Innovation and activities regarding research and development have become ubiquitous topics in economics today. The reason for this lies in the fact that highly innovative economies are the ones reaching the highest level of competitiveness. Additionally, innovations are regarded as the basic lever of socio-economic development of national economies today. Researchers at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb are primarily concerned with innovation at the level of an enterprise, but also with the functioning of innovation systems on a national and regional level. As far as innovation analyses are concerned, the emphasis is placed on the analyses of innovation at the level of enterprises, especially SMEs.

In addition, an important focus of the Institute's research also deals with the analysis of the effects of individual innovation programs, but also with the analysis of the effects of tax reliefs in connection with research and development projects on the overall level of innovation in Croatia. It is important to note that a higher level of innovation is usually present within foreign-owned enterprises when compared to domestic-owned enterprises, which can be explained by the presence of foreign direct investments (FDI) within such enterprises. Our researchers are therefore interested in the effects knowledge transfer exerts over enterprise innovation as well as in the effects knowledge transfer exerts over the productivity of such enterprises in case of foreign direct investments.

Finally, it is a well-known fact that an increased level of innovation also depends on the availability of financial means within the national economy. Because of that, researchers at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb regard the topic of the availability of financial means and their influence on innovation as highly important, as well as the topic of determinants of innovation financing on a macro and micro level.

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  1. The digital divide and E-government in European economies Botrić, Valerija and Ljiljana Božić, 2021, Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, paper published online January 4, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2020.1863828
  2. Incentive compatible surveys via posterior probabilities Cvitanić Jakša, Dražen Prelec, Sonja Radas and Hrvoje Šikić, 2020, Theory of Probability and its Applications, 65(2), pp. 368-408.
  3. Regional Perspective on R&D Policies for SMEs: Does Success Breed Success? Radas, Sonja, Andrea Mervar and Bruno Škrinjarić, 2020, Sustainability, 12(9), pp. 1-25.
  4. Whose data can we trust: How meta-predictions can be used to uncover credible respondents in survey data Radas, Sonja and Dražen Prelec, 2019, PLoSOne, paper published online December 2, 2019., DOI:
  5. National Innovation Systems: Where Do Government and Business Diverge Vlačić, Ernest, Marina Dabić and Zoran Aralica, 2018, Društvena istraživanja, 27(4), pp. 649-669.
  6. Antecedents and outcomes of fashion innovativeness in retailing Anić, Ivan-Damir, Mirela Mihić and Ivana-Kursan Milaković, 2018, The Service Industries Journal, 38(9-10), pp. 543-560.
  7. Regional competitiveness in the context of “New industrial policy” – the case of Croatia Bačić, Katarina and Zoran Aralica, 2017, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 35 (2), pp. 551–582.
  8. Access to finance: innovative firm's perceptions in post-transition EU members Botrić, Valerija and Ljiljana Božić, 2017, Economics and Management, 20 (1), pp. 129–143. 
  9. Eco-innovations in Croatia: exploring entrepreneurs’ motivation Božić, Ljiljana and Valerija Botrić, 2017, Journal of East European Management Studies, 22 (4), pp. 484–510.
  10. Innovation systems in Croatian regions Bačić, Katarina and Zoran Aralica, 2016, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 25 (2), pp. 157–178. 
  11. Business–government relationship in European post-transition countries: do innovators get the worse end of a stick? Botrić, Valerija and Ljiljana Božić, 2016, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 49E, pp. 5–21. 
  12. The factors constraining innovation performance of SMEs in Croatia Božić, Ljiljana and Edo Rajh, 2016, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 29 (1), pp. 314–324. 
  13. Enabling innovation and creativity in market-oriented firms Božić, Ljiljana and Ðurđana Ozretić Došen, 2015, Baltic Journal of Management, 10 (2), pp. 144–165. 
  14. The effects of public support schemes on small and medium enterprises Radas, Sonja, Ivan-Damir Anić, Azra Tafro and Vanja Wagner, 2015, Technovation, 38, pp. 15–30.
  15. Evaluation of research and development tax incentives scheme in Croatia Aralica, Zoran and Valerija Botrić, 2013, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 26 (3), pp. 63–80. 
  16. Overcoming failure: abandonments and delays of innovation projects in SMEs Radas, Sonja and Ljiljana Božić, 2012, Industry and Innovation, 19 (8), pp. 649–669. 
  17. The antecedents of SME innovativeness in an emerging transition economy Radas, Sonja and Ljiljana Božić, 2009, Technovation, 29, pp. 438–450. 
  18. Research and development activity as a growth factor of foreign-owned SMEs in selected Central and Eastern European countries Aralica, Zoran, Domagoj Račić and Denis Redžepagić, 2008, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 26 (2), pp. 279–300. 
  19. Industry-science collaboration in Croatia: academics' view Radas, Sonja and Maja Vehovec, 2006, Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 15 (3), pp. 345–369. 
  20. Seasonal marketing and timing new product introduction Radas, Sonja and Steven Shugan, 1998, Journal of Marketing Research, 35 (3), pp. 296–315. 

