An analysis of the “Employment and social situation in Croatia” for the European Parliament

Commissioned by: The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament
Project duration: October 1, 2019 – October 11, 2019
Project manager: Iva Tomić
Collaborators: Ivica Rubil, Paul Stubbs, Danijel Nestić

The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament requested an in-depth analysis of the employment and social situation in Croatia in view of its delegation visit to Croatia in October 2019.   

The analysis conveyed key facts about the economy and analyzed indicators related to the situation in employment and social inclusion, including the social dialogue structures in place. It also provided an overview of the priorities of and results achieved by employment and social policies in Croatia, including a brief overview of relevant legislation in the fields of employment, social protection, and working conditions, including health and safety at work. The overview also included the role of social partners and NGOs in policy design and implementation. Additionally, a brief analysis of the use of ESF funding and the Youth Employment Initiative in Croatia was also a part of the report, as well as a brief outline of the announced priorities of the Croatian Presidency of the EU in the field of employment and social affairs.

RESEARCH AREAS: Labor market and competencies; Inequality, poverty and social policy

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