
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  39. Evaluation of tax incentives aimed at stimulating R&D projects in the business sector

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
    Project manager: Sandra Švaljek / Zoran Aralica
  40. Development of crafts in Croatia - policy guidelines for 2011–2012

    Commissioned by: Ministry of economy, labor and entrepreneurship (Crafts Directorate)
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  41. Background paper for efficient decentralisation in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Croatian County Association
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  42. Analysis of the development and current state of the crafts in the Republic of Croatia, with the guidelines for the preparation of development strategy

    Commissioned by: Croatian Chamber of Crafts
    Project manager: Sandra Švaljek
  43. Development of the Croatian manufacturing industry by 2013 – strategic determinants and competitiveness

    Commissioned by: Ministry of economy, labor and enterpreneurship of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Željko Lovrinčević
  44. Innovation policy learning from Norway in Western Balkans

    Commissioned by: Norwegian Research Council
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  45. Conducting a research on innovative potential of HU HR cross border region - Međimurje County and Koprivnica-Križevci County (INOPOT-MC-KKC)

    Commissioned by: Tehnološko-inovacijski centar Međimurje d.o.o. - European Commission – IPA
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  46. Evaluation of the innovation programs financed by the World Bank in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  47. Consulting for the Central Bureau of Statistics regarding the projects GBAORD, CIS and CDH

    Commissioned by: Central Bureau of Statistics
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  48. Academic Patenting in Europe: Database sharing, Applications and Extensions (A.P.E.)

    Commissioned by: European Science Foundation
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  49. Building up SEE technology transfer network to increase the benefits of University research for society and industry

    Commissioned by: Austrian Scientific Organisation
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  50. Croatian innovation policy and its effects

    Commissioned by: Global Development Network (GDN); Regional Research Competition (CERGE-EI)
    Project manager: Domagoj Račić
  51. Innovations in Croatian enterprises, 2001–2003

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia; National Competitiveness Council
    Project manager: Domagoj Račić
  52. Analysis of financial operations of business and innovation centre of Croatia – BICRO Ltd., 2000–2003

    Commissioned by: Business Innovation Agency of Croatia – BICRO
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  53. Outline status report on Croatian industry, finance, science and technology

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  54. The connection between electronic business and combating gray economy in Croatia – E-PAY

    Commissioned by: Komunikacijski laboratorij d.o.o. (VISA)
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  55. Feasibility study of implementing scientific research project “Social costs in the field of combating drugs abuse in Croatia”

    Commissioned by: The Government of the Republic of Croatia - Office for Combating Narcotic Drug Abuse
    Project manager: Sunčana Slijepčević
  56. Evaluation of the National Strategy for the creation of an enabling environment for the development of civil society 2012–2016

    Commissioned by: Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs​
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor
  57. The determinants of a business climate in Croatia – the value system and citizens’ attitudes

    Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Edo Rajh
  58. Evaluation of the effectiveness of public expenses in the field of combating drug abuse in the Republic of Croatia – Effectiveness

    Commissioned by: Office for Combating Drug Abuse, the Government of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  59. Public administration reform in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  60. Household survey on experience of corruption and other forms of crime in Croatia

    Commissioned by: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Survey and Statistics Section, Vienna
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  61. Development and implementation of legal information system in Croatia: market analysis

    Commissioned by: European Commission
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  62. Strategic plan for the long term development of existing free zones in Croatia

    Commissioned by: TDI, Group Ltd, Ferry House, 48 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  63. The effects of price changes in telecommunication market on economy and consumers

    Commissioned by: Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  64. An integrated model of public asset management in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Croatian Privatization Fund
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  65. Croatian pension system with focus on the role and functions of REGOS

    Commissioned by: The Central Registry of Affiliates (REGOS)
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  66. Consumers' apparel purchasing behavior in Croatia

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  67. Survey on privacy and surveillance

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  68. Relevant market and market shares in the retail trade sector in Croatia and EU

    Commissioned by: Agrokor d.d.
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  69. Stakeholders perception of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla

    Commissioned by: Ericsson Nikola Tesla
    Project manager: Maja Vehovec
  70. Challenges and opportunities for providing adequate old-age pensions in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Adris Foundation
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  71. Regional patterns of deindustrialization and prospects for reindustrialization in South and Central Eastern European countries

