2018: WB-MIGNET Conference
Conference Agenda

MAY 25, 2018
9:00 – 10:00: Registration
10:00 – 10:30: Opening Ceremonies (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Welcoming speech
Maruška Vizek, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Director
Jelena Uzelac, University College Effectus for Law and Finance, Dean
Ivana Živković, CEI National Coordinator (tbc)
Ugo Poli, CEI Project Manager Focal Point Migrations
10:30 – 11:15: Keynote Speech (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Russell King
Fragmented and Fluid Mobilities: the Role of Onward Migration in the New Map of Europe and the Balkans
11:15 – 11:30: Coffee break (Green room – 1st floor)
11:30 – 13:00: Parallel sessions
Parallel session A (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Session chair: Merita Zulfiu
Saša Božić, Simona Kuti
Transnational Social Spaces as Facilitators of Migration: Social Ties and Mobilities across Croatian Borders
Martina Bofulin, Sanja Cukut Krilić
Enabling Integration through Access to Information: the Overview of Information Services for Migrants in the Danube Region and Beyond
Merita H. Meçe
Internal Migration and Social Capital in Albanian Post-socialist Society: a Comparative Study among Internal Migrants and Locals in Kamza City
Parallel session B (Orange room – 1st floor)
Session Chair: Amina Ahec Šonje
Tatjana Katkić Stanić
Integrated Approach to Protecting Unaccompanied Children
Elena Andreevska
Minority Rights: United Nations Procedure and Institutions
Miloš Đurović
Internal Migrations of Young People in Montenegro
Parallel session C (Grey room – 2nd floor)
Session Chair: Ilir Gedeshi
Ilir Gedeshi
How Big is Potential Migration from Albania?
Sami Behrami, Fadil Bajraktari
Emigration From Kosovo at the Beginning of XXI Century – A Challenge for Sustainable Demographic Development
Besa Xhaferi
Migration Trends and Patterns in Macedonia
13:00 – 13:45: Lunch break (Green room – 1st floor)
13:45 – 14:30: Keynote Speech (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Aija Lulle
Challenging the Notion of European 'Peripheries' From Balkans to Baltics: Migrants and Public Diplomacy Work
14:30 – 16:00: Parallel sessions
Parallel session A (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Session chair: Valerija Botrić
Dunja Potočnik, Mirjana Adamović
Blocked Aspirations and Emigration of Croatian Youth
Vesna Lukić, Jelena Predojević-Despić
Emigration from Serbia: Focusing on the Youth
Erka Caro
Economic Crisis and Migrant’s Responses: the Case of Albanian Working Migrant Women in Greece
Parallel session B (Grey room - 2nd floor)
Session chair: Paul Stubbs
Sanja Cukut Krilić, Simona Zavratnik
De-constructing Vulnerabilities along the Balkan Corridor
Emina Bužinkić
Political Geography of the “Refugee Crisis”
Aleksandar R. Miletić
Southeast Europe and Global Labour Market in Retrospect, 19th-21st Centuries
Parallel session C (Orange room - 1st floor)
Session chair: Ardiana Gashi
Sanja Klempić-Bogadi, Margareta Gregurović, Sonja Podgorelec
Accepted or Not? Social Integration of Immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia
Milica Vesković Anđelković, Mirjana Bobić
Identities of Highly Educated Returnees in Serbia
Merita Zulfiu Alili, Entela Kaleshi, Nick Adnett
Return Migrant as Agents of Change-from Migrants and Seasonal Workers to Job Creators
16:00 – 16:15: Coffee break (Green room – 1st floor)
16:15 – 17:30: Policy panel (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Responses to Refugees and Asylum Seekers on the Balkan Route: What Needs to Change?
Panelists: Vedran Horvat, Institute for Political Ecology, Zagreb; Julija Kranjec, Centre for Peace Studies, Zagreb; Asja Korbar, Are You Syrious, Zagreb; Maria Giovanna Manieri, Advisor, Greens in the European Parliament
Moderator: Drago Župarić-Iljić, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb
17:30: End of Day 1
MAY 26, 2018
9:00-9:30: Morning coffee (Green room – 1st floor)
9:30 – 10:15: Keynote Speech (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Ferruccio Pastore
The Crisis Decade and Migration: Some Retrospective Reflections
10:15 – 11:45: Parallel sessions
Parallel session A (Blue room – 2nd floor)
Session chair: Nermin Oruč
Danica Šantić, Marija Antić, Jelena Predojević-Despić, Vesna Lukić
How can Migrants Contribute to Development of Rural Areas in Serbia?
Iraklis Dimitriadis
Albanian Migrants’ Practices of Coping With Crisis: Considerations and Dilemmas about Second Move from Greece and Italy towards a New Destination
Nermin Oruč
Migration Experience and Gender Gap in Labour Market Participation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Parallel session B (Grey room – 2nd floor)
Session chair: Paul Stubbs
Ardiana Gashi, Nick Adnett
Return Migration: Empirical Evidence from Kosovo
Aida Ibričević
Facing Fear: Conceptualizing Home, Belonging and the “Emotional Citizenship” of Diaspora Returning to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Julija Sardelić
Romani Minorities in the Aftermath of the 2015/16 Refugee Crisis
11:45 – 12:00: Closing ceremonies (Blue room – 2nd floor)