Prof. Maruška Vizek, PhD

Prof. Maruška Vizek, PhD
  • E-MAIL:
    senior research fellow
    senior research fellow in permanent rank and full professor with tenure


  • 2023-2024 - Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, a Fullbright Exchange Program, Boston University, USA
  • 2007 - PhD at the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb 
  • 2006 - MSc at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb 
  • 2004 - MBA in finance at IGBS, Zagreb, in cooperation with the Kelley School of Business, USA 
  • 1997-2002 graduate program in macroeconomics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb

Employment and work experience

  • 2020 - assistant director
  • 2016-2020 - director
  • 2016 - acting director
  • 2014-2016 - deputy director 
  • 2012-2014 - senior research associate 
  • 2008-2012 - research associate 
  • 2003-2008 - research assistant 

Selected training

  • 2024 - "Generative AI Enhancement Workshop",  workshop organized by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  • 2024 - "Web Mining and Graph Analytics", graduate level Data Science course completed at Metropolitan College, Boston University, Boston, USA
  • 2023 - "Foundations of Analytics and Data Visualization" and "Foundations of Machine Learning", graduate level Data Science courses completed at Metropolitan College, Boston University, Boston, USA
  • 2017 - "Introduction to Multilevel Analysis" summer school organized by Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • 2016 - "Statistical Programming with R" summer school organized by Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • 2015 - "Monetary policy analysis" seminar organized by the Joint Vienna Institute and the IMF, Vienna, Austria
  • 2015 - "Dynamic and non-linear panel data models" summer school organized by Barcelona GSE, Barcelona, Spain (lecturer dr. Sergi Jimenes-Martin)
  • 2015 - "Advanced time series econometrics" seminar organized by the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia (lecturer dr. Junsoo Lee)
  • 2015 - "Panel data econometrics" seminar organized by the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia (lecturer dr. Junsoo Lee)
  • 2011 - "Non-linear econometrics" seminar organized by the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia (lecturer dr. Junsoo Lee)
  • 2009 - "Macroeconomic diagnostics" seminar organized by the IMF, Washington, USA
  • 2008 - "Statistical methods for economic analysis and forecasting" postgraduate study organized by the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2006 - "Macroeconomic forecasting" seminar organized by the Joint Vienna Institute and the IMF, Vienna, Austria
  • 2005 - "Monetary policy and business cycle" and "Fiscal policy and business cycle" summer schools organized by University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (lecturer dr. Jordi Gali)

Research grants

  • 2023-2024 - “Working from Home and Well-being: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Research Approach”, Office Ergonomics Research Committee grant, Boston University project, team member
  • 2020-2024 - "Too much of a good thing? The effects of tourism on the housing market in Croatia", Croatian Science Foundation grant, project manager
  • 2019-2021 - "Inspiring digital entrepreneurship - IDEA", Erasmus+ KA203, team member
  • 2016-2018 - Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of smart specialisation strategy - SmartEIZ, H2020 grant, team member
  • 2015-2018 - Channells and effectiveness of fiscal devaluations - FIDE, Croatian Science Foundation grant, team member
  • 2014-2017 - Economic, statistical and political aspects of sovereign bond markets - SOBOM, Croatian Science Foundation grant, project manager
  • 2009-2010 - Determinants of house prices in transition economies, Global Development Network and CERGE-EI grant, project manager

Fields of interest

  • Applied macroeconomics
  • International finances
  • International economics
  • Tourism economics
  • Housing economics

Selected bibliography

  • Stojčić, N., Vizek, M. and J. Glaurdić (2024) "Short-term rental expansion and residential displacement in tourism communities: evidence from Croatia", Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2024.2346664.
  • Stojčić, N. and M. Vizek (2024) "Did COVID-19 grants support tourism firms in securing survival and employment? Evidence from Croatia", Tourism Management, 104.
  • Vizek, M., Barbić, T. and A. Čeh Časni (2024) "The impact of the tourism accommodation composition on housing prices: The case of Croatia", Tourism Economics, 30(1).
  • Holzner, M., Vizek, M. and G. Vukšić (2022) "Wage Bargaining Coordination, Taxation and Labor Costs: The Effects of Fiscal Devaluation", Comparative Economic Studies, 64.
  • Vizek M., Stojčić N., and J. Mikulić (2022) "Spatial spillovers of tourism activity on housing prices: The case of Croatia", Tourism Economics. DOI:10.1177/13548166221106442
  • Stojčić, N., Mikulić J. and M. Vizek (2022) "High season, low growth: The impact of tourism seasonality and vulnerability to tourism on the emergence of high growth firms", Tourism Management, 89. 
  • Mikulić, J., Vizek, M., Stojčić, N., Payne, J. E.,  Čeh Časni, A. and T. Barbić (2021) "The Effect of Tourism Activity on Housing Affordability", Annals of Tourism Research, 90. 
  • Vizek, M., Lee, J. and J. E. Payne (2020) "Oil prices and European household consumption expenditures", OPEC Energy Review, 44(1).
  • Glaurdić, J., Lesschaeve, C. and M. Vizek (2020) "Consolidated democracy advantage: Political instability and sovereign spreads in the EU", Comparative European Politics, 18.
  • Tkalec, M., Vizek, M. and G. Vukšić (2019) "Fiscal devaluation and real exchange rates in the Euro area: Some econometric insights", Review of International Economics, 27(2).
  • Holzner, M., Tkalec M., Vizek M. and G. Vukšić (2018) "Fiscal Devaluations: Evidence Using Bilateral Trade Balance Data", Review of World Economics, 154(2).
  • Payne, James E., Vizek, M. and J. Lee (2017) "Is there convergence in per capita renewable energy consumption across U.S. states? Evidence from LM and RALS-LM unit root tests with breaks", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70.
  • Payne, J., Vizek, M. and J. Lee (2017) "Stochastic Convergence in Per Capita Fossil Fuel Consumption in U.S. States", Energy Economics, 62.
  • Posedel, P., Tkalec, M., Vizek, M. and J. Lee (2016) "Time-Varying Integration of the Sovereign Bond Markets In European Post-transition Economies", Journal of Empirical Finance, 36. 
  • Njavro, M., Posedel, P. and M. Vizek (2015) "Is There a Regime Switching Behaviour of Real Estate and Equity Markets? Evidence from Emerging Countries", Prague Economic Papers, DOI: 10.18267/j.pep.560 
  • Tkalec, M. and M. Vizek (2014) "The Price Tag of Tourism: Does Tourism Activity Increase Prices of Goods and Services?", Tourism Economics, 22(1). 
  • Budak, J. i M. Vizek (2015) "The corruption mark-up: Is corruption cost incorporated in the prices of goods and services in emerging and developed countries?", Post-Communist Economies, 27(2). 
  • Tkalec, M. Vizek, M. and M. Verbič (2014) "Balance Sheet Effects and Original Sinners’ Risk Premiums", Economic Systems, 38(4). 
  • Ahec, A. Čeh, Č. A. and M. Vizek (2014) "The effect of housing and stock market wealth on consumption in emerging and developed countries", Economic Systems, 38(3). 
  • Čeh, Č. A. and M. Vizek (2014) "Interactions between Real Estate and Equity markets: an Investigation of Linkages in Developed and Emerging Countries", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 64(2). 
  • Ahec, Š. A. Čeh, Č. A. and M. Vizek (2012) "Does housing wealth affect private consumption in European post transition countries? Evidence from linear and threshold models", Post-Communist economies, 24(1). 
  • Posedel, P. and M. Vizek (2011) "Are house prices characterized by threshold effects? Evidence from developed and post-transition countries", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(6). 
  • Ivanov, M. Tkalec, M. and M. Vizek (2011) "Determinants of financial euroization in a post-transition country: Do threshold effects matter?", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 61(3). 
  • Tkalec, M. and M. Vizek (2011) "Purchasing power parity in a transition country: the case of Croatia", Comparative Economic Studies, 53. 
  • Posedel, P. and M. Vizek (2009) "Determinants of house prices in transition economies", Post-Communist Economies, 21(3). 
  • Vizek, M. and T. Broz (2009) "Modeling inflation in Croatia", Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 45(6).

List of all publications (Croatian Scientific Bibliography - CROSBI)