    Commissioned by: Global Development Network (GDN)
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  72. Consulting, research and development services in the project of establishing and building the innovation center of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

    Commissioned by: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  73. The effects of economic crisis on retail trade and prospects of overcoming the crisis

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  74. Analysis of the development and current state of the crafts in the Republic of Croatia, with the guidelines for the preparation of development strategy

    Commissioned by: Croatian Chamber of Crafts
    Project manager: Sandra Švaljek
  75. Methodological foundations of a practical model for calculation of production price of finished products inventories in sugar mill Sladorana d.d. Županja

    Commissioned by: Sladorana d.d. Županja
    Project manager: Mihaela Grubišić
  76. Current situation and development of chemical industry in the EU and Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  77. The development of manufacturing industry in Croatia for the 2007 – 2015 period

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  78. Population ageing and maintaining adequacy of living standards in the third age

    Commissioned by: Croatian Business Association
    Project manager: Maja Vehovec
  79. Development strategy for the Croatian chemical industry for the 2007-2016 period

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  80. Current situation and development of leather and footwear industry in the EU and Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  81. Current situation and development of textile and clothing industry in the EU and Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  82. Concept, strategy, system and politics of gasification of Republic of Croatia – in the new economic geography (geoeconomy) (2006–2011)

    Commissioned by: Plinacro
    Project manager: Slavko Kulić
  83. Predispositions of positioning HEP as the leader in electroenergetic market of South-East Europe – sociocultural understanding of post-conflict circumstances

    Commissioned by: HEP Group
    Project manager: Slavko Kulić
  84. Development strategy for the Croatian leather and footwear industry for the 2007–2015 period

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  85. Development strategy for the Croatian textile and clothing industry for the 2006–2015 period

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  86. Prefeasibility study of the Županja bio-ethanol factory construction

    Commissioned by: "Viro", d.d. Virovitica, "Sladorana", d.d. Županja and "Kandit-Premijer" d.d. Osijek
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  87. Croatian competitiveness barometer 2005–2006, part II

    Commissioned by: National Competitiveness Council
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  88. The influence of Hrvatska elektroprivreda privatization on social-economic system of the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: HEP Group
    Project manager: Slavko Kulić
  89. Development plan of the port of Osijek

    Commissioned by: Port Authority Osijek
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  90. Market, technological, technical and economic characteristics of TE Plomin C-500 thermal plant construction in the context of the Croatian energy system and the South East European energy community

    Commissioned by: HEP d.d. (state electrical company)
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  91. Safe driving training center investment appraisal

    Commissioned by: SINACO
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  92. Investment project on PET and cyclotron in Croatia: pre-feasibility study

    Commissioned by: Ruđer Bošković Institute
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  93. Implementation Plan for water utility directives - financial aspects

    Commissioned by: Hrvatske vode
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa, PhD
  94. Integrated coastal zone management

    Commissioned by: Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  95. The meteorological and hydrological service modernization project in the Republic of Croatia, feasibility study project

    Commissioned by: University of Oklahoma (OU), College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor
  96. Support in preparing the analytical background for strategic documents related to the Croatian economic and development policy during the EU accession process

    Commissioned by: Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU funds (CODEF)
    Project manager: Sandra Švaljek
  97. Analysis and recommendations for making local administration budgets favourable for energy efficiency projects

    Commissioned by: UNDP Croatia
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  98. The analysis of economic instruments of environmental protection

    Commissioned by: Croatian Environment Agency
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  99. The economic analysis of the Danube river basin management planning

    Commissioned by: Croatian Waters
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  100. The economic analysis of the Danube river basin management planning: I. phase

    Commissioned by: Croatian Waters
    Project manager: Željka Kordej-De Villa
  101. Comparative analysis of fiscal autonomy of large cities: case studies of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  102. City specialisation and labor productivity in Southeast Europe – BaRaBaS

    Commissioned by: CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić, Sunčana Slijepčević, Katarina Bačić
  103. Moderation of workshops in the process of preparing the Development Strategy of the City of Zagreb 2020

    Commissioned by: City of Zagreb – Office for strategic planning and development of the City of Zagreb
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  104. Consulting services in strategic planning

