The transition of the Croatian economy into a market economy in the last thirty years has involved changes within sectors and enterprises. For enterprises, the transition meant a higher level of competitiveness against peer companies on the local and international markets, as well as accepting new business practices which led to their restructuring. For sectors, the transition meant strengthening market competition within sectors and changing the legal framework and regulations in sectors with domineering market players in order to boost market competition.

As a result of liberalization of the Croatian market, in the last twenty or more years, enterprises have become of smaller average size in all sectors. Consequently, small and medium-sized enterprises predominate on the Croatian market, accounting for over 99 percent of all enterprises. In terms of sectors, the researchers at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb have mostly focused on the manufacturing industry, transport and energy sector. Particularly interesting for our researchers is the manufacturing industry, where their focus has been mainly directed at analyzing the efficiency of enterprises and their business strategies. The energy sector and trade have been analyzed to a large extent in the context of their liberalization. In addition to these topics, our researchers have explored the internationalization of SME business operations, primarily of those enterprises with high growth rates on the local and international markets.

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  1. What do Members Expect from Cluster Membership? The Case of the Croatian Wood Cluster Anić, Ivan-Damir, Ivana Rašić and Zoran Aralica, 2022, E & M Ekonomie a Management, 25(2)
  2. Competence-based approaches in organizational and individual context Škrinjarić, Bruno, 2022, Humanities and social sciences communications, 9(28), pp.1-12.
  3. Spatial spillovers of tourism activity on housing prices: The case of Croatia Vizek, Maruška, Nebojša Stojčić and Josip Mikulić, 2022, Tourism Economics, paper published online June 11, 2022.  DOI:
  4. Patterns of value creation in policy-driven cluster initiatives: Evidence from the Croatian Competitiveness Clusters Anić, Ivan-Damir and Nicoletta Corrocher, 2022, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, paper published online April 19, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s00191-022-00766-7
  5. Broadband speed and firm entry in digitally intensive sectors: The case of Croatia Drilo, Boris, Nebojša Stojčić and Maruška Vizek, 2022, Društvena istraživanja : Journal for General Social Issues, 31(1), pp. 19-38
  6. Illegal tobacco demand: The case of Western Balkan Recher, Vedran, 2020, Economic Analysis and Policy, 66, pp. 182-193.
  7. The Entrepreneurial Gains from Market Integration in the New EU Member States Stojčić, Nebojša, Ivan-Damir Anić and Tonći Svilokos, 2020, Small Business Economics, paper published online July, 16, 2020, DOI:
  8. Spatio – temporal determinants of structural and productive transformation of regions in Central and East European Countries Stojčić, Nebojša, Ivan-Damir Anić and Zoran Aralica, 2019, Economic systems, 43(3-4), pp. 1-12.
  9. Do firms in clusters perform better? Lessons from wood-processing industries in new EU member states Stojčić, Nebojša, Ivan-Damir Anić and Zoran Aralica, 2019, Forest Policy and Economics, paper published online October 31 2019, DOI:
  10. The development of competitiveness clusters in Croatia: a survey-based analysis Anić, Ivan-Damir, Nicoletta Corrocher, Andrea Morrison and Zoran Aralica, 2019, European planning studies, 27(11), pp. 2227-2247.
  11. Impact assessment of entrepreneurial zones on local economic outcome Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka, Ivana Rašić Bakarić and Sunčana Slijepčević, 2019, Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), pp. 3112-3127.
  12. Bidding against the odds? The impact evaluation of grants for young micro and small firms during the recession Srhoj, Stjepan, Bruno Škrinjarić and Sonja Radas, 2019, Small Business Economics, paper published online June 11 2019, DOI:
  13. Sources of export growth and development of manufacturing industry: empirical evidence from Croatia Buturac, Goran, Davor Mikulić and Petra Palić, 2019, Economic Research- Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), pp. 101-127.
  14. Export Competitiveness of the Croatian Food Industry Buturac,Goran, Željko Lovrinčević and Davor Mikulić, 2018, Argumenta Oeconomica, 41(2), pp. 135-155.
  15. Sectoral linkages of taxes: An input-output analysis of the Croatian economy Hodžić, Sabina, Damira Keček and Davor Mikulić, 2018, Ekonomický Časopis, 66(6), pp. 598–620 
  16. (De)industrialization and lessons for industrial policy in Central and Eastern Europe Stojčić, Nebojša and Zoran Aralica, 2018, Post-Communist Economies, 30(6), pp. 713-734.
  17. Sources of productivity differentials in manufacturing in post-transition urban South-East Europe Post-Communist Economies Bačić, Katarina, Ivana Rašić Bakarić and Sunčana Slijepčević, 2018, Post-Communist Economies, 30(4), pp. 526-548.
  18. International competitiveness and restructuring of the Croatian food industry Buturac, Goran, Željko Lovrinčević and Davor Mikulić, 2017, Acta Oeconomica, 67 (3), pp. 435–462.
  19. Transport infrastructure construction in Croatia: an analysis of public-private partnerships Grubišić Šeba, Mihaela, 2015, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15 (2), pp. 1–34.
  20. Export performance of the Croatian wood industry and its contribution to the overall Croatian economy Lovrinčević, Željko, Goran Buturac and Davor Mikulić, 2015, Forest Products Journal, 65 (3-4), pp. 159–165.
  21. Economic aspects of sin industry in Croatia Lovrinčević, Željko, Davor Mikulić and Ante Orlović, 2015, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 24 (2), pp. 175–196.
  22. Export competitiveness of Croatian textile industry – CMS analysis and importance for economy Buturac, Goran, Željko Lovrinčević and Davor Mikulić, 2014, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 24 (2), pp. 158–168.
  23. The impact of forestry and wood industry on Croatian economy Lovrinčević, Željko and Davor Mikulić, 2014, Šumarski list, 138 (11-12), pp. 551–562.
  24. The recent health reform in Croatia: true reforms or just a fundraising exercise? Švaljek, Sandra, 2014, Health Policy, 115 (1), pp. 36–43.
  25. Assessment of creditworthiness of crafts in Croatia Aralica, Zoran and Tomislav Budimir, 2013, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), special issue 2013, pp. 133–150.
  26. Research and development activity as a growth factor of foreign owned SMEs in selected Central and Eastern European countries Aralica, Zoran, Domagoj Račić and Denis Redžepagić, 2008, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 26 (2), pp. 279–300.
  27. Comparative advantages and export competitiveness of the Croatian manufacturing industry Buturac, Goran, 2008, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 21 (2), pp. 47–59.

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  1. The Impact of Transportation on the Croatian Economy: The Input–Output Approach Vukić, Luka, Davor Mikulić and Damira Kečerk, 2021., Economies, 9(1)
  2. Entrepreneurial intentions of students at private universities in transition economies, Jovanov Apasieva, Tamara, Edo Rajh, Jelena Budak i Ljupčo Davčev, 2021, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 72(2), pp. 157-184.
  3. Cooperation and netwenzking as determinants of the performance of the croatian wood cluster Ivana Rašić, 2021, Ekonomski pregled, 72(1), pp. 113-154.
  4. Entrepreneurship in post-communist countries : new drivers towards a market economy Ateljević, Jovo i Jelena Budak (ur.), 2018. Cham : Springer.
  5. The competitiveness clusters in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir, Katarina Bačić and Zoran Aralica, 2018, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista, 69(5), pp. 571-593.
  6. Institutions, and firms' performances in transition countries : the case of the selected CESEE countries Aralica, Zoran, Tonći Svilokos and Katarina Bačić, 2018, The South East European journal of economics and business, 13(1), pp. 68-80.
  7. Perspective on development of food and beverage industry in the international environment : The case of Croatia Buturac, Goran, 2018, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista, 69(2), pp. 131-162.
  8. Youth and entrepreneurial intentions in four South-East European countries Rajh, Edo, Tamara Jovanov Apasieva, Jelena Budak, Jovo Ateljević, Ljupčo Davčev and Kosovka Ognjenović, 2018,  International Review of Entrepreneurship, 18(3), pp. 355-382.
  9. Creativity, innovations and firm's preformance in a emerging transition economy Stojčić, Nebojša, Iraj Hashi and Zoran Aralica, 2018, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista, 69(3), pp. 203-228.
  10. Structural characteristics of manufacturing industry in Croatia Prester, Jasna and Ivana Rašić Bakarić, 2017, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista, 68(4), pp. 341-383.
  11. Trends in Croatian manufacturing – what about servitization? : Survey results from 2015. with trends till 2018. Prester, Jasna, Iztok Palčić, Božidar Matijević, Ivan Kumić and Ivana Rašić Bakarić, 2017. Zagreb : Faculty of economics and business, Zagreb.
  12. Financing preferences of European SMEs Grubišić Šeba, Mihaela, 2016. In J. Ateljević i J. Trivić (Eds.), Economic development and entrepreneurship in transition economies : issues, obstacles and perspectives, pp. 185-204. New York: Springer
  13. Is creative economy in Croatia a myth or reality? Some evidence on the impact of creativity on regional economic growth Stojčić, Nebojša, Katarina Bačić and Zoran Aralica, 2016, Croatian Economic Survey, 18 (2), pp. 113138.
  14. Analysing a bottom up methodology for developing communal biogas plants in Croatia Đukan, Mak and Zoran Aralica, 2015, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 3 (4), pp. 359–371.
  15. Combating fiscal constraints for PPP development Grubišić Šeba, Mihaela, Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović and Sunčana Slijepčević, 2014, Managerial Finance, 40 (11), pp. 1112–1130.
  16. Stylized facts on productivity growth: evidence from firm-level data in Croatia Iootty Mariana, Paulo Correa, Sonja Radas and Bruno Škrinjarić, 2014, Policy Research Working Paper, 6990, pp. 1–33.
  17. Croatian manufacturing industry adjustment mechanisms : analysis in terms of labour market Botrić, Valerija, 2012, Ekonomski vjesnik, 25(1), pp. 121-133.
  18. Financial reporting and auditing according to the EU acquis Grubišić Šeba, Mihaela, 2012, Računovodstvo i financije, 58 (2), pp. 78–86.
  19. Strategy and firm performance in the Croatian textile and clothing industry Anić, Ivan-Damir, Edo Rajh and Ivan Teodorović, 2011, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 62 (1–2), pp. 35–47.
  20. The analysis of the competitiveness and structural characteristics of Croatian manufacturing Rašić Bakarić, Ivana and Maruška Vizek, 2010, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 61 (5–6), pp. 241–270.
  21. Firms’ characteristics, strategic factors and firms’ performance in the Croatian manufacturing industry Anić, Ivan-Damir, Edo Rajh and Ivan Teodorović, 2009, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 60 (9–10), pp. 413–431.
  22. International trade of croatian chemical industry summary Buturac, Goran, 2009, Ekonomski vjesnik, 22(1), str. 93-102.
  23. Full manufacturing versus subcontracting business models in the Croatian textile and clothing industry Anić, Ivan-Damir, Edo Rajh and Ivan Teodorović, 2008, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 59 (7–8), pp. 325–343.
  24. Business group taxation in Croatia and the implications of the EU framework adoption Grubišić, Mihaela and Ivan Čevizović, 2008, Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, special conference issue, December 2008, pp. 113–135.
  25. Export strategies as a factor of SME growth in Croatia Račić, Domagoj, Zoran Aralica and Denis Redžepagić, 2008, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 8 (3), pp. 286–304.
  26. Project financing of infrastructure Aralica, Zoran, Domagoj Račić and Jelena Šišinački, 2007, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 17 (112), pp. 52–87.
  27. Holistic approach to the possibility of positioning a company on the South-East European market – the case of Hrvatska elektroprivreda Kulić, Slavko, Zoran Aralica and Vladimir Cvijanović, 2007, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 58 (7–8), pp. 421–444.
  28. Perspectives of industrial production in Croatia and intra-industry trade Teodorović, Ivan and Goran Buturac, 2006, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 57 (11), pp. 705-728.
  29. EU energy policy and Croatian perspectives Teodorović, Ivan, Zoran Aralica and Denis Redžepagić, 2006, Ekonomija (Economics), časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i politiku, 13 (1), pp. 195–215.
  30. The apple industry in Croatia: a value chain analysis approach Anić, Ivan-Damir and Mustafa Nušinović, 2005, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2 (3), pp. 211–225.
  31. The interdependences between capital value and selected ratios in manufacturing firms Aralica, Zoran, 2005, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 56 (11–12), pp. 1190–1216.
  32. Croatian retailing in transition towards European retailing: differences, convergence and perspectives Anić, Ivan-Damir and Mustafa Nušinović, 2003, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 13 (96), pp. 71–91.
  33. Structural changes in the retailing sector – development repositioning, consequences and expectations – the case of Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir and Mustafa Nušinović, 2003, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 54 (3–4), pp. 225–248.
  34. Retail trade and the economic environment Anić, Ivan-Damir, 2002, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 53 (9–10), pp. 883–902.
  35. Application of the electronic trade as possible mean for strengthening the market position of the Croatian retail trade Anić, Ivan-Damir and Đuro Njavro, 2000, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 13 (1), pp. 71–84.
  36. Croatian retail trade problems in the environment of European trade internationalization Anić, Ivan-Damir and Rudolf Vouk, 2000, Hrvatska gospodarska revija, 49 (1), pp. 40–52
  37. Comparison of regulation of lotteries and gambling sector in Croatia and European Union Anić, Ivan-Damir and Rudolf Vouk, 2000, Hrvatska gospodarska revija, 49 (3), pp. 1–10.
  38. Internationalization of European retailing and Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir, 1999, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 50 (5–6), pp. 593–612.
  39. Industry policy in European Union Anić, Ivan-Damir and Ivan Teodorović, 1999, Hrvatska gospodarska revija, 48 (8), pp. 1–12.
  40. The experience of transformation of retail sector in the Czech Republic in the environment of international foreign retail chains Anić, Ivan-Damir and Rudolf Vouk, 1999, Hrvatska gospodarska revija, 48 (3), pp. 87–96.
  41. Development trends and problems of retail trade in developed countries Anić, Ivan-Damir, 1998, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 49 (9–10), pp. 994–1009. 


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  1. Determinants of Strengthening Technological Capabilities of Different Sectors, 2024–2027 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  2. Business analysis of the private protection sector in 2024, 2024 Commissioned by: SECURITAS HRVATSKA d.o.o.
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  3. Social Impact Investment: development of company specific indicators, 2021–2024 Commissioned by: Mindsmiths d.o.o.
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  4. Citizens’ Perspectives on Illicit Activities, 2019–2023 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  5. Grants, innovativeness, and management styles – secret weapons of small firms’ resilience?, 2022–2023 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  6. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on entities in the creative and cultural industries – a case of two Croatian counties, 2022–2023 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Ivana Rašić
  7. Business analysis of the private protection sector in 2022 Commissioned by: Croatian security association - professional security chamber
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  8. The economic impact of 5G in Croatia, 2021–2022 Commissioned by: Croatian Telekom
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  9. The importance of micro, small and medium size enterprises for Croatia, 2021 Commissioned by: Media Val d.o.o.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  10. The analysis of the impact of the increase of excises, the introduction of minimal prices and restrictions in advertising on beer industry in the Republic of Croatia, 2021 Commissioned by: The association of beer, malt and hops of Croatian Chamber of Commerce
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  11. The influence of COVID-19 pandemics on activity of micro, small and medium size enterprises in Croatia, 2021 Commissioned by: Media Val d.o.o.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  12. Creative and cultural industries – before and after COVID-19, 2021 Commissioned by: Croatian Composers' Society (ZAMP)
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  13. Inspiring digital entrepreneurship – IDEA, 2019–2021 Commissioned by: European Commission – Erasmus+ KA203
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  14. Determinants of business success for women-owned firms (ZenPod), 2020 Commissioned by: 01 Content & Technology d.o.o.
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  15. Construction sector analysis, 2019 Commissioned by: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  16. Digital atlas of the HT Group, 2019 Commissioned by: Croatian Telecom
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  17. Support for establishing the system for strategic planning and preparing the 2030 National Development Strategy – Digital economy expert (DEEWB), 2018–2019 Commissioned by: The World Bank
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  18. Sustainability report for Coca-Cola HBC Croatia, 2018 Commissioned by: Coca-Cola HBC Croatia
    Project manager: Paul Stubbs
  19. Recommendations for the development of cooperative economy in the Republic of Croatia, 2018 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia
    Project manager: Tanja Broz
  20. Illegal Trade of Tobacco Products: Smuggling as Experienced along the Balkan Route – BALKANSMUGG, 2017–2019 Commissioned by: Philip Morris International
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  21. The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Western Balkans: Tackling the Challenges Towards Political Stability and Economic Prosperity (WB-DIGI), 2017–2018 Commissioned by: Deutsche Telekom, Telenor Norway, Telenor Serbia, Telenor Montenegro, Telekom Austria, SAP, Ernst&Young
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  22. The influence of digital transformation on economic outcomes in the Republic of Croatia (HR-DIGI), 2017 - 2018 Commissioned by: Croatian Employers Association
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  23. Impact evaluation of grants for young firms during the recession – GRANT IMPACT, (Tvoj Grant@EIZ), 2018 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (Tvoj Grant@EIZ)
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  24. Analysis of entrepreneurial potential with a focus on entrepreneurial intentions of young people in developing countries – ENIN, 2017–2018 Commissioned by: University "Goce Delcev"
    Project manager: Edo Rajh
  25. Determining the economically justified compensation for the right of path for the telecommunications infrastructure, 2017–2018 Commissioned by: Croatian Telecom Inc.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  26. Analysis of financial management of television broadcasters at the local level in Croatia in 2014 and 2015, 2017 Commissioned by: Agency for Electronic Media
    Project manager: Tajana Barbić
  27. Analysis of the impact of increased excise taxes, introduction of minimum prices and restrictions on advertising beer on the brewing industry in Croatia, 2017 Commissioned by: Brewers Association / Heineken Croatia
    Project manager: Marina Tkalec
  28. Analysis of market forces and the productivity of companies in Croatia, 2017 Commissioned by: EIZ Club
    Project manager: Bruno Škrinjarić
  29. The connection between electronic business and combating gray economy in Croatia (E-PAY), 2016–2017 Commissioned by: Komunikacijski laboratorij d.o.o. (VISA)
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  30. Economic atlas of HT Group – HT-ATLAS, 2016 Commissioned by: Croatian Telecom Inc.
