Advisory services for upgrading the portal "Moja mirovina"

Commissioned by: Central Registry of Affiliates (REGOS)
Project duration: December 9, 2024 - December 8, 2025
Project manager: Danijel Nestić
Collaborator: Tibor Kovač

Advisory services within the project include proposals for improvements of the portal "Moja mirovina", which will be presented in the form of corrections to the Excel model base and written documents describing the proposed changes. Adjustments and improvements are related to new pension types to be covered by the simulations, then advice on the information that should be displayed to the user of the pension calculator, in particular information that should help with the choice of the type of pension, and also proposals for adapting the calculator to revised input data and new legal regulations in the field of pensions and pension taxation. After analyzing projected and actual macroeconomic developments, possible changes to the macroeconomic assumptions of the simulation model will be proposed.

RESEARCH AREAPensions and ageing

