dr. sc. Tanja Broz

dr. sc. Tanja Broz
  • E-MAIL:
    znanstvena savjetnica
    znanstvena savjetnica


  • 2010. - doktor znanosti, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam "dr. Mijo Mirković" 
  • 2006. - magistar znanosti, smjer makroekonomija, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb
  • 2005.  - magistar poslovnog upravljanja, smjer financije i marketing, IGBS Zagreb u suradnji s Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, SAD
  • 2002. - diplomirani ekonomist, smjer makroekonomija, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb

Dodatno obrazovanje

  • 2017. – radionica „Macro-Financial Stability in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe“, Joint Vienna Institute, OeNB i ECB, Beč, Austrija
  • 2017. – radionica „Interaction of Monetary and Financial Stability Policies“, Joint Vienna Institute i Bank of England, Beč, Austrija
  • 2017. –  radionica „Systemic Macro Financial Risk Analysis“,  Joint Vienna Institute i MMF, Beč, Austrija
  • 2017. – radionica „Competitiveness, Growth and Crisis“, Joint Vienna Institute i Austrian Authorities, Beč, Austrija
  • 2016. – radionica „Public Governance and Structural Reform“, Joint Vienna Institute i Austrian Authorities, Beč, Austrija
  • 2015. – ljetna škola „Panel Data Methods“, Sveučilište Makedonija, Solun, Grčka
  • 2015. – radionica „Monetary Policy Analysis“, Joint Vienna Institute i MMF, Beč, Austrija
  • 2015. – radionica „Macroeconomic Policies in Times of High Capital Mobility“, Joint Vienna Institute, Beč, Austrija
  • 2015. – radionica „Financial Education“, Joint Vienna Institute i OeNB, Beč, Austrija
  • 2014. – radionica „Advanced Macroeconomic Forecasting“, Joint Vienna Institute i MMF, Beč, Austrija
  • 2013. – radionica „Macroeconomic Diagnostics“, Joint Vienna Institute i MMF, Beč, Austrija
  • 2012. – ljetna škola „2012 Econometrics Summer School at University of Cambridge”, Timberlake Consultants, Cambridge, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
  • 2008. – radionica „Time Series Econometrics“, CERGE-EI i Global Development Network, Prag, Češka
  • 2005. – studijski boravak, University of York, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
  • Radno iskustvo

  • 2002. - Ekonomski institut, Zagreb

Područja interesa

  • međunarodne financije
  • makroekonomija
  • monetarna ekonomika
  • tržišta kapitala

Izabrana bibliografija

  • Broz, Tanja i Ridzak, Tomislav (2017), Lending activity and credit supply in Croatia during the crisis, Journal of Policy Modeling, 39 (6), str. 1102-1116.
  • Botrić, Valerija i Broz, Tanja (2017), Gender differences in financial inclusion: Central and South Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 15 (2), 209-227.
  • Botrić, Valerija, Božić, Ljiljana i Broz, Tanja (2017), Explaining firm-level total factor productivity in post-transition: manufacturing vs. services sector, Journal of International Studies, 10 (3), str. 77-90.
  • Becker, Goran, Broz, Tanja i Ridzak, Tomislav (2016), The impact of state guarantees on trends in small and medium-sized enterprises in eastern Croatia, u Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth, Zbornik radova, Mašek Tonković, A. (ur.), str. 101-112.
  • Botrić, Valerija i Broz, Tanja (2016.), Exploring CESEE-EMU synchronisation patterns. Amfiteatru Economic, 18 (42), str. 255-268.
  • Botrić, Valerija i Broz, Tanja (2016), Bilateral Trade and SEE–Eurozone Countries Growth Rate Alignment, Managing Global Transitions, 14 (2), str. 137-155.
  • Botrić, Valerija i Broz, Tanja (2016), Competitiveness, trade with the EU and labour markets: challenges for the Western Balkans, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 11 (2), str. 20-32.
  • Broz, Tanja, Buturac, Goran i Tkalec, Marina (2015), To what extent does Croatia really cooperate with SEE countries in the fields of foreign trade, direct investment and tourism?, Economic Research, 28 (1), str. 879-906.
  • Broz, Tanja i Švaljek, Sandra (2014), Financiranje zdravstva u Hrvatskoj: od reforme do reforme, O zdravstvu iz ekonomske perspective, Vehovec, M. (ur.), str. 51-75.
  • Broz, Tanja i Dubravčić, Dinko (2011), The Dutch Disease in Unwonted Places – Why has Croatia been Infected While Slovenia Remained in Good Health?, South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 9 (1), str. 47-66. 
  • Broz, Tanja (2010), Introduction of the euro in CEE countries – is it economically justifiable? The Croatian case, Post-communist economies, 22 (4), str. 427-447.
  • Vizek, Maruška i Broz, Tanja (2009), Modelling Inflation in Croatia, Emerging markets finance and trade, 45 (6), str. 87-98.
  • Belullo, Alen i Broz, Tanja (2009), Do Fundamentals Explain the Behaviour of the Real Effective Exchange Rate in Croatia?, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Organisational Science Development: New technologies, new challenges, Rajkovič, V., Ferjan, M., Kern, T. Paape, B. (ur.), str. 109-130.
  • Broz, Tanja i Ridzak, Tomislav (2007), Exchange rate misalignment - a case of Croatia, Global Challenges for Competitiveness: Business and Government Perspective, Zbornik radova, Kersan Škabić, I. i Krtalić, S. (ur.), str. 312-321.
  • Broz, Tanja i Ridzak, Tomislav (2007), Croatian Equity Market in Perspective of European Integration, Emerging Market Letters, 1 (1), str. 25-37.
  • Broz, Tanja (2005), The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: A Literature Review, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 15 (104), str. 52-78.

Popis radova u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji