Business analysis of the private protection sector in 2024

Commissioned by: SECURITAS HRVATSKA d.o.o.
Project duration: September 9 - September 30, 2024
Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić

The goal of this analysis was continuous monitoring of basic business and other processes within the Private Protection industry, as well as an overview of market relations and the importance of business in the overall economy of the Republic of Croatia. The analysis of the private protection sector was primarily focused on the operations of security companies and trades that mainly deal with the physical and technical protection of persons and property (some other segments were not particularly taken into account because they were included in the previous two, such as, for example, money escort, CDS, mechanical protection and the like) as the most important segment of activity in terms of total income and number of employees. The goal of the contracted project was to produce the publication Analysis of the business of the private protection sector in 2024.

The project activities were as follows:

  • create business analysis tables of the private protection sector (MS Excel format),
  • write a short accompanying text (production methodology, etc.),
  • make a presentation of research results (MS PowerPoint format),
  • present the research results at the conference in September 2024.
RESEARCH AREASectors and enterprises