    Commissioned by: City of Zagreb – Office for strategic planning and development of the City of Zagreb
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  105. Analysis of attitudes of councillors in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and recommendations for local economic development

    Commissioned by: Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
    Project manager: Sunčana Slijepčević
  106. Preparation of analytical groundwork for the new Island Act

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  107. Regional development consulting

    Commissioned by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit - GTZ
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  108. Definition of development prioritites on the level of statistical NUTS II regions – MRRFEU NUTS II

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor
  109. Review of the draft Development Strategy for the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County – PGC ex post

    Commissioned by: The Institute for Physical Planning of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  110. Analytical base for Regional Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  111. Forecasts and development scenarios of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County economy - inputs to the county physical plan

    Commissioned by: The Institute for Physical Planning of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  112. Elaboration of Proposal of Guidelines with criteria/conditions for specific purposes of brownfield locations

    Commissioned by: Institute for Physical Planning of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  113. Consulting services on the development of a long-term pension projection model for Croatia (MirModel)

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  114. Child poverty and household coping strategies in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Adris Foundation
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  115. European Social Policy Network – ESPN

    Commissioned by: European Commission (winning consortium CEPS/INSEAD)
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  116. WelfarEurope – Measuring quality of life and work in Europe

    Commissioned by: European Social Fund (ESF)
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  117. A brief study on apprenticeship in higher education

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  118. Peer Review on "Youth Guarantee: experiencing a new approach to help young vulnerable people to gain autonomy"

    Commissioned by: ICF Consulting Services Ltd (ICF)
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  119. General versus vocational education: lessons from a quasi-experiment in Croatia

    Commissioned by: CERGE-EI - GDN RRC 2016 Regional Research Competition
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  120. The impact of the Great Recession on public and private sector pay and employment structures in two former Yugoslav countries

    Commissioned by: OSF (Open Society Foundations) 2012-2013 Alumni Grant Program
    Project manager: Jelena Laušev
  121. Health Care Analysis

    Commissioned by: MZB d.o.o., publisher of monthly magazine Banka
    Project manager: Maja Vehovec
  122. Internet index of job vacancies

    Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  123. State subsidies for student nutrition and accommodation

    Commissioned by: Agency for Science and Higher Education
    Project manager: Sandra Švaljek
  124. Current situation and development of Croatian manufacturing industry for the 2002–2006 period

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  125. Analysis of market forces and the productivity of companies in Croatia

    Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  126. What causes tourists to flee conflict: proximity or perception? (PROPER)

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Tvoj grant@EIZ)
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  127. Ex-ante evaluation of the Međimurje County Development Strategy; Ex-ante RSMŽ

    Commissioned by: Međimurje County
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  128. Guidelines and recommendations for more effective vertical coordination in integrated coastal zone management in Croatia

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor
  129. The influence of digital transformation on economic outcomes in the Republic of Croatia (HR-DIGI)

    Commissioned by: Croatian Employers Association
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  130. Analysis of long-term fiscal effects of demographic changes

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  131. Mapping of the Creative and Cultural Industries in the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Croatian Cluster in Creative and Cultural Industries
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  132. Statistical analysis of consumer complaints – PRIPOT

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Enterpreneurship and Crafts
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  133. Recommendations for the development of cooperative economy in the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Tanja Broz
  134. Exploring the Crime Seasonality in Croatia – CRIS

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb – Tvoj Grant@EIZ
    Project manager: Vedran Recher
  135. Sustainability report for Coca-Cola HBC Croatia

    Commissioned by: Coca-Cola HBC Croatia
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  136. The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Western Balkans: Tackling the Challenges Towards Political Stability and Economic Prosperity (WB-DIGI)

    Commissioned by: Deutsche Telekom, Telenor Norway, Telenor Serbia, Telenor Montenegro, Telekom Austria, SAP, Ernst&Young
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  137. Determining the economically justified compensation for the right of path for the telecommunications infrastructure

    Commissioned by: Croatian Telecom Inc.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  138. Making of publication "Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia"– NEKRET

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  139. Gender Assessment for Croatia (GendAssCro)

    Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  140. The effects of the large-scale traineeship reform on labour market outcomes of youth population in Croatia – SOR

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Tvoj Grant@EIZ)
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  141. Technical support in development of regional policy implementation monitoring system

