Commissioned by: Croatian Telecom Inc.
Project duration: October 15, 2017 – March 15, 2018
Project manager: Maruška Vizek
Collaborator: Marina Tkalec, Tajana Barbić, Tena Gržičić, Maruška Vizek
Brief outline:
The purpose of the project was to analyze the main determinants of the right-of-way fee on electronic communication infrastructure (ECI) in Croatia and European countries in order to determine whether the level of the fee in Croatia was appropriately set. Within the project we conducted the analysis divided into four segments. In the first segment we studied the regulatory framework of the right-of-way fees on ECI in Croatia and other European countries. In the second segment we looked into the cost burden the right-of-way fee posed to telecoms in the region. In the third segment, the right-of-way fee was analyzed in the context of the digital development of individual countries, while in the fourth segment we analyzed the right-of-way fee in the context of the value of the land through which ECI passed. The result of the analysis was a set of recommendations for public policy makers.