Enhanced Strategic Planning at Regional and Local Levels in Croatia

Commissioned by: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Project duration: January 23, 2024 - February 29, 2024
Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović

Within the framework of the project "Enhanced strategic planning at the regional and local level in Croatia" implemented by the OECD for the needs of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds, a one-day workshop was prepared for additional education of representatives of regional coordinators on the implementation of regional development plans and projects. To prepare the workshop, the following activities were carried out: (i) a questionnaire was created to identify the specific educational goals of the participants in the workshop, (ii) literature was prepared for the workshop participants, which enabled them to gain additional insights into the topic of implementation of regional development plans and projects , (iii) a PowerPoint presentation wase prepared that included key concepts, examples of good practice, instructions for the exercises at the workshop, etc., (iv) two group exercises were prepared that provided the workshop participants with the opportunity to apply the tools and skills covered during the training, (v) short guidelines were prepared to support the implementation of regional development plans and projects, (vi) training of representatives of regional coordinators on the implementation of regional development plans and projects was conducted in cooperation with the OECD team. 

RESEARCH AREARegional development and regional politics