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  1. Human capital as barrier to innovation : post-transition experience Botrić, Valerija and Ljiljana Božić, 2018,  International journal of innovation and technology management, 15(4), pp. 1-17.
  2. Creativity, innovations and firm's preformance in a emerging transition economy Stojčić, Nebojša, Iraj Hashi and Zoran Aralica, 2018, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista, 69(3), pp. 203-228.
  3. Innovation investment decisions: are post(transition) economies different from the rest of the EU? Božić, Ljiljana and Valerija Botrić, 2017, Eastern journal of European studies, 8 (2), pp. 25–43.
  4. Determinants of innovation in Croatian SMEs – comparison of service and manufacturing firms Božić, Ljiljana and Pierre Mohnen, 2016, Market – Tržište, 28 (1), pp. 7–27. 
  5. Fostering innovation through creativity stimulation methods in Croatia Botrić, Valerija and Ljiljana Božić, 2015, The International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, 8 (1), pp. 7–24. 
  6. The access to finance in Croatia – are innovative firms in a disadvantaged position? Botrić, Valerija and Ljiljana Božić, 2015, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 66 (5), pp. 431–454. 
  7. Innovators' vs. non-innovators' perceptions of corruption in European post-transition economies Botrić, Valerija and Ljiljana Božić, 2015, The International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, 8 (3), pp. 47–58. 
  8. Evaluating additionality of an innovation subsidy program targeted at SMEs: an exploratory study Radas, Sonja and Ivan-Damir Anić, 2013, Croatian Economic Survey, 15 (1), pp. 61–88.
  9. Exploring relationships among internationalization, choice for research and development approach and technology source and resulting innovation intensity: case of a transition country Croatia Dabić, Marina, Daim Turgul, Zoran Aralica and Elvan A. Bayraktaroglu, 2012, The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 23 (1), pp. 15–25. 
  10. Financing innovations: interdependence between micro- and macro- understanding Aralica, Zoran, 2011, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 62 (9–10), pp. 544–558. 
  11. Constraints to innovation activities in Croatian enterprises Božić, Ljiljana, 2011, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 62 (3–4), pp. 177–189. 
  12. Marketing innovations in Croatia Božić, Ljiljana, 2011, Tržište: časopis za tržišnu teoriju i praksu, 23 (1), pp. 63–72. 
  13. Innovation propensity in the EU candidate countries Božić, Ljiljana and Valerija Botrić, 2011, Transition Studies Review, 18 (2), pp. 405–417. 
  14. Factors influencing NPD process type: analysis of leading Croatian enterprises Radas, Sonja, 2011, International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 10 (2), pp. 198–216.
  15. R&D activities as a growth factor of foreign-owned SMEs in Croatia Aralica, Zoran, Domagoj Račić and Denis Redžepagić, 2009, Croatian Economic Survey, 11 (1), pp. 73–94. 
  16. Destiny or decision: competitive performance and its relationship to innovation Radas, Sonja, Marina Dabić and Vesna Andrijević-Matovac, 2009, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 11 (4), pp. 292–312. 
  17. Innovation propensity in Croatian enterprises: results of the community innovation survey Aralica, Zoran, Domagoj Račić and Dubravko Radić, 2008, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 3 (1), pp. 77–88. 
  18. Collaboration of Croatian enterprises on innovation development Božić, Ljiljana, 2008, Croatian Economic Survey, 10, pp. 93–109. 
  19. The effects of the corporate governance system on innovation activities in Croatia Račić, Domagoj, Vladimir Cvijanović and Zoran Aralica, 2008, Revija za sociologiju, 39 (1/2), pp. 101–114.
  20. The effects of market orientation on product innovation Božić, Ljiljana, 2007, Croatian economic survey, 9, pp. 107-134.
  21. The colaboration of Croatian enterprises on innovation development Božić, Ljiljana, 2007, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 17 (111), pp. 50–67. 
  22. Collaboration between industry and science : motivation factors, collaboration intensity and collaboration outcome Radas, Sonja, 2006, Croatian economic survey, 8, pp. 11-31.
  23. The effects of innovation activities in SMEs in the Republic of Croatia Božić, Ljiljana and Sonja Radas, 2006, Croatian economic survey, 8, pp. 33-52.
  24. The effects of marketing orientation on product innovation Božić, Ljiljana, 2006, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 16 (107), pp. 46–64.
  25. Multinational diffusion of innovation Božić, Ljiljana, 2005, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 56 (9), pp. 671–683. 
  26. Innovation development in leading Croatian enterprises: review of the most important findings Sonja Radas, 2005, Croatian economic survey, 7, pp. 167-192.
  27. The effects of innovation activities in SMEs in the Republic of Croatia Božić, Ljiljana and Sonja Radas, 2005, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 15 (103), pp. 30–50. 
  28. The effects of innovation activities in SMEs in the Republic of Croatia Božić, Ljiljana and Sonja Radas, 2005, Croatian Economic Survey, 8, pp. 33–53. 
  29. Motivational factors, intensity and the results of the economy and science cooperation Radas, Sonja, 2005, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 15 (102), pp. 60–80. 
  30. Competitive rivalry and competitive strategy in relation to product and process innovation in Croatian leading firms Radas, Sonja, 2005, Economics and Business Review, 7 (3), pp. 195216.
  31. Innovation development in leading Croatian enterprises: review of the most important findings Radas, Sonja, 2004, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 14 (100), pp. 167–192. 
  32. Innovation differences between service and non-service firms in Croatia Radas, Sonja, 2003, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 54 (9–10), pp. 809–822. 


