Real-time labour market information on skill requirements: setting up the EU system for online vacancy analysis – OnlineVac

Commissioned by: Consortium led by the CRISP center (University of Milano Bicocca)
Project duration: February 2017 – March 2018
Project manager: Danijel Nestić, PhD

Brief outline: 
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb acted in the capacity of country expert and performed an in-depth analysis of the use of web portals by employers and job seekers providing information for assessing the representativeness of online vacancy data. 

Outputs of the project included comments, analyses and preparation of a country report on online vacancy analysis, while project activities included analysing the provided data and conducting desk research on specific aspects of ICT use in recruitment and job search, researching online job webpages and selecting the relevant ones, conducting expert interviews, validating the results, compiling a country report and participating in the validation workshop. 

The methodology was based on the integration of big data in the regular production of official statistics through pilot research of the potential of selected big data sources and building the concrete applications.




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