2018: PRICON Conference
PRICON Conference
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
May 14, 2018

9:45–10:00: Welcome and Registration
10:00: Opening
10:15–11:00: Ivan Szekely
Eotvos Karoly Policy Institute; Blinken OSA Archivum at the Central European University, Budapest
Keynote: ”Data Protection Authorities and New Information Technology“
11:00–11:30: Ola Svenonius
Stockholm University, Department of Political Science, Stockholm
“Legacies of Surveillance in Central and Eastern Europe: ‘Like Fish in Water’ Survey”
11:30–12:00: Pawel Waszkiewicz
University of Warsaw, Warsaw Faculty of Law and Administration, Department of Criminalistics, Warsaw
”Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Using Social Media by Law Enforcement Agencies“
12:00–12:15: Coffee break
12:15–13:15: PRICON Session I: Online Privacy and Consumers
Chair: Sunčana Piri Rajh, University of Zagreb, The Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Ivan-Damir Anić: ”Online Privacy Concern in Commercial Settings in Croatia“
Vedran Recher: ”Consumer Behavioral Intention in the Online Environment“
13:15–14:00: Lunch
14:00–15:00: PRICON Session II: Privacy, Personality, and Perceptions
Chair: Paul Stubbs, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Mateo Žokalj: ”Personal Values of Internet Users: A Cluster Analytic Approach“
Bruno Škrinjarić: ”The Effect of Personality Traits on Online Privacy Concern“
15:00–15:30: Concluding PRICON
Jelena Budak: ”Extended Model of Online PRIvacy CONcern“
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Ekonomski institut, Zagreb)
Trg J. F. Kennedyja 7, Zagreb, Grand hall (Velika dvorana), 1st floor (1. kat)
Please confirm your participation by May 7, 2018 to Ms.
Katarina Orehovec:
Ivan Szekely, social informatics expert, is an internationally known expert in the multidisciplinary fields of data protection and freedom of information. Former chief counsellor of the Hungarian Data Protection ombudsman, Szekely is at present a Senior Research Fellow of the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at the Central European University, an Associate Professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and an advisory board member of the Eotvos Karoly Policy Institute. His research interests and publications are focused on information autonomy, openness and secrecy, privacy, identity, surveillance and resilience, memory and forgetting, and archivistics.
His presentation will analyze the relationship between Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) and new information and communication technologies (ICT) and introduce the findings of his recent research. DPAs play a decisive role in regulating (online) privacy, and new and emerging technologies shape our perceptions and possibilities in this environment. Consequently, it is important to determine whether DPAs correctly understand the possibilities and implications of using new ICT in the processing of personal data.
Raab, C., & Szekely, I. (2017). Data protection authorities and information technology.
Computer Law & Security Review, 33(4), 421–433. Retrieved from:
Ola Svenonius is a political scientist at the Stockholm University, specializing in surveillance and security, law enforcement, counter-terrorism, and European politics. His most recent research focuses on surveillance in post-communist societies and anti-money laundering. He is currently a guest editor (with Fredrika Björklund) of a special issue on post-communism and surveillance at Surveillance & Society. Recent publications include:
(2018). Explaining attitudes to surveillance in post-communist societies.
East European Politics, 34(2), 1–29. Retrieved from:
(2018). The body politics of the urban age: reflections on surveillance and affect.
Palgrave Communications. Retrieved from:
His presentation is based on the project Like Fish in Water: Surveillance in Post-Communist Societies, carried out in the period between 2013–2016 as an international research initiative that seeks to understand and explain the relationship between surveillance, trust, and security in Central and Eastern Europe. The presentation will raise survey methodological questions, the question of socialist legacies of surveillance, and highlight the project's headline results.
Pawel Waszkiewicz is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Poland. His research focuses on crime prevention, surveillance, forensics, and criminal investigations. He is the author of the first major Polish study on video surveillance and also the first study on evidence-based crime prevention. His books as well as other contributions are publicly available at
http://uw.academia.edu/Pawe%C5%82Waszkiewicz. He is a visiting professor at several European and American universities: Univeristy of Ottawa, Rutgers University, University College London, Teesside Univesity, Malaga Universidad, and Allicante Universidad. The presentation will cover his most recent research project that deals with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the practice of law enforcement agencies, especially using social media. The phenomenon of OSINT will be introduced and some initial findings from the Polish law enforcement survey will be presented.
Ivan-Damir Anić is a PRICON team member from the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. He will present the analysis related to the issues of online privacy concern in commercial settings in Croatia. This includes the examination of several antecedent variables that are important for explaining online privacy concern in commercial settings, such as the impact of demographic variables, control and regulation variables. He will also describe how online privacy concern affects consumers' online purchasing behavior, including the tendency toward online protective behavior, sharing private information online, attitudes toward online shopping and online purchases. Implications for digital marketing and consumer welfare of research results will be discussed as well.
Anić, I.-D., & Škare, V. (2017). Online privacy concern in Croatia: the effect of consumer and regulatory control factors // 14th International CIRCLE Conference
Creating and Delivering Value / Ryding, D., Krzyzanowska, M., (Eds.). Lancashire: Access Press, 88–89.
Vedran Recher is a PRICON team member from the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. He collaborated on the PRICON project from the beginning and finished his PhD on the effect of privacy concern on consumer behavioral intention in the online environment in October 2017. He will present the main results from his PhD thesis. His dissertation focuses on the effect of online privacy concern on consumers' intention to engage in transactions on the internet, but also covers various determinants of consumers' online privacy concern.
Bruno Škrinjarić is a PRICON team member form the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. He will present the findings of an analysis which focuses on how (and if) personal characteristics of internet users affect their concern for privacy in an online environment. The theoretical framework consisting of the Big Five theory of personality traits has been used to test variations in online privacy concern.
Škrinjarić, B., Budak, J., & Žokalj, M. (2017). The effect of personality traits on online privacy concern.
EIZ Working Papers, 1702, 5–29. Retrieved from:
Mateo Žokalj was an intern student at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb and has since continued to collaborate on the PRICON project. He co-authored two research papers and will present one of them: Rajh, E., Budak, J., & Žokalj, M. (2016). Personal values of Internet users: a cluster analytic approach.
EIZ Working Papers, 1606, 5–27. Retrieved from:
https://hrcak.srce.hr/166362. The paper explores the structure of personal values as defined in Schwartz’s value theory in order to better understand the motivational background of attitudes and behavior of internet users.
Jelena Budak is the project lead of the PRICON project at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb. She will introduce the Extended Model of Online PRIvacy CONcern project to the audience and present the main findings of this four-year research endeavor. She will promote the project study that will be published at the occasion of the conference as an e-book in open access available for download via the website of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb.