Commissioned by: Ningbo University of Technology/CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center
Project duration: January 29 - June 29, 2024
Project manager: Zoran Aralica
Collaborators: Ivan-Damir Anić, Davor Mikulić, Bruno Škrinjarić
This report consists of two parts. In one part of the report an analysis of Croatia industry's development and innovation performance in Croatia is provided. Also, it reports about the leading companies in the selected industries. In the other part of the report, there are analyses of Industry Supply Chain and Competitiveness of Croatia. Also, this part of the report includes technical analysis of the selected industries in Croatia. Regarding the period, we evaluate the last ten years. However, for some datasets like World Input Output Datasets (WIOD) the latest dataset is available for 2020, so in this case the time of the analysis is 2010-2020.
RESEARCH AREA: Croatian economy