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  1. Determinants of Strengthening Technological Capabilities of Different Sectors, 2024–2027 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  2. Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration and Acceptance by Citizens: A Comparison of Croatia and Slovenia, 2025–2026 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Youth
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  3. POLICY ANSWERS – R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS, 2022–2026 Commissioned by: European Commission – Horizon Europe
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  4. Contemporary determinants of innovation systems development and impact analysis, 2019–2023 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  5. Improving quality of subjective data for better decision making: Application to stated intentions, 2021–2022 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  6. Professional service for the implementation of mapping and forecasting within the project Scientific and Technological Foresight, 2021–2022 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education 
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  7. Service for the Interreg MED project – Building the blue biotechnology community in the Mediterranean, 2021 Commissioned by: Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovation and Investment
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  8. Developing a questionnaire for conducting research on e-Sports, 2020 Commisioned by: Valiance UG Podružnica Zagreb
    Project manager: Tanja Broz
  9. Predicted vs. Stated Preference: Application to Conjoint Analysis in Innovation Development, 2019–2020 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  10. Project monitoring and evaluation: Assessment of the Second Science and Technology Project, 2019–2020 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science and Education
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  11. Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialization Strategy (H2020–TWINN–2015), 2016–2018 Commissioned by: European Commission
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  12. COST Action CA15137: European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities – ENRESSH, 2015–2020 Commissioned by: European Union through COST Programme (COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
    Project manager: Maja Vehovec (EIZ member)
  13. Bayesian truth serum and its applications to conjoint analysis: A reliable way to assess user preferences for new products, services and policies (2015 FP7 Marie Curie), 2015–2018 Commissioned by: Research Executive Agency; European Commission
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  14. Investigating the impact of the innovation union (I3U) (H2020 project), 2015–2018 Commissioned by: European Commission
    Project manager: Andrea Mervar (EIZ team leader)
  15. Innovation policy learning from Norway in Western Balkans, 2011–2014 Commissioned by: Norwegian Research Council
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  16. Conducting a research on innovative potential of HU HR cross border region – Međimurje County and Koprivnica-Križevci County (INOPOT-MC-KKC), 2012 Commissioned by: Tehnološko-inovacijski centar Međimurje d.o.o. / European Commission - IPA
    Project manager: Zoran Aralica
  17. Evaluation of tax incentives aimed at stimulating R&D projects in the business sector, 2011 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
    Project manager(s): Sandra Švaljek / Zoran Aralica
  18. Evaluation of the innovation programs financed by the World Bank in Croatia, 2011 Commissioned by: World Bank
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  19. Consulting for the Central bureau of statistics regarding the projects GBAORD, CIS and CDH, 2009 Commissioned by: Croatian Bureau of Statistics
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  20. Academic patenting in Europe: database sharing, applications and extensions, 2009 Commissioned by: European Science Fund
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  21. Building up SEE technology transfer network to increase the benefits of University research for society and industry, 2006–2007 Commissioned by: Austrian Scientific Organization
    Project manager: Sonja Radas
  22. Croatian innovation policy and its effects, 2005–2006 Commissioned by: Global Development Network (GDN); Regional Research Competition (CERGE-EI)
    Project manager: Domagoj Račić
  23. Innovations in Croatian enterprises, 2001–2003, 2005 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia; National Competitiveness Council
    Project manager: Domagoj Račić
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    Project manager: Mustafa Nušinović
  25. Outline status report on Croatian industry, finance, science and technology, 2002 Commissioned by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
    Project coordinator: Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović