Evaluation of the National Strategy for the creation of an enabling environment for the development of civil society 2012–2016

Commissioned by: Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs
Project duration: September 8, 2016 – November 8, 2016  
Project manager: Marijana Sumpor, PhD
Collaborators: Ivana Rašić Bakarić, PhD, Irena Đokić, PhD, Aneta Karakaš, PhD

Brief outline: 
The aim of the evaluation was to provide answers to key evaluation questions and to highlight main problems and obstacles to the implementation of the National Strategy for the Creation of an Enabling Environment for the Civil Society Development 2012-2016. 

The result was the evaluation report with final assessment and the description of findings, conclusions and recommendations, while project activities included literature review, analysis of the strategy implementation and drafting of evaluation report. 

During evaluation, we conducted the analysis of relevant literature, stakeholder analysis, electronic survey, semi-structured interviews and focus groups.

