senior research fellow in permanent position, head of Department for Innovation, Business Economics and Business Sectors
senior research fellow in permanent rank
2007 PhD at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb
2004 MSc at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, PDS Operational Research
1998 university degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, study program in Finance
Employment and work experience
2023 head of department and senior research fellow in permanent position in the Department for Innovation, Business Economics and Business Sectors
2018-2023 head of department and senior research fellow in the Department for Innovation, Business Economics and Business Sectors
2012-2018 senior research associate
2007-2012 research associate
2000-2007 The Institute of Economics, Zagreb - research assistant
Research projects
2024 - Development of the system of efficient and successful public administration in the Republic of Slovenia and in relation to the EU, Agency for Research and Innovation Slovenia, visiting researcher
2024 - Developing an Artificial Readiness Framework for Citizen-Centric Public Management, Agency for Research and Innovation Slovenia, visiting researcher
2022 - R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS - POLICY ANSWERS (Horizon Europe, HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-06), team member
2019-2021 - Inspiring digital entrepreneurship - IDEA, Erasmus+ KA203, team member
2018-2020 - Establishment of a multipurpose classroom at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb - EIZmetrics - Ministry of Science and Education through European Structural and Investment Funds (Regional Development Fund) KK., coordinator
2017-2019 - REINDUCE Possibilities for reindustrialization of Croatian economy, Croatian Science Foundation grant, team member
2016-2018 - Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy (H2020-TWINN-2015), coordinator
2014-2015 - Regional Patterns of Deindustrialization and Prospects for Reindustrialization in South and Central Eastern European Countries, commissioned by Global Development Network through Regional Research Competition (WIIW), team member
2011-2014 - Innovation policy learning from Norway in Western Balkans, commissioned by Norwegian Research Council, team member
2007-2009 - U KNOW - Understanding the Relationship between Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Enlarging EU, commissioned by the European Commission (FP 6), voluntary participation
2005-2006 - Croatian Innovation Policy and Its Effects, commissioned by Global Development Network through Regional Research Competition (CERGE-EI), team member
Fields of interest
innovation economics
technological development
technological transformation
international economics
industrial policies
energy economics
international business
Selected training
2018 - Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Evaluation, BGSE - Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Barcelona, Spain
2017 - one-month visit to Bocconi University, within the SmartEIZ project, Milan, Italy
2013 - RTDI evaluation training, Institut Mihajlo Pupin, Belgrade, Serbia
2009 - Foresight training course, JRC Seville, Spain
2007 - The Role of the Private R&D Sector in New EU Member States, JRC Seville, Spain
2005 - 37th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
2005 - Public Action for a Knowledge-Based Economy in the Enlarged EU, workshop, Budapest, Hungary
2005 - International Project Management for Research Managers from Southeast European Countries, UNESCO-ASO-EARMA Training Seminar, Bled, Slovenia
2004 - Hertfordshire University workshop on institutional evolution, Great Offley, UK
2003 - Summer School: The Value of Culture, The Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University - AMSU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Aralica, Z. (2020). Koncept pametne proizvodnje kao rezultat difuzije naprednih digitalnih tehnologija. Računovodstvo i Menadžment - RiM 21, međunarodna znanstvena i stručna konferencija, Zbornik radova, Svezak I, Scientific papers - znanstveni radovi, pp. 51-62.
Bačić, K. & Aralica, Z. (2016). Innovation systems in Croatian regions. Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 25(2), pp. 157-178.
Đukan, M. & Aralica, Z. (2015). Analysing a bottom up methodology for developing communal biogas plants in Croatia. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment System, 3(4), pp. 359-371.
Budimir, T. & Aralica, Z. (2013). Assessment of creditworthiness of crafts in Croatia. Ekonomska istraživanja-Economic Research, 26 (Sup. 1), pp. 133-150.
Račić, D., Cvijanović, V. & Aralica, Z. (2008). The effects of the corporate governance system on innovation activities in Croatia. Revija za sociologiju, 39(1/2), pp. 101-114.
Kulić, S., Aralica, Z. & Cvijanović, V. (2007). Holističko sagledavanje mogućnosti i pozicioniranja poduzeća na tržištu jugoistočne Europe. Ekonomski pregled, 58(7-8), pp. 421-444.
Kulić, S. & Aralica, Z. (2006). Budućnost Hrvatske na dužničkoj doktrini - uzročno-posljedične veze potrošnje i inozemnoga duga. Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 24(1), pp. 39-54.
Aralica, Z. (2005). Povezanost vrijednosti kapitala i odabranih pokazatelja u proizvodnim poduzećima. Ekonomski pregled, 56(11-12), pp. 1190-1216.
Aralica, Z. & Budak, J. (2005). Institutional development and good governance assessments in Croatia. International Journal of Entrepreunership & Small Business, 2(3), pp. 226-241.