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor, Irena Đokić
  142. Identification of competitive and collaborative advantages and development potentials of the Town of Vukovar

    Commissioned by: Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Town of Vukovar
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor, Irena Đokić
  143. Smart City indicators: A tool for strategic management in Croatian large cities – Smart City

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb; TvojGrant@EIZ
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  144. Impact evaluation of grants for young firms during the recession – GRANT IMPACT

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Tvoj Grant@EIZ)
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  145. Definition of methodology for mass valuation of property in Croatia (MMPEIZ)

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  146. Training on health insurance and the quality of health care (EDU-HEALTH)

    Commissioned by: The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kosovo
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  147. Analysis of economy with projections and scenarios of economic development of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County until 2030 – PGŽ 2030

    Commissioned by: Public institution Institute for Spatial Planning of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  148. Elaboration of the analytical background for the preparation of the Report on the State Space of the Republic of Croatia for 2013–2016

    Commissioned by: The Croatian Institute for Spatial Development
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  149. Study supporting the evaluation of the Council recommendation on the integration of long-term unemployed into the labor market – study report: Croatia (LTU)

    Commissioned by: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  150. Support for establishing the system for strategic planning and preparing the 2030 National Development Strategy – Digital economy expert (DEEWB)

    Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  151. Analysis of economic trends as a base for Croatian energy strategy (CRO2050)

    Commissioned by: Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar
    Project manager: Željko Lovrinčević
  152. Pension system adequacy and deductibles within personal income tax in Croatia (PenAdeq)

    Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  153. Impact assessment of promoting the development of entrepreneurial zones in the Republic of Croatia through the ministry responsible for entrepreneurial infrastructure on economic results in local self-government units - Entrepreneurial zones

    Commissioned by: The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  154. Desk research of tourism for blind and visually impaired in Croatia (BVI Croatia)

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economic Sciences, Beograd
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  155. Analysis of the labor market dynamics and economic inclusion constraints

    Commissioned by: The World Bank Group Brussels Office
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  156. Digital atlas of the HT Group

    Commissioned by: Croatian Telecom
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  157. Analysis of the status and recommendations for the development of further activities for people in NEET status – NEETstat

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Labor and Pension System
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  158. Multiple deprivation in Croatia

    Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  159. An analysis of the “Employment and social situation in Croatia” for the European Parliament

    Commissioned by: The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  160. Transition into unhappiness? A detailed look into well-being of post-transition countries

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Vedran Recher
  161. An Overview of the Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia – 2018

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  162. Construction sector analysis

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  163. Transparency and management of public finances

    Commissioned by: Hanns Seidel Stiftung Office in Zagreb
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  164. An Overview of the Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia – 2019​

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  165. Determinants of business success for women-owned firms (ZenPod)

    Commissioned by: 01 Content & Technology d.o.o.
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  166. Public-private sector wage differentials in Croatia

    Commissioned by: World Bank
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  167. The role of m-advertising in m-purchases: Moderating effect of consumer innovativeness

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  168. Sustainable Development in Croatia and the European Green Deal

    Commissioned by: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
    Project manager: Vedran Recher
  169. Developing a questionnaire for conducting research on e-Sports

    Commissioned by: Valiance UG Podružnica Zagreb
    Project manager: Tanja Broz
  170. HAMAG BICRO Support Service as Level 2 Intermediate Body

    Commissioned by: WYG savjetovanje
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  171. Another world is possible: The contemporary relevance of the economic, social, political, and cultural imaginaries of the Non-Aligned Movement

    Commissioned by: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  172. The distributional impact of fiscal policy in Croatia

    Commissioned by: World Bank
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  173. Service for the Interreg MED project – Building the blue biotechnology community in the Mediterranean

    Commissioned by: Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovation and Investment
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  174. Ex ante Evaluation of the Development Plan of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (ex ante PGŽ​)

    Commissioned by: Regional Development Agency of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County
    Project manager: Nenad Starc
  175. Development of creative and cultural industries of the Istria County

    Commissioned by: Istrian Cultural Agency
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  176. The importance of micro, small and medium size enterprises for Croatia

    Commissioned by: Media Val d.o.o.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  177. An Overview of the Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia for the Year 2020

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  178. The influence of COVID-19 pandemics on activity of micro, small and medium size enterprises in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Media Val d.o.o.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  179. Inspiring digital entrepreneurship – IDEA

    Commissioned by: European Commission – Erasmus+ KA203
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  180. Expert advice and support in the context of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of the regional impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Republic of Croatia with a special focus on tourism sector

    Commissioned by: European Commission
    Project manager: Andrea Mervar
  181. Business analysis of the private protection sector in 2022

    Commissioned by: Croatian security association - professional security chamber
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  182. Effects of changes in the structure of final demand on economic activity in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Croatian Chamber of Economy
    Project manager: Davor Mikulić
  183. Development and calibration of models for mass valuation of real estate

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  184. The analysis of vulnerability of local goverment units in the Republic of Croatia to tourism activity

    Commissioned by: Media Val d.o.o.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  185. An analysis of unemployment benefit adequacy and recommendations for statutory changes in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

    Commissioned by: Croatian Employment Service
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  186. An Overview of the Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia 2021

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  187. Grants, innovativeness, and management styles – secret weapons of small firms’ resilience?

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  188. Diagnosing and addressing aging and care related bottlenecks for an efficient labor market in Croatia

    Commissioned by: World Bank
    Project manager: Vedran Recher
  189. The analysis of the state of the real estate market and its determinants with the statistical processing of the trends in transactions and prices achieved on the market in the period of 2012–2021

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  190. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on entities in the creative and cultural industries – a case of two Croatian counties

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  191. Croatia - Support to Improve Poverty and Social Policies Monitoring

    Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  192. An Overview of the Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia (2022)

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  193. Ex Ante Evaluation of the Territorial Strategy of Sibenik-Knin County

    Commissioned by: Šibenik-Knin County
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  194. Analysis of the Effects and Sustainability of the Social Reform in 2019, North Macedonia

    Commissioned by: Sustainable Inclusive Growth Association
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  195. Creation of a Short Study on Professional Practice in Higher Education in the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education
    Project manager: Goran Buturac
  196. Public perception of creative industries in Croatia

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  197. Enhanced Strategic Planning at Regional and Local Levels in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  198. Mayor’s political party affiliation and local outcomes: evidence from SEE

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb and Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  199. Business analysis of the private protection sector in 2024

    Commissioned by: SECURITAS HRVATSKA d.o.o.
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  200. Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union – I3U

    Commissioned by: European Commission
    Project manager: Andrea Mervar (EIZ team leader)
  201. Sources of export growth and industrial development: empirical evidence from Croatia (INDUS)

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Goran Buturac
  202. Extended model of online PRIvacy CONcern – PRICON (CSF)

    Commissioned by: Croatian Science Foundation's Research Projects Programme
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  203. Establishment of a multifunctional classroom at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb - EIZmetrics

    Commissioned by: Project is financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  204. Analysis of the impact of increased excise taxes, introduction of minimum prices and restrictions on advertising beer on the brewing industry in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Brewers Association / Heineken Croatia
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  205. Briefing Note on "Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) in Croatia"

    Commissioned by: European Parliament
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  206. The analysis of key competencies in economics and business field – KOMPEKO

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports; Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, Department of Financing and Contracting of EU Programmes
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  207. Analysis of entrepreneurial potential with a focus on entrepreneurial intentions of young people in developing countries – ENIN

    Commissioned by: University "Goce Delcev" Macedonia
    Project manager: Edo Rajh
  208. Illegal Trade of Tobacco Products: Smuggling as Experienced along the Balkan Route – BALKANSMUGG

    Commissioned by: Philip Morris International
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  209. Do financial incentives shape physicians' prescription behaviors

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  210. Consulting services in preparation of Ageing Report

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  211. Analysis of financial management of television broadcasters at the local level in Croatia in 2014 and 2015

    Commissioned by: Agency for Electronic Media
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  212. Scientific-research project on spatial-economic aspects of revitalization and reindustrialisation of the City of Vukovar

    Commissioned by: Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the City of Vukovar
    Project manager: Goran Buturac
  213. Integral analysis of renewable energy sources development in Croatia in period 2007–2016 and renewable energy market in the future – RES

    Commissioned by: Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar
    Project manager: Željko Lovrinčević
  214. Thematic country review on apprenticeships in Croatia – TCR Croatia

    Commissioned by: Fondazione G. Brodolini – within a contract with Cedefop
    Project manager: Iva Tomić
  215. My place under the sun

    Commissioned by: Active Citizens Fund in Croatia / Community Foundation "Slagalica"
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  216. Bayesian truth serum and its applications to conjoint analysis: A reliable way to assess user preferences for new products, services and policies – BayInno

    Commissioned by: Research Executive Agency, European Commission
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  217. Corruption as an obstacle to efficiently fighting the COVID-19 pandemic

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  218. SmartEIZ

    Commissioned by: European Commission
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  219. Expert evaluation on predictability of state of the business cycle in the period from 2010 to 2013

    Commissioned by: Union of Research and Higher Education Employees
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  220. Youth activation network

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy – European Social Fund
    Project manager: Valerija Botrić
  221. The economic impact of 5G in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Croatian Telekom
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  222. Evaluation Helpdesk

    Commissioned by: Applica Sprl
    Project manager: Marijana Sumpor
  223. Perspectives on Local Governance across Europe

    Commissioned by: Technical University of Darmstadt
    Project manager: Sunčana Slijepčević, Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  224. Public interest not for sale – PINS II

    Commissioned by: Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA), Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Irena Đokić
  225. Real-time labour market information on skill requirements: setting up the EU system for online vacancy analysis – OnlineVac

    Commissioned by: Consortium led by the CRISP center (University of Milano Bicocca)
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  226. Out-of-pocket health expenditures in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Freyr d.o.o.
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  227. Predicted vs. Stated Preference: Application to Conjoint Analysis in Innovation Development

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  228. Improving quality of subjective data for better decision making: Application to stated intentions

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  229. Professional service for the implementation of mapping and forecasting within the project Scientific and Technological Foresight

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  230. Creative and cultural industries – before and after COVID-19

    Commissioned by: Croatian Composers' Society (ZAMP)
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  231. Social Impact Investment: development of company specific indicators

    Commissioned by: Mindsmiths d.o.o.
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  232. The analysis of the impact of the increase of excises, the introduction of minimal prices and restrictions in advertising on beer industry in the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: The association of beer, malt and hops of Croatian Chamber of Commerce
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  233. Ex-ante evaluation of the Šibenik-Knin County Development Plan

    Commissioned by: Šibenik-Knin County
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  234. Analysis of indirect benefits of energy efficient retrofit of buildings

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Davor Mikulić
  235. Developing a standardized methodology to optimize the costing of kindergartens fees

    Commissioned by: United Nations Children’s Fund
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  236. Project monitoring and evaluation: Assessment of the Second Science and Technology Project

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  237. Support service in the implementation of the evaluation to the managing authority of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec (to November 27, 2022, Ivan Žilić project manager, Marina Tkalec collaborator)
  238. Optimization of Local and Regional Self-Government System

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Justice and Public Administration
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  239. Ex-ante evaluation of the Karlovac County Development Plan 2021–2027

    Commissioned by: The Karlovac County
    Project manager: Tanja Broz
  240. Labor market, education, health and social protection – Croatia and EU

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić (Iva Tomić until April 1, 2020)
  241. Citizens’ Perspectives on Illicit Activities

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  242. The role of local and regional units in achieving the sustainable development goals

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
  243. Why is Croatian macroeconomic convergence towards the EU missing?

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Željko Lovrinčević
  244. Contemporary determinants of innovation systems development and impact analysis

    Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  245. A report on developing a labor market reform agenda with the aim of empowering women

    Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  246. Case Studies on Collaboration with China

    Commissioned by: Ningbo Technology University - China-CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  247. The Development Trend of Industries in Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ningbo University of Technology/CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  248. Croatia – Support to Improve Poverty and Social Policies Monitoring – Part 2

    Commissioned by: The World Bank Group
    Project manager: Ivica Rubil
  249. Modeling and Projecting Supply and Demand for Housing Units in Local Government Units of the Republic of Croatia

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  250. An Overview of the Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia (2023)

    Commissioned by: Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  251. Too much of a good thing? The effects of tourism on the housing market in Croatia – TOURCRO

    Commissioned by: Croatian Science Foundation
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  252. Consumer resilience to online privacy violation – REPRICON

    Commissioned by: Croatian Science Foundation
    Project manager: Jelena Budak