    Project manager: Maruška Vizek
  31. Cross sectoral analysis of the Transport and Logistics Sector and Economics and Trade Sector (XSEK), 2015–2016 Commissioned by: Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  32. Creating a profile of the sectors for the Croatian Qualifications Framework (PROSEK), 2015 Commissioned by: Ministry of Labour and Pension System
    Project manager: Danijel Nestić
  33. Regional patterns of deindustrialization and prospects for reindustrialization in South and Central Eastern European countries, 2014–2015 Commissioned by: Global Development Network (GDN)
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  34. Consulting, research and development services in the project of establishing and building the innovation center of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, 2013–2015 Commissioned by: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  35. The effects of economic crisis on retail trade and prospects of overcoming the crisis, 2010 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  36. Development of crafts in Croatia – policy guidelines for 2011–2012, 2010 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  37. Analysis of the development and current state of the crafts in the Republic of Croatia, with the guidelines for the preparation of development strategy, 2009–2010 Commissioned by: Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts
    Project manager: Sandra Švaljek
  38. Development of the Croatian manufacturing industry by 2013 – strategic determinants and competitiveness, 2009 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Željko Lovrinčević
  39. Methodological foundations of a practical model for calculation of production price of finished products' inventories in sugar mill Sladorana d.d. Županja, 2008 Commissioned by: Sladorana d.d. Županja
    Project manager: Mihaela Grubišić
  40. Current situation and development of chemical industry in the EU and Croatia (DG and DH according to NACE), 2008 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  41. Current situation and development of Croatian manufacturing industry for the 2002–2006 period, 2008 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  42. The development of manufacturing industry in Croatia for the 2007–2015 period, 2008 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  43. Development strategy for the Croatian chemical industry for the 2007–2016 period (DG and DH according to NACE), 2008 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  44. Current situation and development of leather and footwear industry in the EU and Croatia, 2007 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  45. Current situation and development of textile and clothing industry in the EU and Croatia, 2007 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  46. Concept, strategy, system and politics of gasification of Republic of Croatia – in the new economic geography (geoeconomy) (2006–2011), 2007 Commissioned by: Plinacro
    Project manager: Slavko Kulić
  47. Predispositions of positioning HEP as the leader in electroenergetic market of South-East Europe – sociocultural understanding of post-conflict circumstances, 2007 Commissioned by: HEP Group
    Project manager: Slavko Kulić
  48. Development strategy for the Croatian leather and footwear industry for the 2007–2015 period, 2007 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  49. Development strategy for the Croatian textile and clothing industry for the 2006–2015 period, 2007 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship
    Project manager: Ivan Teodorović
  50. Prefeasibility study of the Županja bio-ethanol factory construction, 2007 Commissioned by: Kandit-Premijer d.o.o., Osijek, Sladorana d.d., Županja and Viro d.d., Virovitica
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  51. Croatian competitiveness barometer 2005–2006, part II, 2006 Commissioned by: National Competitiveness Council
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  52. The influence of Hrvatska elektroprivreda privatization on social-economic system of the Republic of Croatia, 2006 Commissioned by: HEP Group
    Project manager: Slavko Kulić
  53. Development plan of the port of Osijek, 2006 Commissioned by: Port Authority Osijek
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  54. Safe driving training center investment appraisal, 2005 Commissioned by: SINACO
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  55. Investment project on PET and cyclotron in Croatia: pre-feasibility study, 2004 Commissioned by: Ruđer Bošković Institute
    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović