Thematic country review on apprenticeships in Croatia – TCR Croatia

Commissioned by: Fondazione G. Brodolini – within a contract with Cedefop
Project duration: January 20, 2017 – July 31, 2018
Project manager: Iva Tomić, PhD
Collaborators: Bruno ŠkrinjarićValerija Botrić, PhD

Brief outline:
This project intended, in close cooperation with Cedefop and national stakeholders, to carry out in-depth review of apprenticeships in the country in order to identify their specific strengths and challenges and present a set of policy recommendations for ensuring quality apprenticeships and support reforms at national level. At the European level, the aim was to increase the evidence base which could support policy and decision-makers in European countries at different levels in designing and implementing policies and measures for developing and/or improving quality apprenticeships, and also to support comparison across countries. 

The outputs of this project were improved knowledge base on the state-of-play, new evidence on challenges, causes and possible solutions, drawn evidence-based policy actions aimed at national policy makers, social partners, VET providers and other national stakeholders on how to set the basis for quality apprenticeship in Croatia, and for larger evidence-base supporting policy- and decision-makers in Croatia in designing and implementing policies and measures for developing and/or improving quality apprenticeships. 

Project activities included co-drafting the Inception Report, the First and Second Progress Reports and the Final Activity Report, drafting the Background Paper and Note, contributing to the definition of country-specific strategies for the 3 survey rounds, implementing the 3 survey rounds according to the specific indication from the Steering Group and the Client (Cedefop), drafting the write-ups and summaries of findings, participating at three validation workshops, two management meetings and two dissemination events, sharing quality review responsibility with the Quality Manager, respecting the deadlines related to the implementation of each specific assignment, as approved by the Client (Cedefop) and described in the Inception Report. 

Project methodology was based on desk research, face-to-face interviews, roundtable meetings, validation workshops and web survey.




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