Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Project duration: October 1, 2019 - December 31, 2023
Project manager: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
Collaborators: Ivana Rašić, Ivan-Damir Anić, Sunčana Slijepčević, Željka Kordej-De Villa
Particular emphasis in the project is put on local and regional self-government units in Croatia. Various topics will be covered regarding their role in overcoming numerous social, economic and environmental challenges, all in the context of achieving sustainable development. This research will be based on available secondary data, as well as data from primary sources. Some of the usual methods for collecting primary data (survey, interview, focus group, case study, content analysis and/or online qualitative research) will be applied. The data will be analyzed using quantitative methods usually used in the social sciences (descriptive and inferential statistics methods, econometric methods) and the application of data analysis methods in qualitative research.