Edo Rajh, PhD

Edo Rajh, PhD
  • E-MAIL:
    senior research fellow in permanent position
    senior research fellow in permanent rank


  • 2004 PhD at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb
  • 2001 MA at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb
  • 1998 university degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb

Employment and work experience

  • since 2001 - The Institute of Economics, Zagreb

Fields of interest

  • consumer behavior
  • consumer research methodology
  • consumer privacy concern

Professional associations

  • Association for Consumer Research


  • "Fedor Rocco" Award for the paper "Organizational buying decision approaches in manufacturing industry: developing measures and typology", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(2), 227-237.
  • "Bergson" Prize for the Best Paper Published in Comparative Economic Studies in 2013 and 2014, for the paper “Bureaucratic monopoly and the nature and timing of bribes: Evidence from Croatian data”, 55(1), 43-58.

Selected bibliography

  • Anić, Ivan-Damir; Jelena Budak; Edo Rajh; Vedran Recher; Vatroslav Škare, and Bruno Škrinjarić. 2019. Extended model of online privacy concern: What drives consumers’ decisions?. Online Information Review, 43(5), 799-817.
  • Sinčić Ćorić, Dubravka; Ivan-Damir Anić; Sunčana Piri Rajh; Edo Rajh, and Nataša Kurnoga. 2017. Organizational buying decision approaches in manufacturing industry: Developing measures and typology. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(2), 227-237.
  • Rajh, Edo; Jelena Budak, and Ivan-Damir Anić. 2016. Hofstede's culture value survey in Croatia: Examining regional differences. Društvena istraživanja, 25(3), 309-327.
  • Božić, Ljiljana and Edo Rajh. 2016. The factors constraining innovation performance of SMEs in Croatia. Ekonomska istraživanja-Economic Research, 29(1), 314-324.
  • Anić, Ivan-Damir; Edo Rajh, and Sunčana Piri Rajh. 2015. Exploring consumers’ food-related decision-making style groups and their shopping behaviour. Ekonomska istraživanja-Economic Research, 28(1), 63-74.
  • Anić, Ivan-Damir; Sunčana Piri Rajh, and Edo Rajh. 2014. Antecedents of food-related consumer decision-making styles. British Food Journal, 116(3), 431-450.
  • Rajeev K. Goel; Jelena Budak, and Edo Rajh. 2014. Private sector bribery and effectiveness of anti-corruption policies. Applied Economics Letters, 22(10), 759-766.
  • Budak, Jelena and Edo Rajh. 2014. Corruption as an obstacle for doing business in the Western Balkans: A business sector perspective. International Small Business Journal, 32(2), 140-157.
  • Budak, Jelena; Edo Rajh, and Ivan-Damir Anić. 2014. Privacy concern in Western Balkan countries: Developing a typology of citizens. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 17(1), 29-48.
  • Budak, Jelena and Edo Rajh. 2012. Corruption survey in Croatia: Survey confidentiality and trust in institutions. Društvena istraživanja, 21(2), 291-313.
  • Anić, Ivan-Damir; Edo Rajh, and Arnela Bevanda. 2012. Decision‐making styles of young consumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Young Consumers, 13(1), 86-98.
  • Anić, Ivan-Damir; Anita Ciunova-Suleska, and Edo Rajh. 2010. Decision-making styles of young-adult consumers in the Republic of Macedonia. Ekonomska istraživanja-Economic Research, 23(4), 102-113.

List of publications (Croatian Scientific Bibliography - CROSBI)