Paul Arthur Stubbs, PhD


  • 1988 PhD at the University of Bath, Great Britain (social sciences - sociology)
  • 1985 university degree at the University of Warwick, Great Britain (social work)
  • 1981 MA at the University of Leicester, Great Britain (sociology)
  • 1980 university degree at the University of Hull, Great Britain (social sciences)

Employment and work experience

  • since 2003 - The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
  • 1997-2003 - University of Sheffield (associate senior researcher)
  • 1994-1997 - Metropolitan University of Leeds, England (researcher-associate at the Department for International Social Policy Research and visiting researcher at the Social Work Study Center of the University of Zagreb)
  • 1990-1992 - University of Bradford (lecturer in social work at the Department of Applied Sciences)
  • 1988-1990 - social worker of the Family Service Unit, Liverpool, England

Fields of interest

  • Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion 
  • International Actors and the Reform of Social Protection Systems 
  • Global Social Policies 
  • Urban Social Movements and Left-Green Politics 
  • Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement 
  • Social and Environmental Impact

Selected bibliography

  • Paul Stubbs (ed.) (2023) Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: social, cultural, political and economic imaginaries. McGill-Queens' University Press, forthcoming.
  • Paul Stubbs (2021) "Yugocentrism and the Study of the Non-Aligned Movement: towards a decolonial historiography", History in Flux 3: 133-155.
  • Paul Stubbs (2019) "Towards a Political Economy of Social Welfare in Croatia", Economic Annales 223: 105-136.
  • Paul Stubbs and Noemi Lendvai-Bainton (2019) "Authoritarian Neoliberalism, Radical Conservatism and Social Policy Within the European Union: Croatia, Hungary and Poland", Development & Change 51(23): 540-560.
  • Sofiya An, Tatiana Chubarova, Bob Deacon and Paul Stubbs (eds.) (2019) Social Policy, Poverty, and Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: agency and institutions in flux. Ibidem-Verlag.
  • Paul Stubbs (2018) ‘Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow: power, expertise and the hegemonic temporalities of austerity’, Innovation 31(1): 25-39.
  • Rory Archer, Igor Duda and Paul Stubbs (eds.) (2016) Social Inequalities and Discontent in Yugoslav Socialism. Routledge.  

List of publications (Croatian Scientific Bibliography - CROSBI)